Boy 'Locked In Closet For Years' Blames Mum

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Shai Gar,_US

A US mother has been arrested after her 14-year-old son said he was held prisoner for four and a half years - spending most of his time locked in a wardrobe.

A security guard called police in Oklahoma City after the malnourished teenager turned up with numerous marks and other signs of abuse.

"He was hungry. He was dirty. He had numerous scars on his body. It was very sad," Police Sergeant Gary Knight said.

The boy was taken to a hospital to be examined and then put in the custody of the Department of Human Services.

Police arrested the boy's mother, LaRhonda Marie McCall, 37, and a friend, 38-year-old Steve Vern Hamilton, over child abuse and neglect allegations.

He had scars covering most of his body. They were basically from head to foot.
Sgt Knight

Formal charges have not been filed but both were being held on a
Does anyone else find it strange that so many of these types of cases have come forward the last few months?

It's sad, really. I think what's happening more is either the children are realizing they *can* escape, or more parents are using these methods as ways of punishment.

Hell. If you hate your kid that much, put him/her in foster care or have them become wards of the state. Call CPS on yourself, or something! Don't use them as your personal punching bags or whatever.

These stories depress me so MUCH. I can't understand the mental capacity/depravity of a parent who would do this to their own child. You find this garbage in torture camps.