Aussies! Your Feedback is appreciated!

Also note that Swedes and Norwegians are the best.

(I happen to be a quarter each of those. :whistle:)
That is correct.

Ah well, if you run across any deli compatible Swedes or Norwegians send them my way.
Interesting. I am surprized to see that australia is at the bottom, but the fact that japan is down there doesn't surprize me one bit.

Really, I wouldn't find it unattractive if someone didn't help out with the housework, just very annoying and selfish.
Really, I wouldn't find it unattractive if someone didn't help out with the housework, just very annoying and selfish.

I'm having a hard time with that distinction. What is not unattractive about selfishness and tendency to annoy?
It is more that I don't see it as a turn-off. Since I don't, I don't find it unatractive, just annoying.
I don't know, Shai's been good around the house since we eloped.
It's because us aussies are so laid back. My room's a total dump at the moment and I'm female. It's not called lazy, it's called easy going. :) (is what I tell myself anyway)

Face it, the world's men were just jealous of the attractive rugged looks of aussie men and were trying to level the playing field somehow. :D Naww.

Seriously though, I think it's because of our laid back culture and we still have generations around that believe that it's the woman's duty to clean up after the husband. But of course not every aussie guy is lazy at housework, just a lot of them are. (from what I've seen)
lol can't see how it's anything much to do with what country you're from as to how much housework you do. Indie.J is right it's not lazy it's layed back. the women should just lay back a bit as well i guess. apart from my own immediate family, the rest of my family ie uncles aren't like that though. I'm surprised those south east asian men that wear gold chains all over, weigh 100s of kilos and think that as long as they get all the business glory their wives can serve them, didn't take the bottom spot. Anyway Australia now is too americanised so we're not that distinct anymore
Anyway Australia now is too americanised so we're not that distinct anymore

I know. Sometimes I think australia acts more like america than america does. I'm so disappointed that we're losing our aussieness. :(
Hahaha I just realised it was a british study :D
In that case I reinstate... british men were just jealous of the attractive rugged looks of aussie men and were trying to level the playing field somehow. :D Naww.

edit: Shai did you just call me a southern git?
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Anyone who thinks "Aussie is dead". Mostly because they're from a southern city and thus haven't ever even met an aussie before. Probably haven't read the geebung polo club, or a bush christening. Whoever has never ridden a horse, tick dipped cattle, swum in a billabong, or played backyard cricket with no sides, those fools who listen to country and western, think "Aussie movies" are "foreign films", has never spent time in queensland (north of caboolture, west of toowoomba, or the northern territory (except to visit a large city), and thinks that Aussie Culture is dead... Those are americanised wankers who deserve to be put down. They're not Australians.

South Australians are a little different. They've always been British, and have never really had any Aussie culture there, it's all been English.
In response to the article though, It's stereotypical bullshit. I am not interested in lounge chair umpiring, or swilling liquid hops. Yet I'm an Aussie man.

I love to cook, to garden, I do my own laundry and my own shopping. I can't think of anything that's traditionally been "Womens Work" that I don't enjoy doing for myself. That said, I'd make a terrible husband for most of the worlds women because I expect women to be intelligent, powerful in their own right, and to be independent of me. Very few women have the ability to be all of that. I'd be far too dominating for them, and I don't like that.

But a pom? I wouldn't date one on general principles. Unless she was an INTP. Can't stand the chav accent.
Anyone who thinks "Aussie is dead". Mostly because they're from a southern city and thus haven't ever even met an aussie before. Probably haven't read the geebung polo club, or a bush christening. Whoever has never ridden a horse, tick dipped cattle, swum in a billabong, or played backyard cricket with no sides, those fools who listen to country and western, think "Aussie movies" are "foreign films", has never spent time in queensland (north of caboolture, west of toowoomba, or the northern territory (except to visit a large city), and thinks that Aussie Culture is dead... Those are americanised wankers who deserve to be put down. They're not Australians.

South Australians are a little different. They've always been British, and have never really had any Aussie culture there, it's all been English.

They are the sort of dead aussies I'm talking about and the ones I mostly live around. The mainstream wankers that have no aussie pride and probably have never seen a horse. The pussies that have no idea how to rough it and think sleeping in a carivan is getting back to basics. Geez it pisses me off the people who complain about the inconvenience of carivan living and bring their best clothes and accessories to the bush. Luckily I'm one of the rare ones who have been brought up to know better. Who needs a carivan? Heck, who even needs a tent? I'm not as true aussie as I'd like to be though. If I were a "true aussie" that'd be some sort of fluke. Where I'm from aussie is mostly dead.

I also noticed your accent is also far more aussie than mine. *sigh* I should visit NT sometime. Hopefully it'll rub off. If you're willing to share that is...
American cultural imperialism strikes again. I might be pissed if I didn't know anything but American culture (by "culture", I mean crap).
Someone elses culture can only affect you if you let it. That's why I don't watch TV anymore, I only buy the things I know I want, and I don't let any sort of "culture", "fashion", or "social values" affect my behaviour, or mind. I do what I want and say the same.

It's the only way to be independent.
I just read the majority of this thread with different Australian accents in my head.

*just a little random, completely off topic side note*