Can the Overuse of a Function Affect Your Health?


I mean physically. Has the overuse of one function above all others affected your health in any way? Even if you don't mean to, that function just takes over. I can imagine what it can do on the psychological level, but can it negatively (or positively) affect your health physically or physiologically?
Do you have any personal experience with this?
I think underuse of some is more accurate.

Underused Se or Fi has effected me adversely at times.

Overuse of Fe has lead me into situations where I should have run screaming but stuck it out for the human element and found myself in the shit.
I think underuse of some is more accurate.

Underused Se or Fi has effected me adversely at times.

How is your Se, of all things, underused?
Overuse of Fe has lead me into situations where I should have run screaming but stuck it out for the human element and found myself in the shit.

heh....same here
overuse of Ti turns you into a robot! overuse of Fi makes you incapable of making rational decisions, overuse of Fe leads you to sacrifice your own values in favor of the majority's, overuse of Si has you ruminating about the past at the expense of present reality, overuse of Ne makes you incapable of focusing, overuse of Ni has you seeing connections between things that aren't there :P on a physical level, they'd probably all lead to stress and a greater susceptibility to disease if used in excess.
For me overuse of Ni makes me depressed.
Yes, especially if it is causing worrying. If you don't step back out of the never-ending stream of future postulating that is over-involved Ni, you can become a nervous wreck.

Over using Si can lead to people being unable to adapt to changing circumstances. So since things rarely stay the same, it'll cause needless stress and frustration because you can't cope with change.

I know overuse of Te can cause people to go through ridiculous measures to keep everything neat, tidy and perfect. My sister is an INTJ, and she use to SCREAM at me if so much as a hair crossed into her room. Also, she use to be in art class, but she'd take so much time making one project absolutely perfect (she'd use grid paper and light boxes to make everything on the paper be perfect) that she would almost fail the class. So not only is she hurting her interpersonal relationships but she's screwing over her grades.
If I don't step back and remind myself to use Fe (Typically Ne+Fe I think?) I get stressed. I use that combo (Using it right now) to get out of an extremely stressed state, if I can incorporate it more into an everyday routine I think I could avoid stress more often, which would lead to better health.

The thing is, Ti always wants its share, it begs to be fed, "I WANT MY TURN!" it says, and I say "NO, GO AWAY" and when I can do that, I take things less seriously. I know it is bad when I avoid a comedy because it isn't 'productive' enough.
I would so much call this over use, but more as underuse of a counterbalence. I.E. Too much Ni without any Se. Then again, that could be called over use.

Yes it has effected my health before. Using Ni and Ti too much can cause horible anxiety in me, which does translate into physical feelings and it causes somataform problems. It can also lead to me being really cold/nasty.