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Are we as a society being kept from discussing the big issues?

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[h=1]An Introduction to Awakening[/h]
by Zen Gardner - Apr 18, 201412 167


by Zen Gardner
The waking up process is a very personal experience. Once we become aware of the existence of a fabricated world we thought to be real and that our true nature is anything but what we’ve been told, there’s no turning back.
It may appear to be a lonely path, but we are by no means alone in this awakening. It is happening in all walks of life. Whether a banker or corporate employee wakes up to the scam being perpetrated on humanity and pulls out of the matrix, or a normal taxpaying worker realizes they’re contributing to a military industrial machine hell bent on control and world domination, we’re all the same.
And those are just surface issues compared to the deliberate suppression of man’s innate spiritual nature, whether we call it social liberty or the freedom to create and manifest as we truly are.
[h=3]Triggers for Awakening[/h]There are many such triggers that wake people up. Once someone realizes how the world was scammed on 9/11 and that the powers that be are willing to perpetrate such atrocities to promote their agenda, the digging begins. When we realize we’re at the complete mercy of parasitic central bankers more than willing to not only implode the world’s economy, but finance both sides of any conflict for personal gain and control and that our governments are complicit in this scheme, we start to grasp the enormity of what befalls us.
That we have rapidly evolved into an advanced militarized surveillance police state is driving many to ask some hard questions – and the answers can be startling and difficult to swallow, especially when you realize they have cut off all avenues of recourse.
Another major issue is that it’s more evident by the day that our very health is under attack, again by complicit government and multinational corporations pushing GMOs, adulterated food, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, atmospheric aerosols and the like, all of which have been proven to be extremely hazardous to humanity. Yet they push harder by the day, mandating program after destructive program. Meanwhile, natural and organic farming and foods, as well as supplements, are under intense attack by these very same perpetrators.

The truth about these issues and many, many more including massive planet harming programs such as fracking, electrosmog, and the geoengineering assault on humanity are driving a major perceptual paradigm shift amongst all walks of life as we delve more deeply into who is doing all this and why.
[/h][h=3]There Is No “They” – Oh Really?[/h]This is often the final breakthrough point for many people. As the true picture starts to crystallize, the horrific realization that the “powers that be” are fundamentally a clandestine cabal with front men comes into focus. These are powerful minions, more interested in weakening and subjugating humanity via health degradation, dumbed down education, mindless “bread and circus” government controlled media, depraved violence and sex oriented entertainment, and a draconian militarized police crackdown. The ugly truth then comes to the fore.
It can be staggering. If you take just 9/11 and other false flag events and realize they were staged to bring about this Orwellian police state where the citizens are now terrorist suspects, it can be very difficult to swallow.
A quick perusal of history soon follows, where people realize these same false flag/false enemy tactics were used to justify almost every war, leading to such totalitarian states as Stalinist Russia, Communist China and Nazi Germany, each of which descended into horrific pogroms, decimating their own populations of anyone potentially daring to question the new regime.
It’s not all black and white. There are of course good people working for bad people, powers and programs, wittingly and unwittingly. Many are trying to change and improve our existing structure. Many good people are performing wonderful services within this overarching societal program thinking it can be changed constructively. What we’re addressing are the overarching deceitful and destructive powers and mechanisms at play that are attempting to bring humanity into a weakened subservient role to some sort of worldwide fascist control state, eliminating personal and national sovereignty to support and obey a very few powerful self-appointed elites.
And it’s coming on fast.
This becomes evident as anyone pursues almost any avenue we’re discussing here. To realize this massive program is being orchestrated by some form of “they” soon becomes obvious. The reality of the conspiracy that JFK so eloquently pointed out before he was surgically removed from office via assassination hits squarely home. Please listen to his entire speech.
[h=3]We Have to Find Out for Ourselves[/h]An essential element to a true awakening is investigating and learning for ourselves. One of the main control mechanisms has been teaching humanity to only trust what they’ve been told by these same agendized so-called authorities. How many times have you heard, “If 9/11 was an ‘inside job’, surely it would have been on CNN. If something was really wrong surely someone would have said something.”
Well, a lot of people have and continue to speak out. And what’s the response? Anything contrary to the official narrative is “outlandish conspiracy theories”, and result in the subsequent demonization and marginalization of any form of questioning or healthy criticism.
Waking up from that media and education entrancement is another shocker. Could they do such a thing? Could we really be facing such a totalitarian crackdown? And why?
When I was young there were over 60 media companies vying for audiences. Real investigative reporting, although it’s always been tampered with or suppressed, was still available. Today 6 mega corporations own all of the media. The very same corporations that own much of the corporate military industrial infrastructure. Conspiracy is not a stretch – of course these power brokers would twist information to suit their intentions. The word conspiracy has been stigmatized for a reason – don’t ask questions or there will be consequences.
All of this will take some serious researching, most likely in places people have never dared to look before. And this is good. Don’t let anyone tell you what the truth is, find out for yourself and be convinced in your own mind and heart. That’s a new phenomenon for most, as odd as that may seem, but stepping outside the propaganda mainstream is a must. And is oh so refreshing.
[h=3]The Shock Does Wear Off – And Don’t Worry, We’re in this Together[/h]There are so many interconnected “rabbit holes” of similarly repressed, twisted or hidden areas of information that it can be staggering. Once we realize we’ve been lied to about any one of these serious issues, we begin to question everything. And that is extremely healthy. You may not find support for your new found perspective from those around you, but there are millions who are sharing your experience. Thanks to the internet you can find others undergoing the same transformation quite readily and derive a lot of encouragement and support.
Battling through the naysaying of close friends and loved ones seems to act like a chrysalis, much like the cocoon a metamorphosing butterfly has to struggle to escape. And as we know, that is exactly what drives the blood into the wings of the birthing creation that will soon bear the beautiful new awakened soul to glorious new heights and vistas.
One thing that won’t wear off is your absolute disdain for what is being perpetrated on our fellow humans. As the expression goes, “If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention.” If you knew your home was under attack and malevolent forces were coming for you and your children, you would do anything in your power to protect your family. That soon becomes an innate awareness regarding the current toxic social and physical world we’re experiencing and the need for a conscious response.
[h=3]Awakening Your Spirituality[/h]This goes hand in hand to anyone experiencing this consciousness shift. If things here are so massively manipulated, what lies beyond all of this? What are we being kept from? Why do I sense I am so much more? Where does God or Love or human kindness come in? And for so many with some form of religious or spiritual background, the question always arises, “Is this some form of spiritual warfare?”
These are very important questions to pursue. There must be meaning in all of this. “Certainly all of humanity is not as wicked as these psychopathic control freaks.” Yes, that’s true. Unfortunately, the aggressor often rules the day in this hierarchy of control our world has adopted for millennia. History bears this out.
The beauty of gaining a new spiritual perspective is that it puts these influences in their place. We discover new ways to perceive our true indomitable nature which gives tremendous peace and confidence in spite of what we’re currently faced with. This sense of profound conscious awareness and spirituality only grows as our pursuit for truth, in love, gains momentum.
[/h][h=3]Awake, But Never Alone[/h]A sense of isolation following the initial awakening is natural. It’s foreign to everything we’ve been taught, with implications that can be mind-boggling as well as heart breaking. However, we are very much connected and sharing a profound common experience. Knowing we are not alone is very important to keep in mind.
Building community also becomes a priority, where we can contribute to the healing of the planet at every level possible. Whether it’s activist or spiritual associations this is very important. It may only be on-line at first, that’s fine. Find kindred spirits and empowering and informative websites and blogs and even attend meet up events in your area on some of these subjects of concern.
This awakening of consciousness is transpiring at an accelerating pace, and it’s something to be very encouraged about. Once you get past the shock of what you’ve “found out”, it becomes easier, but it will drastically alter your life.
Enjoy it, be empowered and take action accordingly. Trust your heart.
The darkness cannot put out the Light no matter how hard they try.
Please share this freely with those embarking on this magnificent journey.
Much love,
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[h=1]A War in the Heavens: In the Far Reaches of Outer & Inner Space[/h]
Is there a war going on out there in the far reaches of outer and therefore inner space, a War in the Heavens as many have alluded? If there is such a war, what would that mean to us here on planet Earth in terms of our belief systems, our safety and sovereignty?
In 1995 Courtney Brown started the Farsight Institute to teach remote viewing techniques. In the early days of his endeavors, he was very open about what he was doing and what he was ‘seeing’. For a time he posted the most amazing reports on his website that were emerging from his and others remote viewing events. These reports often concerned governments, the ETs, and catastrophic occurrences that in those days would knock-the-socks-off most of us readers. One day such mind blowing accounts stopped cold, and even though we cannot know, many imagined that Courtney had been approached and after some ‘discussion’ was persuaded – like so many others – that it was in the best interest of everyone concerned to curtail the disclosure of such sensitive material.
In 1999 Courtney Brown published a book entitled, COSMIC EXPLORERS: Scientific Remote Viewing, Extraterrestrials, and a Message for Mankind – now out of print – in which he posed the reality of a war in space.
“There is a war in space and beyond. This war has just now reached our borders. What is at stake is not the awakening of a foolish humanity that wants to keep its head buried in the sand, but a future of our children that is free from fear, imprisonment, and possibly genetic slavery or even genocide. We are entering a new stage in a long battle in which we must fight for the survival of our species. We are now living in an age that requires courage above all things. If fortune favors the bold, so must be our destiny.” [COSMIC EXPLORERS: Scientific Remote Viewing, Extraterrestrials, and a Message for Mankind. Courtney Brown; Dutton, 1999.]
This naturally brings up the question of why extraterrestrials would still be involved in war when they are seemingly so far in advance, at least technologically, of we earthlings? The implication here is that the ETs are at varying levels of evolution. Some are indeed very spiritually advanced, while others are perhaps more Borg-like or operating primarily from the classic reptilian brain. So-called insiders often report that our governments are dealing with over 80 different ET races.
[h=3]The Myriad Realms[/h] The ancient Sanskrit epic text, The Mahabharata, describes many strange races of beings and their lineages. There are the antigods, the Asuras and within the Asuras are the daityas (genii), the danavas (giants), the dasyus (barbarians), the kalakanjas (stellar spirits), the kalejas (demons of Time), khalins (threshers), nagas (serpents), nivata-kavacas (wearers of impenetrable armor), paulomas (sons of the Sage Pulastya), pisacas (eaters of raw flesh), and the Raksasas (night wanderers). The extensive lineages of these beings are often listed. [‘The Gods of India’/Alain Danielou]
The concept of other worlds is an accepted part of Hindu metaphysics. The Puranas give rich descriptions of these worlds known as LOKAS. The seven Higher Lokas are Bhur Loka, Bhuvar Loka, Svar Loka, Mahar Loka, Jana Loka, Tapo Loka, and Satya Loka. The seven Lower Lokas are Atalam, Vitalam, Sutalam, Tala-Talam, Rasa-Talam, Maha-Talam, and Patalam. All of these Loka Worlds are often vividly described and this last one, the Patala Loka is a real blood-drinking ghoulish reptilian nightmare.
Are these Loka worlds merely astral realms, or are they actual planetary civilizations?
The better question is – Is there a difference?
If the universe is a hologram, then all the worlds contained within this particular universe express varying rates of vibratory frequencies and thus dimensional localities.
Just as the duration of time, meaning the manner in which you experience time is a consequence of your consciousness – so is your location also a function of your consciousness. You are where you are, based what you think because your thoughts emit specific frequencies.
[h=3]Life everywhere is constantly changing![/h] Around the year 1995, Courtney Brown gave a lecture, which I personally attended. One of the subjects he discussed was that the little Grey aliens had intentionally mutated their own genome and suffered unintended dire consequences. According to Mr. Brown, the Greys had gone through a period of extreme violence, greed, and excess that had wrought terrible destruction in their world. Thus they had made a collective decision to unplug the portion of their DNA that could produce so much ‘evil’ in their holographic matrix. Sadly this had also cut them off from exalted spiritual experiences. Part of their hybridization program with our human genome is to hopefully resurrect the capacity of their emotional bodily forms to experience a wide variety of spiritual states of consciousness.
I naturally found this very interesting because it was evidence that the other races of beings in this universe are also evolving and devolving, changing, moving through the Cycles of Time just as we are here in 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] dimensional planet Earth.

[h=3]Not all ETs are alike![/h] I feel that at this time it is now crucial for us to realize that not all ETs are alike – just as there is a wide spectrum of human behavior, so the ETs are living in their own unique frequency of consciousness and each of these has their own point of view based on their own agenda. Thus what is good for them may not necessarily be good for us as humans.
When the ETs reveal themselves, it will be very tempting for many of us here to deify, idealize, and follow them. Some of them may be offering everything from miracle technologies to space travel to spiritual salvation. We must learn to feel their real intentions and hone our own powers of discernment.
The human species has been entrained for centuries to worship an external deity and passively await salvation. This current Kali Yuga entrainment leaves us very vulnerable to the Darkside ETs. We will bow down and worship just about anything – from movie stars to idols to consumption.
“I dwell in the heart of everyone.”
-Bhagavad Gita, [37.15.15]
“… I, the SELF, dwell in the heart.”
-Uddhava Gita, Dialogue 15. 29
God is within the Heart of each and every man, woman and child. An adamantine connection with the God-within us all will protect mankind from any possible manipulation and deception from any of the pernicious tyrannical ETs. Already there are a myriad of cults emerging around ET transmissions.
[h=3]Buyer Beware! [/h] Trust only the God-within you. This is why I have placed the Sanskrit text verses from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad at the top of my website, Metaphysical Musing. I remember the first time years ago I read this passage, I was completely bewildered by it. I couldn’t imagine what it could mean, and only after years of study and research did it hit me like the proverbial bullet train.
And to this day, [those] who…know the self as I am Brahman [One-ness], become all this universe.

Even the gods [any other dimensional beings] cannot prevent his becoming this, for he has become their Self. …if a man worships another deity thinking: He is one and I am another, he does not know.
He [who does not know] is like a sacrificial animal to the gods. As many animals serve a man, so does each man serve the gods. Even if one animal is taken away, it causes anguish to the owner; how much more so when many are taken away!
Therefore it is not pleasing to the gods that men should know this [that they are One-ness]. – Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, I.iv.10
What happens metaphysically with this bow-down-worship thing is that you in fact give whatever you worship, in the external illusory hologram, your energy. So whoever worships another – meaning any other being on this earth or from the myriad denizens of the Invisible Realms, gods, angels, or ETs – his energy becomes ‘sacrificial’ food for that entity. The current way of saying this is – “You give your power away!” In fact, literally.
[h=3]Beneath the illusion of holographic multiplicities…[/h] This entire universe – only one of many others – is a temporal illusory hologram. Beneath the illusion of holographic multiplicities is Oneness, Source, the Immeasurable Immensity, the Immutable Creator. You are a portion of the Unified Field of that Love which is also Divine Power as energy, as the Force.
[h=3]TAT TWAM ASI – Thou Art That![/h] Lift up the ‘curtain of each atom’ and you will find your SELF. When you realize your Oneness with That, the God-with that simultaneously dwells within All, you will be amazed at how powerful the Illusion had to be to delude you into the temporal idea of Separation from the One. This power of Illusion is the creative art power of MAYA (Shakti), which allows the Oneness to play in this universe as multiplicity.
When you are connected to the Oneness none can use you and your energy, and make you a sacrificial lamb for their own needs. But as long as you feel that ‘he is one and I another, he knows not’ – meaning when you see another as God and think that you are not, then you know not and are vulnerable.
The only difference between you and the sublimely enlightened ones you worship is that through their own endeavors, they experienced God Realization, they REMEMBERED who they are and know God is within the Heart – and perhaps you do not, yet, but inevitably you will!
The purpose of Life, especially now in the Twilight of the Kali Yuga is to Remember who you are. “This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness.” [Kashmir Shaivite sage & scholar, Swami Lakshmanjoo.]
It is obvious to me that in a War in the Heavens, we human beings simply do not have the technology to fight entities that have the power to move from one dimension into another.
Our sanctuary lies within – in consciousness.
[h=6]About the Author[/h] V. Susan Ferguson is the author of Inanna Returns, Inanna Hyper-Luminal; her own commentary on the Bhagavad Gita and the Shiva Sutras; and Colony Earth & the Rig Veda. Her website is Metaphysical Musing.


- The Bhagavadgita in the Mahabharata. Translated by J.A.B. van Buitenen. University of Chicago Press, 1981
- The Uddhava Gita, The Final Teaching of Krishna. Translated by Swami Ambikananda Saraswati; 2002, Ulysses Press
- The Gods of India/Hindu Polytheism. Alain Danielou, 1964
- Inner traditions International; 1985, New York
- Swami Lakshmanjoo: Shiva Sutras, The Supreme Awakening, With the Commentary of Kshemaraja, Revealed by Swami Lakshmanjoo, and edited by John Hughes; Universal Shaiva Fellowship, 2002.
- Jaideva Singh: Siva Sutras, The Yoga of Supreme Identity, Text of the Sutras and the Commentary Vimarsini of Kshemaraja Translated into English with Introduction, Notes, Running Exposition, Glossary and Index; Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi, 1979 and reprints.
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.
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[h=2]Medicated to Death: SSRIs and Mass Killings [/h]
by James Corbett
April 16, 2014
In May 1998, 15 year old Kip Kinkel murdered his parents and two classmates, as well as injuring 25 others, after engaging in a shooting spree that ended up in his school’s cafeteria. In the investigation it emerged that he had been taking popular antidepressant medication Prozac since the summer of the previous year.
In December 2000, Michael McDermott went on a shooting rampage at his workplace, Edgewater Technologies, killing seven of his co-workers. During his trial, the court heard testimony that in the weeks before the shooting, McDermott had tripled the dosage of his antidepressant medication, Prozac, from 70 milligrams per day to 210 milligrams.
In March 2005, 16 year old Jeff Weise shot and killed nine people, including five students at Red Lake Senior High School in Minnesota, before turning the gun on himself. It was later revealed he had been undergoing treatment for depression and had been on Prozac at the time.
In September 2008, Finnish post-secondary student Matti Saari shot and killed ten other students on campus before killing himself. The official Finnish government report on the incident revealed that he had been taking an SSRI medication at the time of the shooting.
SSRI stands for Selective Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitor, and it is a class of drugs that is often used to treat depression and anxiety. It includes Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, Paxil and a host of other commonly prescribed antidepressants. And the perpetrators of a raft of school shootings, mass murders and other violent incidents in recent years have been taking them.
And so it was perhaps not surprising when the culprit of this month’s mass shooting at Fort Hood, Specialist Ivan Lopez, turned out to be taking unnamed antidepressants himself.
Although it has yet to be reported (and may in fact never be revealed) precisely what type of antidepressant Lopez was taking or whether it was an SSRI, the number of confirmed SSRI shooters in recent years has raised the question of a causal link between the medication and incidents of violence.
Although the drug manufacturers are quick to downplay this connection as anecdotal or coincidental mounting scientific evidence points to a strong correlation between the use of psychiatric drugs in general, and SSRIS in particular, and violent behavior.
In 2010, the Public Library of Science published a study titled “Prescription Drugs Associa
ted with Reports of Violence Towards Others
” which examined how 484 drugs were associated with 1,937 documented cases of violent behaviour. Of those 484 drugs, 31 of them were responsible for 79% of the violence, including 11 antidepressants.
When incidents of school massacres in the US are charted against prescription of psychiatric medication, the correlation is undeniable. Further research is needed to establish if there is a causal linkage between these pharmaceuticals and the incidents of violence, but critics of the big pharmaceutical manufacturers complain such research is hampered by the low standards for reporting that these companies are held to.
One such critic, David Healy, author of over 150 peer-reviewed papers in the field of psychiatry and the author of numerous books, including Pharmageddon, joined me on The Corbett Report last week to discuss this issue.
Further complicating the issue is the fact that the general public is often, as in the case of the Fort Hood shooter, left in a state of limbo regarding the medical history of the perpetrators of these mass shooting events. Often stories are reported with vague and unconfirmed details about “antidepressants” or sometimes just medication. It can be difficult for the average person to sort through the daily reports of adverse and violent effects of these types of drugs.
One website that helps in that effort is Begun in the 1990s, it is a repository of over 5000 news articles in which prescription drugs were linked to adverse events, including incidents of violence. Last week Julie Wood, one of the proprietors of the site, joined me to discuss the problem of sorting through the often incomplete information from these reports.
In the final equation, the question of the causal linkage between SSRIs and indeed other forms of psychiatric drugs and incidents of violence needs to be taken seriously. There are many factors at play here, from differences in individual reactions to the fact that people who are more likely to commit violent acts in the first place are often the people who are prescribed these drugs.
But the threat of violence has been taken seriously enough that the FDA in the US, the Ministry of Health in Japan and other similar bodies in countries around the world have added a warning in their guidelines for antidepressants. According to the Japanese Ministry of Health, “There are cases where we cannot rule out a causal relationship [of hostility, anxiety, and sudden acts of violence] with the medication.” And in the FDA formulation: “Antidepressant medicines may increase suicidal thoughts or actions in some children, teenagers, and young adults within the first few months of treatment.”
How can it be seen to be a good thing for anyone but the drug manufacturers themselves that these drugs have been on the market for decades and the bodies in charge of regulating them still can only offer such wishy-washy, non-evidence based statements? The issue of drug-linked violence is one that we as a society need to start discussing and acting on soon, otherwise we will continue to let the status quo be ruled not by doctors or patients or their loved ones, and certainly not by the victims of these mass murders, but by the men in the board rooms of these pharmaceutical companies who have been shown time and time again to care about nothing other than their own bottom line.
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There are still some segments of society hung up on the issue of ending cannabis prohibition due to an unfounded fear that the seed-bearing plant is somehow a "gateway drug" that leads to a life of vice and crime. But the real gateway substances that we should all be worried about, and perhaps the ones with the most negative impact on society, are pharmaceutical drugs, and antidepressants like SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) in particular, which have been proven to lead to extreme depression, suicide and even mass murder.

A recent report by James Corbett of The Corbett Report unearths some of the extensive history of SSRI-induced suicides and homicides in America, drawing specific attention to a number of mass shootings that have occurred as a result of these drugs. Prozac, for instance, which is often prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), was responsible for triggering multiple mass shootings at schools during the 1990s and 2000s, while other SSRIs have been linked to similar shootings.

One of the more recent drug-induced mass shootings, which took place at Fort Hood in Texas, was also linked to SSRIs, though the mainstream media has been reluctant to name which ones. An all-too-familiar scenario, the shooter had reportedly been taking the medications when he suddenly decided to go on a violent rampage, killing everyone in sight before finally turning his weapon on himself for the final kill.

When horrific events like this occur, their connection to pharmaceuticals is routinely downplayed, almost as a matter of policy. It is apparently better to just keep things quiet in order to protect the drug companies, while millions more of our children are prescribed a class of drugs that has the potential to permanently alter their brain chemistry and cause them to commit these and other violent acts.

[h=1]Expert psychiatrist says more than 4,000 additional suicides occur annually in US and Europe due to antidepressants[/h] According to David Healy, author of more than 150 peer-reviewed papers in the field of psychiatry, as well as the author of several books, SSRIs are responsible for triggering some 4,000 additional suicides annually in both the U.S. and Europe. This figure is based on clinical trial data that Healy gained access to that was never publicly released, but of which drug companies are fully aware.

"There is no research evidence to suggest that anyone's life is saved by taking an antidepressant but if there are lives saved the research makes it clear that for every life saved there must be another lost," reads a report he compiled. "There are probably something between 1,000 [and] 1,500 extra suicides in the U.S. each year, triggered by an antidepressant -- an extra 2,000 to 2,500 in Europe."

[h=1]SSRI-related suicides often recorded as other forms of death[/h] Besides not having to release this information publicly under existing law, drug companies are also able to cover up SSRI-induced suicides by having these suicides classified as other forms of death. In some cases, coroners will declare obvious suicides as accidental deaths, for instance, which in the greater scheme of things makes it appear as though drug-induced suicides are far less frequent than they actually are.

"You look at deaths where SSRIs have been involved, and case after case after case you see the coroner saying, 'Well, you know, he hanged himself, but we can't be sure that it was deliberate.' What?" asks Julie Wood, one of the proprietors of, a repository of cases of SSRI-induced harm and death.

"You read so many of these things that you start to think, 'Well, no wonder the suicide rate hasn't changed -- nobody's counting suicides as suicides.'"

Be sure to watch the full video report by The Corbett Report on SSRIs and mass killings here:

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I like how conspiracy theorists hate society and tells you that you can't trust anything they're saying ... Except for the reports that society sometimes releases that somewhat agrees with what they're saying.
I like how conspiracy theorists hate society and tells you that you can't trust anything they're saying ... Except for the reports that society sometimes releases that somewhat agrees with what they're saying.

I don't hate society...i'm not sure where you got that from

I'm the one who is saying that the 'conspiracy' is trying to break down society

I am also the one...if you read some of the things i've posted about anarchist communism....who is sayin that society (and by that i mean community in this case) is important to people

In fact the reason i posted the articles above about anti-depressants is because i believe that because of the things the conspiracy have done to break down society many people are now feeling alienated, lonely, depressed and anxious and the response of the conspiracy to that is to then drug them

So their social engineering messes people up...and then they treat the resultant symptoms with their drugs to shut people up....its like a giant band aid over society
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To answer your original question, yes. People are distracted by petty things like their 9-5 jobs even though I understand that they're trying to make a living, the lack of seeing the big picture is what makes things worse. I have seen the injustices of society: the lack of apathy, alienation, disregard of the true human rights which came before law. Our nature is damaged, humanly and spiritually (and by spiritually, I mean character). I have been finding ways on how to act, only to have done nothing because of my fear of rejection. I realized that to change the world, we must start within, and awaken ourselves. To change the world, one must realize that one cannot carry the problems of the world, and therefore must act in ways simple because the world we live in has become senseless and the only way to fix it is to start being simple.
To answer your original question, yes. People are distracted by petty things like their 9-5 jobs even though I understand that they're trying to make a living, the lack of seeing the big picture is what makes things worse. I have seen the injustices of society: the lack of apathy, alienation, disregard of the true human rights which came before law. Our nature is damaged, humanly and spiritually (and by spiritually, I mean character). I have been finding ways on how to act, only to have done nothing because of my fear of rejection. I realized that to change the world, we must start within, and awaken ourselves. To change the world, one must realize that one cannot carry the problems of the world, and therefore must act in ways simple because the world we live in has become senseless and the only way to fix it is to start being simple.

I agree with what you are saying but i see it operating on a couple of levels

So there is what we can do as individuals that comes form our awakening. So if i find out a certain food or drink has aspartame then i stop buying it. If i find out my bank has been involved in money laundering for drug cartels i leave that bank. If i don't like foreign wars being fought over oil i'll drive an LPG vehicle etc

But then there are the things that we can do as groups. So if one person stopped buying aspartame drinks the company will keep making them. If lots of people stop buying them then it becomes unsustainable for the company to keep selling them as they will make a loss on it

So yes there is the simple things we do as individuals and then there are the more complex things we can do as groups

Coordinated effort can be very effective
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I agree with what you are saying but i see it operating on a couple of levels

So there is what we can do as individuals that comes form our awakening. So if i find out a certain food or drink has aspartame then i stop buying it. If i find out my bank has been involved in money laundering for drug cartels i leave that bank. If i don't like foreign wars being fought over oil i'll drive an LPG vehicle etc

But then there are the things that we can do as groups. So if one person stopped buying aspartame drinks the company will keep making them. If lots of people stop buying them then it becomes unsustainable for the company to keep selling them as they will make a loss on it

So yes there is the simple things we do as individuals and then there are the more complex things we can do as groups

Coordinated effort can be very effective

Great things come from small beginnings. :)
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Great things come from small beginnings. :)

Yeah there is also a critical mass....some people even quantified it....where once a certain percentage of people want something to happen or not happen their will carries through

Onbviously the more determined the powers that be are to achieve something the harder people might have to push but TPTB seem to often stop what they are trying if they meet enough resistance and then they try a different avenue

It seems if we are going to stop this constant power struggle then we must as a society find some way of voiding the power of TPTB. This will probably need to take the form of changes to the political and economic system

So if we recognise that the political system is bascially dominated by money then we are going to have to come up with ways to remove money from politics and then as a cohesive group push that through

You don't need everyone to push something through (although having everyone onboard is best) but you do need enough people.

This process of awakening though is only going to accelerate exponentially because the more people who are aware, the more people who are then talking about these things and then those people then pass it on and more people then talk about it and so on.

So the awakening is snow balling. Once it reaches a critical mass of people then change is an inevitability
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This thread reminds me of Star Trek voyager season six episode nine.
This thread reminds me of Star Trek voyager season six episode nine.

Except this thread doesn't end with captain kirk having a fist fight with a gaseous entity.........or will it?
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This thread reminds me of Star Trek voyager season six episode nine.

That's the one with seventh of nine being overwhelmed by too much information? I might've mentioned that already but I dont know if it was in this thread. You're entirely right about that.
That's the one with seventh of nine being overwhelmed by too much information? I might've mentioned that already but I dont know if it was in this thread. You're entirely right about that.

Yes correct. She has downloaded so much information that she cannot process it and comes to the conclusion that janeways is conspiring against chakotay, vice versa, and that she must escape voyager because of a third conspiracy I don't recall the details of.
Except this thread doesn't end with captain kirk having a fist fight with a gaseous entity.........or will it?
I don't think voyager ends with Kirk doing anything.
I don't think voyager ends with Kirk doing anything.

So it doesn't involve a group of futuristic humans travelling vast distances across space in an advanced spacecraft to seek out new life in order to beat it to a pulp with their fists?
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Yes correct. She has downloaded so much information that she cannot process it and comes to the conclusion that janeways is conspiring against chakotay, vice versa, and that she must escape voyager because of a third conspiracy I don't recall the details of.

I think it was that Voyager was secretly in league with The Borg.