
Grey Wolf

Airborne all the way!
no idea
This is curious.
I've been taking those tests again and I've been having INTJ results. But heres the thing, when I read the traits, I seem to have 50-50 for INFJ and INTJ.

I dont seem to be either but rather both and apparently both are contrasts?
Hi Grey Wolf,

You and I must have some things in common. There is one test out there... that ranks the strength of each preference on a continuum.

I consistently get a weakish "F" score. (Apparently I am only semi-feeling. LOL!) My strongest preferences are the I and the J with N moderately strong and F not as strong, though a persistent preference.

Also, I seem to have become less F and more T as I've gotten older. T and F, for me, depend on the context; there are a few subjects that definitely get my F going. You too?

You can't be human without emotions. Nor can you be human without the ability to think (at least somewhat) rationally. They are both part of the very definition of being a person. T and F are not contrasts, just preferences on a continuum. It would be doing a disservice to T types (who are not psychopaths) to assume they have no feelings or are incapable of empathy, and it would be doing a disservice to F types (who manage to routinely accomplish tasks involving logic) to assume we cannot think.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :bounce:

Anyway, nice to meet you.
Hi Grey Wolf,

You and I must have some things in common. There is one test out there... that ranks the strength of each preference on a continuum.

I consistently get a weakish "F" score. (Apparently I am only semi-feeling. LOL!) My strongest preferences are the I and the J with N moderately strong and F not as strong, though a persistent preference.

Also, I seem to have become less F and more T as I've gotten older. T and F, for me, depend on the context; there are a few subjects that definitely get my F going. You too?

You can't be human without emotions. Nor can you be human without the ability to think (at least somewhat) rationally. They are both part of the very definition of being a person. T and F are not contrasts, just preferences on a continuum. It would be doing a disservice to T types (who are not psychopaths) to assume they have no feelings or are incapable of empathy, and it would be doing a disservice to F types (who manage to routinely accomplish tasks involving logic) to assume we cannot think.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :bounce:

Anyway, nice to meet you.

sounds exactly like me :peace:
I like your explanation of it.

nice to meet you too!
I have a similar problem, part of it may be gender-related, as males are expected to be more "logical". INFJ is Ni Fe Ti Se. INTJ is Ni Fi Te Si. So in both, the thinking and feeling are in the middle. This is probably why there is a lot of F/T confusion and not N/S confusion.

Te - extraverted thinking Ordering; organizing for efficiency; systematzing; aplying logic; structuring; checking for consequences; monitoring for standards or specifications being met; setting boundaries, guidelines, and parameters, deciding if something is working or not

Ti - introverted thinking
Analyzing; categorizing; evaluating according to principles and whether something fits the framework or model; figuring out the principles on which something works; checking for inconsistencies; clarying definitions to get more precision

Fe - extraverted feeling Connecting; considering others and the group - organizing to meet their needs and honor their values; adjusting and accommodating others; deciding if something is appropriate or acceptable to others

Fi -introverted feeling Valuing; considering importance and worth; reviewing for incongruity; evaluating something based on the truths on which it is based; clarifying values to achieve accord; deciding if something is of significance and worth standing up for.
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I do not yet understand the Ti Te Fi Fe system. But your post helped me a lot, thanks!! (Fi Fi Fo Fum!!!)

It seems like we could barely function without doing all of these things.

For instance, if someone was completely devoid of the ability to do Fe - extraverted feeling (Connecting; considering others and the group - organizing to meet their needs and honor their values; adjusting and accommodating others; deciding if something is appropriate or acceptable to others) wouldn't that pretty much make them autistic? And completely lacking in social skills?

I mean, even the most T types among us generally do things that are acceptable to others, etc. etc., and refrain from doing things that they know will get them beaten up or thrown in jail. (sensible of them, really.) So they must posess some ability to do the Fe thing.
INTJ is Ni Fi Te Si.

INTJ = Ni, Te, Fi, Se.

Janet said:
It seems like we could barely function without doing all of these things.

For instance, if someone was completely devoid of the ability to do Fe - extraverted feeling (Connecting; considering others and the group - organizing to meet their needs and honor their values; adjusting and accommodating others; deciding if something is appropriate or acceptable to others) wouldn't that pretty much make them autistic? And completely lacking in social skills?

I mean, even the most T types among us generally do things that are acceptable to others, etc. etc., and refrain from doing things that they know will get them beaten up or thrown in jail. (sensible of them, really.) So they must posess some ability to do the Fe thing.

You're right, everybody has all of the 8 cognitive functions and we all use all of them to some extent. The function order (which defines our type) is just the order we prefer to use them, it usually operates on a subconscious level.

For example, like anyone else INFJs use Se whenever they do some hands on, physical, "doing" kind of task (like playing sports for example), but it takes more energy and feels less natural for them to use Se than it would an ES*P. This is because they have a natural preference, before all the other functions for Ni, it takes the least energy and feels the most natural for them to use, so they'll be attracted towards Ni related activities (like fortune-telling. :lol: ).