Dorothy you are not in Kansas any more.


Community Member
It was suggested that a new thread be started from the: Are you vaccinated thread, and rightly so. My personal opinion is that name calling is less than productive but, I am by no means a moderator. I am not particular hyper about "on topic" until in gets to the cost of shoes in Kansas City.

So by all means have at it. When I have time I will address the post #298 from the Vaccine thread.

A friend sent me a link to this just this morning. I am 50m in (1h 20m total).

I think it is excellent and the Big C (read: vast conspiracy) is impossible to not see, imo.

Well the game the left now plays (via the moving goal posts) is initially you couldn't just post information there had to be a link. Initially any link might do then the link then had to be from an approved source. Once those criteria were met then it had to be source material by their definition. At one time any link was ok, then the short versions became illegal and You Tube was the devil's work. Then the stipulation had to be the original source material which then became an imposition and heaven forbid you "require" me to waste my time watching all of that. Then multiple short links also became an outrageous "demand" and an imposition to watch.

On the other hand ANY source they use is by their very useage a valid and certified source of truth. Even though Snopes was dis-credited long ago as has WIKI leaks. The Rothchilds at one time had ownership of Rueters, I have not taken the time to see if they still do. That x number (I forgot the EXACT number owns. Virtually all of Main Street Media and all post the same drivel.
Reply to post #294 in vaccine thread.

I will give credit where credit is due! You are a master at manipulating information, my hat is off to you!

Now, can you please SHOW ME in my post where I used the word Demand, or even inferred such.

As you were aware when you replied, those were SUGGESTED ideas and referenced as one.

Your opinion, not with standing, does not negate that the information exists.

Yes, this is pointless. You can and will manipulate the information to prove water is indeed not wet.
Reply to post #294 in vaccine thread.

I will give credit where credit is due! You are a master at manipulating information, my hat is off to you!

Now, can you please SHOW ME in my post where I used the word Demand, or even inferred such.

As you were aware when you replied, those were SUGGESTED ideas and referenced as one.

Your opinion, not with standing, does not negate that the information exists.

Yes, this is pointless. You can and will manipulate the information to prove water is indeed not wet.
I think you can quote someone from another thread and post it here. Or tag them.
Reply to post #294 in vaccine thread.

I will give credit where credit is due! You are a master at manipulating information, my hat is off to you!

Now, can you please SHOW ME in my post where I used the word Demand, or even inferred such.

As you were aware when you replied, those were SUGGESTED ideas and referenced as one.

Your opinion, not with standing, does not negate that the information exists.

Yes, this is pointless. You can and will manipulate the information to prove water is indeed not wet.
Is this a reply to me?

I'm not sure that you can object to name-calling, if this is going to be the tone of your contributions.

You know I started looking into the claims that were being made in the other thread not becayse I had any 'animus' to disprove them, but because the claims were genuinely concerning. I thought to myself 'wow, really?', so I looked into it. It just happened to be the case that when I did look into it, every claim turned out to be a fabrication.

I don't think you have to operate as if we're 'opponents' or as if we all belong to 'the left'. I think anyone would be concerned at the kind of claims that are being made in some of these articles, so surely it's helpful if we're able to parse the misinformation from the truth here.
Coincidentally...this a reply for post #293 in the Vaccine thread.

1. As I stipulated at the very beginning this was never a serious inquiry. 2. Because of how carefully I worded my initial response the only door I left open to you was to attack me for attacking you. 3. A succinct statement that says roughly that Gates and Company want to kill off half the population, by the only accepted method of some non-editable live stream of Gates saying those words precisely. Of course that succinct statement does not exist and likely never will. 4. As a point of fact I don't use Google. 5. Of course you don't see the plan in plandemic when there is no source or method of information you will accept. 6. Yes again, this is pointless.
Is this a reply to me?

I'm not sure that you can object to name-calling, if this is going to be the tone of your contributions.

You know I started looking into the claims that were being made in the other thread not becayse I had any 'animus' to disprove them, but because the claims were genuinely concerning. I thought to myself 'wow, really?', so I looked into it. It just happened to be the case that when I did look into it, every claim turned out to be a fabrication.

I don't think you have to operate as if we're 'opponents' or as if we all belong to 'the left'. I think anyone would be concerned at the kind of claims that are being made in some of these articles, so surely it's helpful if we're able to parse the misinformation from the truth here.

Coincidentally...this a reply for post #293 in the Vaccine thread.

1. As I stipulated at the very beginning this was never a serious inquiry. 2. Because of how carefully I worded my initial response the only door I left open to you was to attack me for attacking you. 3. A succinct statement that says roughly that Gates and Company want to kill off half the population, by the only accepted method of some non-editable live stream of Gates saying those words precisely. Of course that succinct statement does not exist and likely never will. 4. As a point of fact I don't use Google. 5. Of course you don't see the plan in plandemic when there is no source or method of information you will accept. 6. Yes again, this is pointless.
Why is it so difficult for you to briefly explain the conspiracy? The narrative or the gist of it? Is it that difficult to summarize WHY you think this is happening?

Because I have my own theory. It's that you really don't know. Maybe you don't even understand the conspiracy that you spread because it's all a mish mash of information that's supposed to put together a picture. Well, what's the picture? I don't think there is a picture.

Or maybe if you started to put the picture together you would have to question that. It seems impossible to get a straight answer. I'm open to hearing what the worldview is, but there doesn't appear to be one. Or an explanation.
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Seems that conspiracy theories exist mostly to keep the divisions alive. They are not about facts or truth. They are not about trying to give information, they are about making one party trying to make themselves seem superior and the other person humbled and made to look foolish..
I wish this was a place where these thing didn't infect the community
Hey @acd,

1. Severe reduction of the global population. (Georgia Guidestones state down to 500 million.

2. Transhumanism. Modifying human beings in part to have them connected to the internet of things and to have complete control of them.
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Hey @acd,

1. Severe reduction of the global population. (Georgia Guidestones state down to 500 million.

2. Transhumanism. Modifying human beings in part to have them connected to the internet of things and to have complete control of them.
So is the argument that the vaccinated are controlled like invasion of the body snatches? The first point doesn't seem terribly likely to be true so i skipped it.
Seems that conspiracy theories exist mostly to keep the divisions alive. They are not about facts or truth. They are not about trying to give information, they are about making one party trying to make themselves seem superior and the other person humbled and made to look foolish..
I wish this was a place where these thing didn't infect the community
You are judging (again). You do it a lot and usually quite critically.
@acd , to me that would be like trying to explain why folks are psychopaths.