Confused about my MBTI

Hi, this is my second post here. I been very confused about my MBTI since I first took the test. I been getting INFJ most of the time but I have been getting other INXX types from time to time. I'm wondering if any of you will be interested in helping me figure which MBTI type am I.

Some of my characteristics:

-Feels depressed at times
-Not very good socially
-Cries easely
-Prone to anxiety
-Needs time to recharge
-Seem as cold by others
-Loves to help out
-Martyr complex
-Focuses on future possibilities
-Always worried
-second guesses self
-easely hurt
-Hard to get to know
-People think I'm very weird or odd
-Talk to few people, don't really have any ''friends''
-Never satisfied

The J/P is pretty confusing itself. I'm confused between F/T because even though I truly care for people and their well being, The subjects which I'm interested( Science for example) are typically seen with a hiegher T preferences. People have also often reffered to me as being to cold, distant or Self-centered even though I do not always see those as part of my values, specially the last one.

Any ideas?
You sound most like an INFJ to me from that. I am trying to sort out my MBTI right now as well (have always assumed INFJ).

This test will give you some further insight. Try and answer the questions as truthfully as possible (who you are. not who you want to be or should be), then post the results here. Many of us "mbti guru's" use this as a good tool to help sort out someones type.
Yeah, it sounds like INfJ.
It sounds also a little bit like me in my 15s:)
Read description for different types, maybe it will hepl you.
extraverted Sensing (Se) ***************** (17.5)
limited use

introverted Sensing (Si) ************************* (25.6)
average use

extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ************************************** (38.7)
excellent use

introverted Intuiting (Ni) ******************************************* (43)
excellent use

extraverted Thinking (Te) *************************** (27)
average use

introverted Thinking (Ti) ************************ (24.5)
average use

extraverted Feeling (Fe) ****************************** (30.6)
good use

introverted Feeling (Fi) ******************************** (32.7)
good use

Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive processes, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: INFJ

Thank you guys!!The test was also very helpful Indigo.

I see I got INFJ again, This seems quite accurate.
Yup, very classic results. I can safely say you are an INFJ. I think alot of your confusion has come from useage of Ne (a P type function).
Yup, very classic results. I can safely say you are an INFJ. I think alot of your confusion has come from useage of Ne (a P type function).

I saw this type of reference, to a different c.process, made before. What does it mean? How is a function a J or P function?
The judging functions are F and T functions, the perceiving functions are N and S. J and P is set by the first extroverted function encountered in someone's primary 4-set. An example being for an INFJ, their set is Ni>Fe>Ti>Se. As Fe is the first E function, and it is judging, they are a judging type. Shadow functions (Si,Ne,Fi,Te) don't have an effect in setting someone's J or P function. However, it can often (not always) cause the most confusion people have with their J/P axis.

Fe and Te are the true judging functions, Fi and Ti are semi-judging functions.

Ne and Se are true perceiving functions, Ni and Si are semi-perceiving functions.

When I say semi, I mean that standalone they are judging or perceving, however, they are filtered through the reverse, as such they take on more perceiving or judging character due to that filter. It is very hard for an introverted function to be expressed or used properly standalone.

It has to do with the nature of the functions. If you think about the differences between P and J, then you thinking about N/S (very fluid, free-form, and loose) and F/T (very directing, certain, and solid) you can see why they are denoted as such.
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Hmm ok, I retook the test to see the constancy of my results and I figured my results change a lot according to how I feel on a particular day etc..

extraverted Sensing (Se) ************* (13.5)

introverted Sensing (Si) ******************** (20.6)
limited use

extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ***************************************** (41.2)
excellent use

introverted Intuiting (Ni) ********************************************** (46.2)
excellent use

extraverted Thinking (Te) ************************ (24.9)
average use

introverted Thinking (Ti) ************************************* (37)
excellent use

extraverted Feeling (Fe) ************************ (24.9)
average use

introverted Feeling (Fi) ******************************* (31.7)
good use

I noticed that My Ni/Ne remains around the same, and My S Functions still remain very limited. Fi also remains constant. What I noticed is that my Fe tends to decrease and my Ti increases greatly. Any idea of what is provoking this? I discarded INFP and INTJ, but INFJ/INTP seem to be a problem each time I take a test.
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That whole checklist applies to me as well.
If your Fi remains constant, then why are you discarding INFP or INTJ?