Doctor Who . . . ;D

I just found out a week ago that they had new episodes. I was like wthuh????? Why didn't I hear about this? *as if* :m067:

Oh, yes! :D

I missed last week's, but it'll be on again this Saturday. You must MUST see the Dalek episode. I won't even say another word about it because - spoilers, darling!
Oh, yes! :D

I missed last week's, but it'll be on again this Saturday. You must MUST see the Dalek episode. I won't even say another word about it because - spoilers, darling!

yup, quality dalek episode! :D
Saw the dalek episode. Very cool what she did for the Doctor. :) Watched the first part of the Wild West episode. Should be interesting.
Saw the dalek episode. Very cool what she did for the Doctor. :)

You realize that girl who was trapped inside the the Doctor's new companion, yes? Amy and Rory only have two episodes left and then Oswin will be the new companion after the mid-season break.
You realize that girl who was trapped inside the the Doctor's new companion, yes? Amy and Rory only have two episodes left and then Oswin will be the new companion after the mid-season break.

I had a feeling about that :D
Wait, so she actually is the new companion? We have another one the doctor meets in the wrong order? haven't we already done this? com'on moffat!
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You realize that girl who was trapped inside the the Doctor's new companion, yes? Amy and Rory only have two episodes left and then Oswin will be the new companion after the mid-season break.

Yeah, I knew but I was trying to avoid spoilers. At this point, I am not sure how in her present "form" she would be the new companion, you know?
She won't be a companion in the Dalek form. There are production photos of her in the Christmas episode in regular human form.
That last episode was emotionally brutal. I didn't think Amy's departure would be as heartbreaking as Rose's was, but was.
Did not like that one bit, nope. :mtap:
Sooo...sad - but I'm glad Amy made that choice. And while it was a blink in the Doctor's eye it really had been over a decade for them. She knew who she loved, and she went with her heart. But they did live full lives.
Ive only just watched it, been out on saturday, clicked record and forgot about it until I saw these posts, thanks for a reminder peeps :D

And I dunno how about you, but I really want more of the River story :) And where the hell did doctor's daughter go? Rrrrrr, I want to know everything :D :P
agree, I missed River Song. I wouldn't mind seeing her and the Doctor go through some more personal moments as a couple. Curious to see how the new companion matches up. But Amy/Rory deserved a better ending I think.
The Doctor's "daughter" was only his daughter as she was cloned from his DNA, and she died in that episode she was in.
The Doctor's "daughter" was only his daughter as she was cloned from his DNA, and she died in that episode she was in.

No, she didn't. Rewatch the end of that episode. Also, what goes on outside a show affects what happens on the Show. David Tennant was/is romantically involved with the actress who plays his daughter. This may have been a reason why she was not brought back to the show while Tennant was still the Doctor. But, they could bring her back now, or use another actress, since with the Doctor's DNA, she can regenerate.
The Doctor's "daughter" was only his daughter as she was cloned from his DNA, and she died in that episode she was in.

She died and then regenerated, and took off to see the stars:) im pretty sure we will see some of her at some point really :)