Coincidence that we're all here together?


think about it, of the six billion people in the world, of all the places you could be right now, of all the people you could have been around.. you ended up here. coincidence, or something more? were we destined to be brought together, or is it just one of the millions of random meaningless interactions that occur all the time all over the world?

(also im sorry for the excessive threads, yet again :| i can't quieten my mind, and i don't know where else to share such thoughts.)
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I think contingency is correct. If you want meaning, don't talk about the reality of how we got here.
I vote coincidence. Although one could state in statistical probability the chances but that is WAY too much number crunching and probably way too complicated to even bother.

Don't feel bad about your posts May, I enjoy them thoroughly.
I purposely looked up "INFJ Forum" on google when before I joined the forum. I'm here deliberately.
It's no coincidence. It's all part of the plan.

There is no Bella Lugosi in the sky going, [ame=""]"Pull zee strings!"[/ame]
Forums have a time and a season, but overall they can be pretty meaningless as a long-term lifestyle. I vote coincidence.
I think we all created this forum, we all are keeping this forum clean and lovely. After all it is dedicated by us. We wanted it, desired for it and now we are having it. :)
Maybe we all are just relieved that we've found a place to feel normal for a bit.
i dont believe in coincidence...I came here for a purpose and that purpose has been fulfilled.

as to the deeper question...well destined to meet you all...*shrug* we will never know...but I am happy I did!

And may dont worry about it always love your threads
It was no coincidance that I ended up here. I would not be who I am today were it not for this website. Events that I have gone through have proven to me internally that this was not a meer concidence. Some of the people I have interacted with have shown to me that I was meant to meet them.

The fact that we are all here I think is a casual coincidence. On the smaller scale of all the people interacting on here, not a coincidence in the least.
I think we all created this forum, we all are keeping this forum clean and lovely. After all it is dedicated by us. We wanted it, desired for it and now we are having it. :)

It was no coincidance that I ended up here. I would not be who I am today were it not for this website. Events that I have gone through have proven to me internally that this was not a meer concidence. Some of the people I have interacted with have shown to me that I was meant to meet them.

The fact that we are all here I think is a casual coincidence. On the smaller scale of all the people interacting on here, not a coincidence in the least.

Roger and Indigo - your saying different things, but I think you're both right. There is purpose bringing us together - in part from our own purpose and in part not.

(In case Satya reads this, I know you don't care for teleological purpose, but there is something more than coincidental or deliberate in our community here).
There is a reason and a logical solution for everything.. I don't agree that the world works at random - it may seem logical, but it's also illogical to not consider that one outcome may have occurred for a particular reason. So perhaps only some people are here for a reason, no? The ones who allow this experience to bear significance for them.
I have been soul searching from the day I was born but I was never one for going on a quest of 'finding myself' and I would laugh at the very thought of it.
Then, through a series of events I started to get a buildup of sludge that I couldnt get rid of. I decided to give finding myself a chance and decided to do some inner child healing and all that shizzle.
And one thing led to another until I clicked on the INFJ forum button.
Our searching nature brought us here and our gift was to find out there are others like us.
I think it was meant to be.
And our friends of other types who make this place their home as well, I don't think it's a coincidence that they are here either.