At it again.

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Yes, I know there was one. Have you forgotten it, two articles were linked to the thread, both stating that raising children as christian is worse then Child molestation.

One article was from Richard Dawkins the other I can't remember.

edit: found it

Where in that entire thread does it equate Christians to pedaphiles?

Edit: Oh, I see. The Richard Dawkins quote. Okay, tell you what. Richard Dawkins is as a big a dick as the Catholic Church. Fair?
Where in that entire thread does it equate Christians to pedaphiles?

Edit: Oh, I see. The Richard Dawkins quote. Okay, tell you what. Richard Dawkins is as a big a dick as the Catholic Church. Fair?

How about the Secular Community is as bad as the Catholic Church.
I prefer Dawkins though, he doesn't tell you how to live.

So long as your an atheist.
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Maybe were all a little fubar
How about the Secular Community is as bad as the Catholic Church.

I haven't been following along word for word and if I'm jumping in with an inaccurate understanding then I apologize, but from my understanding there is a significant difference between the leader of a dominant religious organization making such remarks and an independent public figure doing so within the secular community. Granted there are many leaders who make a variety of remarks, but IMHO the effect is quite different. The Church yields TREMENDOUS social and political power globally so the impact of the Church's remarks is monumental to any group it oppresses (think to the scale of violation or denial of human rights, death sentences, etc.).

That being said, what is the secular community's perpetration? Is it against the Church/Catholics? Your point, if this is it, is well-taken but I think the issues are incomparable in scope.
How about the Secular Community is as bad as the Catholic Church.

Tell ya what, when the Secular Community starts telling Christians that they can't marry or adopt kids, then you might have a case. Until then, I call bullshit on it.
I haven't been following along word for word and if I'm jumping in with an inaccurate understanding then I apologize, but from my understanding there is a significant difference between the leader of a dominant religious organization making such remarks and an independent public figure doing so within the secular community. Granted there are many leaders who make a variety of remarks, but IMHO the effect is quite different. The Church yields TREMENDOUS social and political power globally so the impact of the Church's remarks is monumental to any group it oppresses (think to the scale of violation or denial of human rights, death sentences, etc.).

That being said, what is the secular community's perpetration? Is it against the Church/Catholics? Your point, if this is it, is well-taken but I think the issues are incomparable in scope.
Read ANY history of the french revolution. Read ANY history of the reign of Henry VIII. Read ANY history of the Mexican revolution. Read ANY history of either the Eastern or Western parts of the Roman empire. Read ANY history of the turkish or mongolian invasions. Read ANY recent history of Sudan. Read ANY recent history of Northern India. Read ANY history of the murders of the American West-coast Indians.

Basically, ready any history and it is absolutely rife with the mass murder of Catholics - priests, nuns, and the lay faithful.
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Read ANY history of the french revolution. Read ANY history of the reign of Henry VIII. Read ANY history of the Mexican revolution. Read ANY history of either the Eastern or Western parts of the Roman empire. Read ANY history of the turkish or mongolian invasions. Read ANY recent history of Sudan. Read ANY recent history of Northern India. Read ANY history of the murders of the American West-coast Indians.

Basically, ready any history and it is absolutely rife with the mass murder of Catholics - priests, nuns, and the lay faithful.

You are describing religion against religion, not secular against religion. Protestant against Catholic or Muslim against Catholic, is not the same as Secular against Catholic.
Tell ya what, when the Secular Community starts telling Christians that they can't marry or adopt kids, then you might have a case. Until then, I call bullshit on it.

Dawkins said that me raising a kid is tantamount to sexual abuse, which is illegal.
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Dawkins said that me raising a kid is tantamount to sexual abuse.

Did Dawkins launch a multimillion dollar campaign to strip Christians of their right to marry? Did Dawkins threaten to stop providing services to foster kids if he would have to allow those kids to be adopted to Christian couples?

You can't compare the words of a single man against the actions of the Catholic Church.
You are describing religion against religion, not secular against religion. Protestant against Catholic or Muslim against Catholic, is not the same as Secular against Catholic.

Well then let's move on to China, N. Korea and Cuba.
Dawkins said that me raising a kid is tantamount to sexual abuse, which is illegal.

Well, he said it was child abuse to get into a child's mind that way. The article was about someone being abused sexually but I don't think he was comparing the two specifically. I would usually scream "semantics" but it seems wrong to misquote the man.

If you are referring to:

Sorry to jump in.
Did Dawkins launch a multimillion dollar campaign to strip Christians of their right to marry? Did Dawkins threaten to stop providing services to foster kids if he would have to allow those kids to be adopted to Christian couples?

You can't compare the words of a single man against the actions of the Catholic Church.

Dawkins is one of many, He happens to be the most vocal of the group which is why his name is mentioned. Just like our Bishop here.

How many times have I heard that people would like to see religion abolished out right. Say what you will but bigotry comes from both sides of the fence.

And just because I don't hunt down articles to show how much another group of people hates the idea that some one such as myself exists doesn't mean they don't exist.
I was thinking maybe Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Spain, or Canada.

What? you don't want to talk about the countries were Christians are beat, killed and incarserated simply for being Christians?

Are we realy going to get into an argument over who is more persecuted? Before this goes any further into madness, I'll take my leave of this thread.
Dawkins is one of many, He happens to be the most vocal of the group which is why his name is mentioned. Just like our Bishop here.

Like I said, when the secular community actually does aim to deny Christians of their right to marry or adopt children, then you have a case. Do you have proof of any such movement? Is it comparable to the millions of dollars the Catholic Church has pumped into denying gays the right to marry or adopt children? If not, then I think your comparison is dead.

How many times have I heard that people would like to see religion abolished out right. Say what you will but bigotry comes from both sides of the fence.

Yeah, bigotry does. Nobody denied that. Where you are wrong is assuming that the secular community is anywhere near as bigoted as the Catholic Church is. Richard Dawkins is a bigot, but to date neither he, nor any secular individual I can think of, has actually moved to strip Christians of the rights they wish to deny to others.

And just because I don't hunt down articles to show how much another group of people hates the idea that some one such as myself exists doesn't mean they don't exist.

I'm not aware of them.