I hate "holiday" parties.
Hate them.
Absolutely hate, loathe, and despise them.
I just survived a Christmas party with a bunch of overpriviledged, drunk and reaaaaaly loud extroverts, and I somehow managed to offend the Queen "E" by not getting as drunk as she was or saying "Fuck" enough. (At least, that's what I think I did...)
How do you offend somebody by not saying Fuck?!?!?! I was actually trying really, really hard to be nice, wanted to impress these people, and had gone to considerable effort to find a great outfit, and to learn about everyone ahead of time, and put on my best social face. I started hyperventilating in the stupid car before the stupid party, but managed to calm my stupid self down, walked in and things seemed to be going well. Got introduced to everybody, made small talk, etc.
After a few glasses of wine, Queen E started hollering things like "Fuckity Fuck Fucking....blah blah blah blah fuck!" as loud as she could. And I just kind of giggled. Apparently I must've giggled in a disapproving manner. I left for a moment, walked back in and Queen E, who was at least two sheets to the wind, was whispering behind her hands, and abruptly stopped and looked at me guiltily when I walked up. Turns out she thought I was disapproving of her language, and felt as if I was trying to "punish' her for coarse language, and she decided to make fun of me for this, and more or less belittle me for being "conservative". (I think she thought that meant "sober, mostly") So, of course, me being me, I got my feelings hurt, and more or less clammed up. Actually, I barely managed to get out of there without bursting into tears. (I did escape, though.) Everything I tried to do at this stupid party failed miserably, because without really doing anything, I managed to make these people dislike me.
Fuck. I hate Christmas parties. I think I hate people.
Hate them.
Absolutely hate, loathe, and despise them.
I just survived a Christmas party with a bunch of overpriviledged, drunk and reaaaaaly loud extroverts, and I somehow managed to offend the Queen "E" by not getting as drunk as she was or saying "Fuck" enough. (At least, that's what I think I did...)
How do you offend somebody by not saying Fuck?!?!?! I was actually trying really, really hard to be nice, wanted to impress these people, and had gone to considerable effort to find a great outfit, and to learn about everyone ahead of time, and put on my best social face. I started hyperventilating in the stupid car before the stupid party, but managed to calm my stupid self down, walked in and things seemed to be going well. Got introduced to everybody, made small talk, etc.
After a few glasses of wine, Queen E started hollering things like "Fuckity Fuck Fucking....blah blah blah blah fuck!" as loud as she could. And I just kind of giggled. Apparently I must've giggled in a disapproving manner. I left for a moment, walked back in and Queen E, who was at least two sheets to the wind, was whispering behind her hands, and abruptly stopped and looked at me guiltily when I walked up. Turns out she thought I was disapproving of her language, and felt as if I was trying to "punish' her for coarse language, and she decided to make fun of me for this, and more or less belittle me for being "conservative". (I think she thought that meant "sober, mostly") So, of course, me being me, I got my feelings hurt, and more or less clammed up. Actually, I barely managed to get out of there without bursting into tears. (I did escape, though.) Everything I tried to do at this stupid party failed miserably, because without really doing anything, I managed to make these people dislike me.
Fuck. I hate Christmas parties. I think I hate people.