Do Feelers experience this alot?


Well-known member
The picture kind of says it all. The girl is a feeler, she is loving and she even made the reaper a cake ^^ But he goes ... ?

So is it common for feelers to experience this?
Are there any types in particular that would typically respond like this to a Feeler?

reaper and me2.webp
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lol. I'm not sure I'm clear on how to interpret this.

Is she tempting Death (who's obviously on Jenny Craig)?

Or is this concern for Death? (you need some meat on your bones, Mr. Reaper).
No, the girl is giving a cake (the cake is a sign of love) to the reaper (the reaper is someone who totally doesn't care about and is like: what are you doing?)
The cartoon means that the girl her friendship/love isn't confirmed by the other person but she gets neglected.
lol. I'm not sure I'm clear on how to interpret this.

Is she tempting Death (who's obviously on Jenny Craig)?

Or is this concern for Death? (you need some meat on your bones, Mr. Reaper).

lol wut? :p

Under the cloak, the grim reaper is a skeleton....who is being offered a cake. Obviously he hasn't eaten anything in a while. The joke is in there if you squint.

But... uh... yeah, that's definitely not the first thing that came to my mind, obviously. I take comfort in knowing I'm an original. :P :P
Under the cloak, the grim reaper is a skeleton....who is being offered a cake. Obviously he hasn't eaten anything in a while. The joke is in there if you squint.

But... uh... yeah, that's definitely not the first thing that came to my mind, obviously. I take comfort in knowing I'm an original. :P :P

Yeah, I definitely laughed :P
I don't know, as soon as I saw that image, I knew I was that little girl, giving something to someone but they don't want it. It's met with death and no emotion. Scares the shit out of me.
Yeah that is the history of my life. I think its how I became so withdrawn.
I don't know, as soon as I saw that image, I knew I was that little girl, giving something to someone but they don't want it. It's met with death and no emotion. Scares the shit out of me.

AWWWW thats what it means!! I'm the little girl too met with death and no emotion when giving :/ I'm glad you can relate!

oh, you made this drawing?

Not bad :)

why thank you :)
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AWWWW thats what it means!! I'm the little girl too met with death and no emotion when giving :/ I'm glad you can relate!

I'm not glad I can relate. It's all too familiar and close to home thank you very much.

I wonder how it would stand up to feelers, if the picture was reversed. If it was death giving the cake to the little girl but she wasn't interested. I mean, she's a little girl, the naivety on her part is understandable. But Death reaching out to someone, Death, who has long yearned for someone and to become more in touch with his emotions and others, is trying to reach out but it's met with hostility and contempt.
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I'm not glad I can relate. It's all to familiar and close to home thank you very much.

I wonder how it would stand up to feelers, if the picture was reversed. If it was death giving the cake to the little girl but she wasn't interested. I mean, she's a little girl, the naivety on her part is understandable. But Death reaching out to someone, Death, who has long yearned for someone and to become more in touch with his emotions and others, is trying to reach out but it's met with hostility and contempt.

Like this?

I'm not glad, it actually makes me sad that you go through it but I'm glad that I feel understood because you can relate. OH AMBIVALENCE! :(

Wow how interesting, I want a reversed representation of it!!!
Can you please describe what it would be? Could it possibly be like this?
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I'm not glad, it actually makes me sad that you go through it but I'm glad that I feel understood because you can relate. OH AMBIVALENCE! :(

Wow how interesting, I want a reversed representation of it!!!
Can you please describe what it would be?
Death just realises he was right by thinking 'Humans suck' and goes on killing them and taking revenge because he was rejected once again.
The little hope he had was now completely ruined by this girl, because she couldn't see how he really was, noone could...
Noone understood him, and now they'll pay for it.
I'm not glad, it actually makes me sad that you go through it but I'm glad that I feel understood because you can relate. OH AMBIVALENCE! :(

Oh, sorry if I came across as pissed, I wasn't.

Death just realises he was right by thinking 'Humans suck' and goes on killing them and taking revenge because he was rejected once again.
The little hope he had was now completely ruined by this girl, because she couldn't see how he really was, noone could...
Noone understood him, and now they'll pay for it.

But that attitude is classic resentment caused by social rejection. You turn angry and frustrated which leads to hate. That Death just needs to get over one of those flightly angels that ditched him!
But that attitude is classic resentment caused by social rejection. You turn angry and frustrated which leads to hate. That Death just needs to get over one of those flightly angels that ditched him!

Fear (of rejection) leads to hate, hate leads to angers, anger... leads to the darkside.