Do you live in the moment?

Do you live in the moment?

  • all the time

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • usually

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • sometimes

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • hardly ever

    Votes: 6 31.6%

  • Total voters
Nope. My mind is is never in the moment. I always somewhat detached from what's going around me; analysing the situation and and thinking about future possibilities that might be a result of the scenario. Even why I try to become fully involved with the experience, my brain won't let me.
This is something I've always really struggled with. My personality is very future oriented and I'm always looking towards the future, more concerned about how my actions now affect the future as opposed to right now in this present moment. I'm also very analytical, especially of myself and my own actions/processes.

I answered sometimes, but I'm hoping that soon enough I'll be able to answer most of the time. After taking up mindfulness training seriously I've noticed a huge difference in how I approach the world, I am much more grounded in the present and able to control my thought processes much more than I would have even a couple months ago.
..Yes! I do.
As much as I dream and plan my future daily, I don't let one second of reality slip by me.
I use to take it for granted and spent my life dreaming it away...instead of actually living it.


I give in.
I give in to pleasure, pain, name it.
I try to enjoy and appreciate every single moment I have before it slips away.

In what situations

All situations.. except when death is involved.
Would want to live in any other moment when someone I love dies.
I dunno if I'd be able to tell even if I did. I guess to me I feel like I'm simultaneously here, and in my head thinking about other stuff. A lot of the time I do feel like I'm one step ahead of my surroundings, like a really pathetic form of time travel.
I can. I usually have to be doing something physical that requires all my concentration. I will let you guess the best example of that. ;)

Other times, when I am out and about with people, I am normally fully present. I don't have any issues with embracing the moment if I feel it is worth my full attention. I am particularly mindful of the choices I make regarding whether something has my full attention.
When not struggling with dissociation, I slip into the present quite easily. I learned to meditate from a relatively early age from my mother, who has done so for several decades. Curiously, I have found that the former keeps me from relaxing enough to enter the latter.
Yes, sometimes I experience moments of incredible physical awareness. Usually only when I am alone and am concentrating on my breathing, like during yoga or meditation. It also happens when I am in a beautiful place, walking. I tried to describe the feeling to my friend and basically what I came to was that I just felt supremely alive. :) Because of that intensity I suppose I also interpret it as a spiritual experience of some kind.
when i was a pajama goddess i lived in the moment most every moment of my life because i had the luxury of doing so. now i try to spend my free time living in the moment, peppered with spasms of omg i need to study, and anyway my free time is pretty scarce these days...
i miss the moment.
wait, i'm having one right now!
I get caught up in moments, but do not live in them. I can dwell on them for very long periods of time, and have on rare occasions wished I had lived more openly in such moments. I have experienced moments I wish never stopped, but end up drifting down the river taking everything in and wondering as I go about that moment. A life can make a considerably big change in but a moment. A moment's mistake can be thought out and analyzed years later. I have experienced moments where I felt I should just be. I think entirely too much to live in a moment, though there are moments I wish I could have made last.
Sometimes... like when I'm running or hiking or doing something physical.
But for a lot of the really 'big' moments like diving or the Paris museums or Africa or the Himalayas, the memories are probably better than the actual moment.
Lately, I have been trying to, to lessen anxiety. It's hard to maintain calm and relaxed if you're always worrying about what will be, or never be. You can't control that.

Reminds of me that song "Que sera, sera, whatever will be, wil be, the future's not hours to see, que sera, sera."
Hardly ever.

I do meditate once in a while to experience the present moment, but unfortunately it only lasts the 20 or so minutes that I focus on the exercises. Other than that, though, it's as if my mind is always somewhere else, not necessarily the future or present, but some place outside of this place and time.

And like [MENTION=4108]Radiant Shadow[/MENTION], I also have dissociation which not only makes it hard to stay present, but also to feel present in general.
I try to. When I'm not tied down by impending homework, work, school, family gatherings...

My favourite is taking a walk along the beach esplanade. Feel the sun on my face, smile at strangers, and feel the high of exercise.

Second favourite is getting lost in the music I am playing. Good times.
my attention is split about 50-50, only rarely am I totally absorbed in the present.
I wouldn't have it any other way. It makes it very easy to remember to appreciate everything you have that day ... health, family, friends, etc.
It depends on the situation/moment. When I am out somewhere in nature then I tend to enjoy the moment, taking it all in, the beauty, the serenity. I also tend to (mostly) be in the moment when I am out with friends, but that took a bit of training. When I was younger I tended to get lost in thought, which didn't go over well (teased by friends).

But when I'm at work or studying, then my mind generally always wanders at some point. I tend to think about the future a lot, where I want to be, my goals in life, etc., but if something is bothering me, then my mind goes there.
Its all i have, its where choices lye, and its where we have the most influence...the present determines the most who you are, what you ve done or your potential contribute less to judgement. Its also probably the most treasured by the subconscious, i prefer living in the moment and keeping up to date, but i also like to reflect, and create oppertunities.