[INFJ] Coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccination and the magnetic phenomenon could be explained by Graphene Oxide

Definitely, one of my main issues with your communication is your lack of wearing another's moccasins. You posit onto people's minds belief systems that many simply do not have. You then characterize them according to sheer fantasy, rather than on the basis of who they are. This is a seriously poor way of communicating.

So, here is part of my mind.

1. By definition, there is no covid vaccine. So, your knowledge-base is seriously lacking on the basis of this alone.

2. The jab alters one's dna so that one henceforth manufactures a synthetic spiked protein which is antagonistic to many bodily functions, such as clotting, Type 2 macrophage functionality, mitochondria. I think it is possible we will be seeing a massive genocide, thanks to the toxic nature of the jab.

3. As a Christian, I cannot in good faith submit to something that alters the dna God gave me for the dna some folks derived.

4. Masks are utterly useless.

5. Germ theory is a myth. Every flu pandemic correlates to a significant change to our emf environment.

6. Global elites want global mastery and want to produce a servile populace. This is the reason for the masks, social distancing, mandatory "vaccines."

7. Gates and his ilk are known eugenicists. They long for a severe reduction of the planet's population.

But, you're right. I don't want to wear a mask because I care not for the health of others. And I take none of this seriously.

Your judgment of my person is not to my liking.

I'm not even going to get into the Bill Gates global elite stuff. Frankly, it's fantasy and a waste of time.

I initially had my own reservations about the mRNA vaccines available in the US. I read about them, however, to try to understand what exactly would happen. Then I talked to healthcare professionals who were able to answer questions and clarify for me. Please talk to an actual doctor in person about the vaccine.

But this is my very basic understanding:

The COVID mRNA vaccines never interact with our DNA. The mRNA never even enters the cell nucleus where DNA is. Translation takes place in the cytoplasm.

The mRNA provides information to the cells where injected to build the spike protein of the coronavirus.

The virus has its own mRNA and uses enzymes to unwind our DNA and inject in its own. The virus essentially hacks into your DNA to replicate itself. These infected cells then are destroyed and infect neighboring cells. The mRNA vaccines have no enzyme that can enter our DNA. It simply cannot happen.

But your immune system responds to this new protein that it does not recognize. Because it is not the actual virus, it is not able to enter into our cells to hijack our DNA to replicate. Your body breaks down this mRNA in a matter of hours, (and doesn't continue to produce these spike proteins. It can't.) however, your immune system now has a chance to mount a response where it may not have done so effectively. Because the immune system has a head start, because it knows what to be on the look out for, it is able to respond quickly and effectively and so you do not get as sick and have a lower viral load for contagion. (Though Delta complicates that contagious bit.)

This is all handled by our immune system, not DNA. The immune system is able to create antibodies to fight off future infection.
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So funny that people actually think there's a genocide coming against anti vaxxers because people are asking for people to get vaccinated in a pandemic so they don't die. There are places in the US outlawing "vaccine passports" and mask mandates. If anything, it seems like those who are anti vax and/or who dont take it seriously are the ones being pandered to. .

So....if the anti-vaxers are ________(fill in your own negative word(s)) and they are the ones going to die 1. isn't that their problem & 2. Isn't that a win win?
If the shoe fits! lol. I went on a tangent about why I'm eager to vaccinate my kid and you identified with those in my town who don't take this seriously.

I take this VERY seriously (I won't speak for others) but, indeed this is an extremely serious matter.
:m114: But I am.


My technical abilities required me to copy the post I had access to. The REAL link is the first line of the post. This is research by the state of Wisconsin
with help from UW- Wisconsin.

The second link is even more interesting and CAN BE VERIFIED. Unless you think or know that the United States patent office is making things up out of whole cloth.

Believe who you want but *I* am going with the patent office.
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My technical abilities required me to copy the post I had access to. The REAL link is the first line of the post. This is research by the state of Wisconsin
with help from UW- Wisconsin.

The second link is even more interesting and CAN BE VERIFIED. Unless you think or know that the United States patent office is making things up out of whole cloth.

Believe who you want but *I* am going with the patent office.

It's too bad you don't understand how vaccines or patents are developed, you'd be less paranoid and maybe less wrong
So, I want to make sure I understand this correctly. That a patent filed in 2015 for a disease that is labeled 2019 is logical and makes sense. And the State of Wisconsin is mis-representing their own statistics. Makes me too dumb to understand how vaccines and patents are "developed"? Yeh, I can live with that!

Now conceding that: 1. I am indeed to stupid to understand any of this, 2. The U.S. Patent Office may indeed also be making patents up out of whole cloth, 3. What is written and explained in English does not mean what the reader (in this case me) understands it to mean, I offer the above shown link.

The whole thing as far as my dumber than a box of rocks mentality is concerned, is a nightmare however, paragraphs (0069), (0070), (0071), (0092), (0093), (0095) are particularly troublesome for some of us with below average intelligence.

(This also references the 2015 Patent filing - as well).


This as my handicapped intelligence understands is a government version of all of the above patent information in civilian English via the clearly right leaning Google. The obvious question that hasn't been asked is: why in the hell is a Rothchild involved in any of this? Particularly since any organization for globalism is purely a wild construct of the mentally handicapped Right.
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So, I want to make sure I understand this correctly. That a patent filed in 2015 for a disease that is labeled 2019 is logical and makes sense. And the State of Wisconsin is mis-representing their own statistics. Makes me too dumb to understand how vaccines and patents are "developed"? Yeh, I can live with that!

I read your link. It is literally says that the patent was filed in may 2020.
The obvious question that hasn't been asked is: why in the hell is a Rothchild involved in any of this? Particularly since any organization for globalism is purely a wild construct of the mentally handicapped Right.
“Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws.”
~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild
[Mayer Amschel Bauer] (1744 -1812), Godfather of the Rothschild Banking Cartel of Europe

“We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”
~ James Paul Warburg
(1896-1969) son of Paul Moritz Warburg, nephew of Felix Warburg and of Jacob Schiff, both of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. which poured millions into the Russian Revolution through James' brother Max, banker to the German government, Chairman of the CFR
February 17, 1950, appearance before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

(Also Rothschild agent whose father was the primary author of the Federal Reserve Act which essentially handed over the United States money system to Rothschild ownership and control.)

My first introduction to MBTI was a mandatory class of my then employer, Digital Equipment Corporation. One day I and others took the test. The next day included explanations and workshops. One workshop divided people among four groups - NF, NT, SP, and SJ. We were told Draw your environment. We students asked for specifics and were told not to worry about it, just draw what you want.

Us NF's all had drawings both highly metaphorical, relational, and personal. Like I drew a cross representing my faith, drew stick figures representing my wife and daughters, and so on. The NT's also were highly metaphorical, but their drawings were very much different. Like a guy drew a globe which represented globalism, something that represented corporations. It was all a metaphorical sketch of particular worldviews.

So, what is my point?

As a demographic, NF's are ill-equipped to be able to even conceive of a conspiracy-laden worldview. For many, red-pilling on the matter is an absolute impossibility.

Such a stark limitation is something I and others must participate within.
“Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws.”
~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild
[Mayer Amschel Bauer] (1744 -1812), Godfather of the Rothschild Banking Cartel of Europe

“We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”
~ James Paul Warburg
(1896-1969) son of Paul Moritz Warburg, nephew of Felix Warburg and of Jacob Schiff, both of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. which poured millions into the Russian Revolution through James' brother Max, banker to the German government, Chairman of the CFR
February 17, 1950, appearance before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

(Also Rothschild agent whose father was the primary author of the Federal Reserve Act which essentially handed over the United States money system to Rothschild ownership and control.)

My first introduction to MBTI was a mandatory class of my then employer, Digital Equipment Corporation. One day I and others took the test. The next day included explanations and workshops. One workshop divided people among four groups - NF, NT, SP, and SJ. We were told Draw your environment. We students asked for specifics and were told not to worry about it, just draw what you want.

Us NF's all had drawings both highly metaphorical, relational, and personal. Like I drew a cross representing my faith, drew stick figures representing my wife and daughters, and so on. The NT's also were highly metaphorical, but their drawings were very much different. Like a guy drew a globe which represented globalism, something that represented corporations. It was all a metaphorical sketch of particular worldviews.

So, what is my point?

As a demographic, NF's are ill-equipped to be able to even conceive of a conspiracy-laden worldview. For many, red-pilling on the matter is an absolute impossibility.

Such a stark limitation is something I and others must participate within.

This crowd in a 1,000 years ain't buyin in to the Rothchild premise - that simply is not going to happen. I was extremely skeptical my own self until I saw with my own eyes the damned name on a patent for Covid...........A Rothchild sitting behind a microscope - yeh I can see that........... NOT!
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