Do you want another Great Depression?

Do you want another Great Depression?

  • Yep, bring it on!

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • No, are you crazy?!!

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • I couldn't care less.

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • I'm not too sure what is going on.

    Votes: 2 10.5%

  • Total voters


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
I'm noticing a trend where people are so down on this Wall Street bailout that they not only don't care if we end up in another depression, but they want it. They feel it will bring about a social, political, and economic reform in America not seen since the American Revolution and they don't care if they have to pay an immense amount of money for food or sleep on the streets to bring it about.
I want it. I've got my investments wisely placed for a complete fall of the USA. Any drop will be good for purchasing US Dollar, and waiting until it rises again.

Plus it will teach the american government a thing or two about proper control of financial institutions.
I don't really want all the inconvenience of it, since I am by no means in a financial safe haven. I do think it might be better if it happens now rather than later, however. As the government goes on trying to fix the economy, there are sometimes short term benefits, but in the end it's just aggravating the problem. I think if we eek it out this time, it might be a lot worse the next.
Save up some cash and come to Northern Territory. There's plenty of land to go around, and we've enough water to maintain a LOT of hydro-agriculture for food.
No thanks.
Brian Williams interrupted my soaps today! Just kidding, I don't watch soaps, but he did interrupt one to tell everyone the economy was going down the tubes.

Quite fascinating.

I don't want a complete collapse, I'm struggling as it is but hopefully all of this will get people talking and reforming.
I'm just barely getting by as it is....I don't need more crap to deal with. :(
We've only got ourselves to blame for whatever messes happen because we're the ones voting these morons in to 'take care of us' or just not caring at all. People should be marching in the streets now demanding straight answers and accountability not just believing what CNN tells them.
Pfft, you just say that cause you get to live in En Zed

I just don't think it's something you should wish on yourself or others.
We've only got ourselves to blame for whatever messes happen because we're the ones voting these morons in to 'take care of us' or just not caring at all. People should be marching in the streets now demanding straight answers and accountability not just believing what CNN tells them.

You first.
Well I'm a business/economics major and am very much opposed to this bailout. Its harsh but people will have to suffer. I won't suffer necessarily but will have to scale back my life style a bit as will everyone
Well I'm a business/economics major and am very much opposed to this bailout. Its harsh but people will have to suffer. I won't suffer necessarily but will have to scale back my life style a bit as will everyone

Wow, what an unusual major for an INFJ. How do you keep from going insane?
It's gotta crash the dollar is not worth shit anymore. I don't think that you understand that if it crashes all the way we will be screwed along with the rest of the world. Greed has really messed things up now. We will end up giving away our forest land to banks and foreign governments if we do default. We as a nation will not be able to get credit in the world banks either. And my kids may have to live in a shack because that's all that will be around or affordable. We are in deep doo doo people. Glad I am able hunt and fish...:mlight:
Us ISFPs have been just waiting for an excuse to live in a shack and live off the land. :D
I am not sure what I want, but the 700 million dollar pay out doesn't seem like a very good idea.

And no it's not. It's just rewarding a kid who burnt down a house.