Crystal & Indigo children

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Permanent Fixture
These people's names are derived from the aura they are said to emit. Crystal and Indigo.
They say there have been people born as this for a long time now, but it was in the 1970s a notable large wave of indigos came to the world. Then in the 90s or late 80s, the crystals...

What's common between them is that they are noted for strong psychic abilities.
I notice a lot of members here have messages in dreams and experiences in other psychic phenomena, so I thought it might be interesting...

Do you believe this is true?
Have you met any? I would like to meet them!

The first group, indigo is more well known
They are said to have a temper and natural high energy. They are sent here to overthrow old systems (perhaps belief systems.. etc) that don't work for us anymore. It's stressed that many communities try to keep structures up for the sake of tradition but they provide nothing to the community, no growth, they are just a burden

The second group, crystal
They are considered peacemakers. They pass through what the indigo has cleared off. They are just here to live their lives and inspire. They have additional healing properties.

I've read it's the ultimate goal of a human being to become a crystal. And that indigos can also turn into crystal. The crystal are at their highest. They also have no past life or connection to any other life (in one reading I came across). They are pure, they are new souls. .. a human at its purest form
To look at it a scientific way, I've often read humans are capable of more than what we see now. The brain is only used for a small percentage. Often the right brain is not used enough (left brain made important during school years). So I would say a crystal or prodigy even, is one that has been able to use 100% of their brain
I also wanted to point out they seem to have characteristics of introverts, at least the crystals do

- a penetrating stare. I always read this about introverts. A strength in concentration. Their eyes pass through you
-and they function as group consciousness than individuals. Almost makes me think of the catalyst temperament in INFJ.. and empaths even
I have been told that I am an indigo since I was little, by many, many people. I learned what it meant when I was older, and determined definitively that I am indeed one, and a rather classic example at that. This is actually part of the reason that my username is IndigoSensor.

I know not everyone follows this belief, but I do (with some reservations and my own interpretations). Take it as you want.
Hehe I was suspicious you were !! I was about to send you a PM and then I decided a thread instead.

I have been doing a lot of running around online
and found some sites on people with a variety of psychic abilities..
They are INFJ, INTJ, INFP and a few other small percentage types

I used to think I might be indigo more so as I was turning into an adult
Just the idea of seeing through people, their words and actions, and who is worth keeping in a system, who has to be removed because they are not suited to the job... Seeing inconsistencies, too many holes that no one else seemed to see (I asked)...
but I am missing the fiery temper
I'm sorry, but I'm going to be honest and very blunt. I came across the whole indigo and crystal theory a couple or few years ago, and it looks completely made up to me. I don't believe it at all.

I don't remember any details since it has been years since I went through everything, but basically, it looked to me like a New Age-ish scam designed to appeal to people's need for security, especially the parents of children suffering developmental disabilities (e.x. autism). ADHD was another issue that the theory cited, and that works very well because ADHD is way over-diagnosed. It gave parents an opportunity to think "there is nothing wrong with my children, they are just special".

There are much broader implications of this belief system. It seems to be a desperate attempt of people to feel a sense of security that the world is getting better, that this new generation is going to show up and fix things. Really, it is just a way to alleviate the sense of helplessness and avoid responsibility for the world's problems. Supposedly, my generation is going to be the generation to change the world. But I've seen what my generation has to offer, and I don't think we have anything particularly special.

Don't get me wrong. I appreciate New Age stuff, especially Neo-pagan religions. I just don't see any good reason to believe in the indigo-crystal theory, and I see many good reasons not to believe in it.

I also have an existentialist bias.
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Whole indigo/crystal theory is overplayed in my opinion as well. I simply view it as a "catagory" for people (I am always looking for catagory).

I am an idealist by nature, trust me. Nevertheless, as dragon said, I feel this is just a way for newagers (and yes, I am one of them) to make everything seem like gumdrops and sugar fairy lands and that all will be good and have some kind of utopian end to it. Which, won't happen. It's a catagory, and a way to classify energy patterns. Not much else.
I understand about trying to ignore things that may be problems in children (ADHD).. I don't condone that at all

But my focus is on the psychic abilities
If there is that at least, isn't there some kind of suspicion? Doesn't it make a person curious...
Just wondering at least there is something unusual about their child. But forgetting not to let it excuse if they do have any sort of illness/problem

We can forget about the second part of the OP. About the two groups.
Everyone on the planet could fit pretty well into those two groups

And I do believe we are headed towards something better, and humankind is gradually being lifted up to its highest. It's what I see in my own world. I wouldn't term it new age anymore because science seems to be coming in and agreeing, based on what I'm reading...
I guess we live in our own dimensions.

Indigosensor is there anything in particular someone said to you? A reason they thought you were indigo. Did you do anything that made them think so
Sounds like a good ploy to sell books.
Actually, I find this very interesting. It goes along with the idea about the Age of Aquarius that was in the 60's. I think that so many people took drugs to reach a higher state of consciousness. I think that it backfired and many peopl's minds were destroyed by drugs. I HATE drugs. They destroy you. Please be careful. A rash choice in the moment can lead to a life trying to overcome addiction.

Anyways I think that people are going more and more towards being open minded and are more intuitive. I saw this with my generation. My friends and I as well as most others were the generation that embraced more new age way of thinking that the previous generation rejected.

I am 41 and there are so many people around my age that really were more open minded, interested in astrology, tarot cards, and numerology and the like

To me this was a phenomenon when I started to see that others were like I was. I wondered if Gary Sutcoffs idea of a group conciousness was right on.

He wrote a book called "Seat of the Soul" or "Seed of the Soul." He said that people used to use only the 5 senses. Now there are more and more people that use the 6 senses. The 5 senses plus intuition or 6th sight. I think that he was saying that human race was evolving.

Take this leave this I just wanted to add it to the discussion. Gary Sutcofff, I must go and check his name, was a Vietnam Vet and a scientist. He drew on his experiences to write this amazing book which I need to reread.
Indigosensor is there anything in particular someone said to you? A reason they thought you were indigo. Did you do anything that made them think so

It was most often someone coming up to me, and or my mom and saying, "you know you / your son is an indigo, right? Take care of him / yourself". This often happened when we were at some kind of spiritual meeting. Some random person whom we don't know would come up and say it to me and just say to me and her. Friends of us would tell us too. It was all to conincidental. So we looked it into it more when I was older, and I am a textbook case of it. The only thing I don't have is a bad temper, instead I am just rather moody, lol.
I have had sort of psychic experiences before in dreams, many events that I dream up actually end up happening, however I can't control them, they just happened. I think many INXX types might have experienced this, specially those with strong N's. I don't know the validity of this theory however.
I fit nearly 100% with the "classic" descriptions of an indigo, and I'd agree with what's been posted here thus far. Namely, that there are people who fit the indigo/crystal descriptions, and also a set of books/people looking to cash in on the phenomenon and relabel symptoms of ADHD as "Indigo."

The quintessential descriptions of both I consider to be those in the book "What Color is Your Aura?" by Barbara Bowers. The test is fairly accurate in my experience, and since Bowers' death, it has spawned a couple of others utilizing her work in different ways.

Pamala Oslie - near direct ripoff with little added
Sandra Seich - extrapolated personality results through the now-defunct Ansir test, which I really enjoyed.
I have been told that I am an indigo since I was little, by many, many people. I learned what it meant when I was older, and determined definitively that I am indeed one, and a rather classic example at that.
I know not everyone follows this belief, but I do (with some reservations and my own interpretations). Take it as you want.

Same here.

Every single person I've ever met who claims to see auras has told me my aura is indigo. Especially when I was younger (and I suppose there were fewer of us), this caused them a lot of fascination. The part that I found compelling was that none of these people knew each other, and yet they all described the same colors. Back before most folks who are into this stuff knew about the indigo people, I'd have people tilt their heads and stare at me, saying "You have the weirdest aura. It's like a bluish purple, and it glows... not like normal." But, after a while, people started telling me I'm an indigo.

Funny thing though... I'm a minister, and when I pray and get in touch with the Holy Spirit, people who don't normally see auras tell me they can see or feel a bright light clear aura that is very strong and causes them to physically feel a sensation of energy like heat or electricity. When I'm in this state, no one has ever told me I was indigo. In fact, the people who can normally see auras tend to just stare at me slack jawed. I always thought that was fascinating. God's presence on me is much more evident than my own presence when it's not. I've also channeled that energy into faith healings when in this state, as well as some other miracles, like starting a car that was by all reports dead.

I don't know if these two things are related, but I thought it worth sharing since they might be.
Not that I really buy this, but I'll ask out of curiousity. I had a roommate who studied under a Chiropractor.. I guess she was into the aura thing, cuz she told me that mine was like a deep blue with a layer of black over it. She said that it gave off intense energy and made her uncomfortable sometimes. What is that all about?
I have a friend who is really into these theories and these Earth Angel books. She has determined that she is an Indigo Child, while I am a Knight-Paladin. It sounds like the OP may or may not be a branch of the same theory.

While I've always been drawn to the otherworldly and New Age-y themes, I have to be honest and say that my interest and my belief in these things are divided by a very wide and mile-long perimeter.
Same here.

Every single person I've ever met who claims to see auras has told me my aura is indigo. Especially when I was younger (and I suppose there were fewer of us), this caused them a lot of fascination. The part that I found compelling was that none of these people knew each other, and yet they all described the same colors. Back before most folks who are into this stuff knew about the indigo people, I'd have people tilt their heads and stare at me, saying "You have the weirdest aura. It's like a bluish purple, and it glows... not like normal." But, after a while, people started telling me I'm an indigo.

Funny thing though... I'm a minister, and when I pray and get in touch with the Holy Spirit, people who don't normally see auras tell me they can see or feel a bright light clear aura that is very strong and causes them to physically feel a sensation of energy like heat or electricity. When I'm in this state, no one has ever told me I was indigo. In fact, the people who can normally see auras tend to just stare at me slack jawed. I always thought that was fascinating. God's presence on me is much more evident than my own presence when it's not. I've also channeled that energy into faith healings when in this state, as well as some other miracles, like starting a car that was by all reports dead.

I don't know if these two things are related, but I thought it worth sharing since they might be.

Aura patterns are all related. I think indigos are more of a "stand out" aura, in that they have a distinct energy signature. Also, that they have the abillity to channel things in, which is what I think you are doing.

My energy is much softer. I don't have a strong presence, but when I am noticed, people tend to not let go.
Not that I really buy this, but I'll ask out of curiousity. I had a roommate who studied under a Chiropractor.. I guess she was into the aura thing, cuz she told me that mine was like a deep blue with a layer of black over it. She said that it gave off intense energy and made her uncomfortable sometimes. What is that all about?

Yes, I am deeply interested in this too, once someone who was a specialist in this told me I had an indigo aura, but I did not gave it much attention at that time, this seems very interesting.
A black layer is a gaurd. You likely put it their out of protection for yourself. The problem is this is a two way barrier. Nothing gets in, but nothing gets out. In the long term this can be unhealthy because you are stifiling yourself.
I don't know whether to believe in this theory or not (cause I haven't researched it or anything), but a long time ago I had a crush on a guy that said he was indigo (as with IndigoSensor, people would often go to him and say that). what always amazed me (and everyone) about him was his intelligence and critical sense of the world. I'd say he is willing to die for something he believes in. he was also constantly looking for the absolute truth of things (oh, and he was also a little moody and chaotic :D)
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I don't know wether to believe in this theory or not (cause I haven't researched it or anything), but a long time ago I had a crush on a guy that said he was indigo (as with IndigoSensor, people would often go to him and say that). what always amazed me (and everyone) about him was his intelligence and critical sense of the world. I'd say he is willing to die for something he believes in. he was also constantly looking for the absolute truth of things (oh, and he was also a little moody and chaotic :D)

This sounds a lot like me, if people ever compliment something about me is intelligence and analytical skills, and I do have that passion for fighting for what I believe in, I am very curious as well. I am very moody and I have been told my world is a complete mess. Once again though I do not know enough about this theory, I could easily fit into another type, but now the thought is in my mind lol so I guess my task is to research more on the topic.