AWARE study


Community Member
Read about it here.

I think we have all heard the story about people being supposedly brain dead recalling hours of consious thought and even observing from above what events were taking place below them as they sort of hovered above their selves at that time. In the past a lot of people have suggested that this is just a mental illusion, however anecdobtal reports had generally been quite accurate as to the occurrances so a study is being done to acess the legitimacy of these experiences. (my prediction though is that the results will be positive due to my experience with eerie anecdobtal reports, and discussing it with people who have themselves experimented with the OBE phenomenon.)

Things like this are one of the reasons I do not personally write off things that are considered paranormal.

Any thoughts?
My thoughts...

I have no doubts that this phenomenon exists. Having been near death many times, I know one experiences a sort of separation, to prepare yourself for death. I have not had a complete OBE, but I could feel my 'soul' preparing to leave...if that makes sense.
Yeah that makes sense. What did it feel like?
Yeah that makes sense. What did it feel like?

its hard to explain, When I was 5 I sliced my neck open, and came within millimeters of my artery...I remember feeling like I was going somewhere after I passed out. I couldn't see...but I felt like, I dunno floating...then a flash of sight, my mom hovering over my, my vision swirling black again.

When I woke up i remember feeling incomplete, like a part of me didnt come back.
its hard to explain, When I was 5 I sliced my neck open, and came within millimeters of my artery...I remember feeling like I was going somewhere after I passed out. I couldn't see...but I felt like, I dunno floating...then a flash of sight, my mom hovering over my, my vision swirling black again.

When I woke up i remember feeling incomplete, like a part of me didnt come back.

Wow . . . Glad you're ok. That must have been difficult.
Yeah.. wow, I am glad you survived. I haven't heard that part of near death experiences before.
I dont really call it a was just so surreal being so young, and remembering so vividly all the feelings of it. I wasn't scared for myself. BUt when I saw my moms face, I was scared for her.

I dont know if it was shock or if it was just acceptance...I was five ya know...
My fiance died when she was 15. It was for a long enough period that they told her parents she died; then she came back. While dead her uncle who had died a few years earlier sang a song to her that he used to sing to her while alive.

I think once we fully understand the brain we may discover a mysterious property in one part of the brain that "creates" memory or perception from seemingly nowhere. I would describe it as a molecular or sub-atomic interface between the mind and the soul, allowing for communication between the two. Perhaps this connection exists all over our body with our soul inside and intact, I am not sure.
When I was a child I almost bled to death. I remember blacking out. And I remember being held. Arms were holding me. I was only six.