Do you really?


Permanent Fixture
I was just wondering if any of us have the same hobbies/interests in common. Not as exciting a topic as some, but I, for one, am the artist. I do sewing, photography, painting, drawing, the works. Hate dealing with technology. I find computers irritating because I cannot "rationalize" with them. They are cold and impersonal and I hate them. Still can't figure out my PDA except for the little I need to work the med program I use at my job!
i'm on the computer all the time

but i also:

play the accordian, banjo, and harp

i write

i sing
I daydream, I write, I draw, I meditate, also I love computers.

I tried yoga, and exercise, but I have a problem with keeping it regular. I get into it but something always happens I just don't care to do it afterwords.
-Nintendo video games (Super Smash Brothers series especially)
-Starting Magic: The Gathering but not that serious
-Chess, not too serious
-Computers (typology forums, wikipedia surfing)
-Most of all, observing life.

I'll come up with more later.
My main hobby is music. I sing in a church choir and play the piano - though not very well yet.

I like to read, go for long walks to look at old buildings and cemeteries, and follow politics (but I don't really like debating, and I would make a lousy politician. I just read and vote).
Writing, oilpainting and golf.
There isn't a whole lot I'd like to do, but I would love to roam the country taking pictures of old buildings. They have such character and personality! So unique, so unloved, unwanted even . . .

We found this abandoned schoolhouse once in the middle of nowhere Kansas and just kinda snooped around. It was fun. Made up stories about the former students, who they were, what they did, why they were no longer there. What's sad is that the cemetary was right next door. I know that's pretty common, since the schoolhouse and church were probably the same building, but it made me sad . . . all those children . . . scared myself witless . . .
Ooo, was that the gray stone one on the way to Grampa and Gramma's cabin? I love that one! ...with its cute little outhouse in the back, and nothing but prairie all around it (and one little tree).
Inkling said:
Ooo, was that the gray stone one on the way to Grampa and Gramma's cabin? I love that one! ...with its cute little outhouse in the back, and nothing but prairie all around it (and one little tree).

Yup, that's the one!!
I mostly just read ... about 2 books a week. I'll read anything, but my favorites are Chic-Lit, Historical Romances, biographies, and then of course magazines and news papers. I also love to do crosswords and I like to write.

And I'm not sure if this counts as a hobby, but at least once a month I treat myself to a spa-at-home. I will light candles and take a long, scented bath; followed by a pedicure, then a manicure, I style my hair, and then I cuddle up to a good book and a cup of coffee in my robe and keep the radio on in the background. It is the best and makes me feel like a million bucks!
CokeNut said:
I mostly just read ... about 2 books a week.
Wow, two a week. My teacher goes ESTJ (boot camp officer) about reading and he only reads a book a week. For the last 60 years, but that's irrelevant.
I wish I had that kind of attention span/dedication/free time.
sriv said:
I wish I had that kind of attention span/dedication/free time.

Have you ever heard of not being able to put the book down? Yeah, that's me. I've been known to go to work on NO Sleep because the book I started reading the day before was just so good i literally could not put it down.

For me it is a way to engage all of my senses without ever leaving my head. When the author writes " ... and they walked in the park holding hands, ... blah blah ..."

I can see her hair blowing in the wind; I see him stealing a glance at her while she brushes the hair away from her face; I can feel his heart beat faster as he realizes he loves her; I feel her chest compress because she can't breathe when he looks at her like that .... yadda yadda yadda ...

you get the picture? My mind is going 90 miles an hour when i read and it is better than any other high.
CokeNut said:
sriv said:
I wish I had that kind of attention span/dedication/free time.

Have you ever heard of not being able to put the book down? Yeah, that's me. I've been known to go to work on NO Sleep because the book I started reading the day before was just so good i literally could not put it down.

For me it is a way to engage all of my senses without ever leaving my head. When the author writes " ... and they walked in the park holding hands, ... blah blah ..."

I can see her hair blowing in the wind; I see him stealing a glance at her while she brushes the hair away from her face; I can feel his heart beat faster as he realizes he loves her; I feel her chest compress because she can't breathe when he looks at her like that .... yadda yadda yadda ...

you get the picture? My mind is going 90 miles an hour when i read and it is better than any other high.
I read 5 books a week. I'm always travelling whether it's in a car or a bus, or I have a break, or am eating dinner. These are times I can be reading. So I do.
Hell, I've been known to read during a WoW session.
CokeNut said:
Have you ever heard of not being able to put the book down? Yeah, that's me. I've been known to go to work on NO Sleep because the book I started reading the day before was just so good i literally could not put it down.

For me it is a way to engage all of my senses without ever leaving my head. When the author writes " ... and they walked in the park holding hands, ... blah blah ..."

I can see her hair blowing in the wind; I see him stealing a glance at her while she brushes the hair away from her face; I can feel his heart beat faster as he realizes he loves her; I feel her chest compress because she can't breathe when he looks at her like that .... yadda yadda yadda ...

you get the picture? My mind is going 90 miles an hour when i read and it is better than any other high.
ShaiGar said:
I read 5 books a week. I'm always travelling whether it's in a car or a bus, or I have a break, or am eating dinner. These are times I can be reading. So I do.
Hell, I've been known to read during a WoW session.

Sweet, sweet escapism.
sriv said:
CokeNut said:
Have you ever heard of not being able to put the book down? Yeah, that's me. I've been known to go to work on NO Sleep because the book I started reading the day before was just so good i literally could not put it down.

For me it is a way to engage all of my senses without ever leaving my head. When the author writes " ... and they walked in the park holding hands, ... blah blah ..."

I can see her hair blowing in the wind; I see him stealing a glance at her while she brushes the hair away from her face; I can feel his heart beat faster as he realizes he loves her; I feel her chest compress because she can't breathe when he looks at her like that .... yadda yadda yadda ...

you get the picture? My mind is going 90 miles an hour when i read and it is better than any other high.
ShaiGar said:
I read 5 books a week. I'm always travelling whether it's in a car or a bus, or I have a break, or am eating dinner. These are times I can be reading. So I do.
Hell, I've been known to read during a WoW session.

Sweet, sweet escapism.

wow, shai, I envy you your time . . . !! At least your work allows it, I suppose.
Kwistalline said:
sriv said:
CokeNut said:
Have you ever heard of not being able to put the book down? Yeah, that's me. I've been known to go to work on NO Sleep because the book I started reading the day before was just so good i literally could not put it down.

For me it is a way to engage all of my senses without ever leaving my head. When the author writes " ... and they walked in the park holding hands, ... blah blah ..."

I can see her hair blowing in the wind; I see him stealing a glance at her while she brushes the hair away from her face; I can feel his heart beat faster as he realizes he loves her; I feel her chest compress because she can't breathe when he looks at her like that .... yadda yadda yadda ...

you get the picture? My mind is going 90 miles an hour when i read and it is better than any other high.
ShaiGar said:
I read 5 books a week. I'm always travelling whether it's in a car or a bus, or I have a break, or am eating dinner. These are times I can be reading. So I do.
Hell, I've been known to read during a WoW session.

Sweet, sweet escapism.

wow, shai, I envy you your time . . . !! At least your work allows it, I suppose.
Heh. I'm just an unbelievably fast reader.
Do you actually retain what you read?? (no, don't answer that, you'll make me feel even more insignificant for being a seive)
Kwistalline said:
Do you actually retain what you read?? (no, don't answer that, you'll make me feel even more insignificant for being a seive)
Just the jist generally. I retain the book so I can find specifics later
ShaiGar said:
Kwistalline said:
Do you actually retain what you read?? (no, don't answer that, you'll make me feel even more insignificant for being a seive)
Just the jist generally. I retain the book so I can find specifics later
So what is the point of reading all the way through the book if you just want the jist? You could read an online summary. Am I missing something?
Reading for details takes away from the book for me, I don't know why. I like the general idea and the underlying ideal.

The big picture.