Common physical characteristics of INFJs


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4w5 5w4
This is kind of a spin off thread, as it was inspired by @ThinkingHippie's post about body language.

Are there any physical traits/attributes/characteristics that seem to be common among INFJs? I've seen things such as being left handed or ambidextrous being more common. Also have seen downslanted eyes and people say we look sad all the time even when they aren't. There's something with the eyes for sure, whatever it may be. I've even seen people claiming eye color. These aren't my personal thoughts, just a gathering of opinions for discussion.
Hmm. I'm actually left-handed but forced to be ambidextrous because scissors only work with right hand and my primary school teacher forced me to use my right hand for writing but I kept writing with my left hand when she wasn't around :sweatsmile::sweatsmile::sweatsmile:. As a hobby I did a lot of activities that required me to use both of my hands for a common goal which made me improve as ambidextrous.

Well, the only common physical characteristics are about how INFJs face looks like. INFJs have fish eyes that seem like looking at nowhere and unaware of what's going on. Some of them looks so sleepy. But each one of them looks like they are in a texas hold 'em tournament and about to win the tournament with an intense but casual look on their poker face :grinning::grinning::grinning:. INFJs lacks emotional expression on their face as if they are a serial killer.

What I noticed is INFJs smile looks weird. They seem like they showing off their teeth instead of actually smiling. In that regard they look like this when they sincerely try to smile:


Hmm. I'm actually left-handed but forced to be ambidextrous because scissors only work with right hand and my primary school teacher forced me to use my right hand for writing but I kept writing with my left hand when she wasn't around :sweatsmile::sweatsmile::sweatsmile:. As a hobby I did a lot of activities that required me to use both of my hands for a common goal which made me improve as ambidextrous.

Well, the only common physical characteristics are about how INFJs face looks like. INFJs have fish eyes that seem like looking at nowhere and unaware of what's going on. Some of them looks so sleepy. But each one of them looks like they are in a texas hold 'em tournament and about to win the tournament with an intense but casual look on their poker face :grinning::grinning::grinning:. INFJs lacks emotional expression on their face as if they are a serial killer.

What I noticed is INFJs smile looks weird. They seem like they showing off their teeth instead of actually smiling. In that regard they look like this when they sincerely try to smile:


I'm ambidextrous as well I write and do precise things with my left but if I were to throw a baseball or something like that I'd use my right.
Our eyes are very intense

I've heard this about mine. How they can see through things, and how they light up when I'm happy, and look desperately sad when I'm.. well, sad.

Also can't forget that smile. That world-weary, but still has time to be kind and sees through your shit smile.
A very deadpan stare. Somewhat similar to how ENFJs can look at you like they can see every secret in your soul with a glance--though not as intense as the ENFJ gaze. INFJs I've known do not look kind or have to get to know them to realize they just have resting bitch face or everything-is-filtered-through-intuition-and-I'm -not-impressed-face.
We don't know what INFJs look like because they're all at home, on the internet.

Doing things like this.

I know one confirmed INFJ in real life, and he does have fairly intense eyes. I think he's pretty expressive, though, but of course nowhere near the level of extroverts. He's shortish and slightly built with a bit of a bookish stoop. Glasses.
So many people think I am interested in them or they grow defensive because they think I'm staring when, in my opinion, I'm casually looking around the room and my gaze hasn't "landed" on anyone.

"Hey baby, I saw you staring...."
"You mean using my eyes?"

If I know them and we're having a conversation, they think I'm judging them because of the intensity of my eyes. I'm not. I'm studying them, but not judging. Something about me makes people feel exposed and as soon as they feel exposed they usually expose more of their inner thoughts than they intended while trying to defend themselves. Meanwhile, I'm still not holding anything the reveal (or I notice) against them.

We can look serious when relaxed because we're thinking, but Ren is right that we are expressive when engaged.
So many people think I am interested in them or they grow defensive because they think I'm staring when, in my opinion, I'm casually looking around the room and my gaze hasn't "landed" on anyone.

"Hey baby, I saw you staring...."
"You mean using my eyes?"

If I know them and we're having a conversation, they think I'm judging them because of the intensity of my eyes. I'm not. I'm studying them, but not judging. Something about me makes people feel exposed and as soon as they feel exposed they usually expose more of their inner thoughts than they intended while trying to defend themselves. Meanwhile, I'm still not holding anything the reveal (or I notice) against them.

We can look serious when relaxed because we're thinking, but Ren is right that we are expressive when engaged.

lol, very true about the staring.

people: What?!
Me: huh?( notice they look uncomfortable)
People: you were staring at me
Me: oh sorry, was just thinking. I didn’t mean to stare

Women think I’m checking them out. Men think I want to fight. * sigh* Caught between love and war

my daughter did tell me the other day that I have really expressive eyes. Gets worse with the feels
INFJs I've known do not look kind or have to get to know them to realize they just have resting bitch face or everything-is-filtered-through-intuition-and-I'm -not-impressed-face.

That's interesting. Sounds more like INTJ to me. But then...
