Morgan - my psychologist doesn't judge me. Well, sometimes he says some things that I perceive as judgmental but I call him on it and we talk about it. It's impossible for anyone to be totally non judgmental. He has never told me that I need to change to fit in, but he has tried to give me strategies to deal with situations that I find myself in that are painful. He knows that I am passionate about things, that I have strong values, that I'm very sensitive, and that I think I'm weird and other people think I am too, but he doesn't think I'm weird. He appreciates, or at least he pretends to, my strong convictions. I think he understands a lot of what I feel, not all of it though. Sometimes it's very frustrating because he tries to give me logic when what I need is to have my feelings validated.
We've never talked about the MBTI or my INFJ personality. I'm afraid to bring it up. I think he'll view it as hocus pocus or astrology or something trivial. I wonder what psychologists learn about MBTI in school.
I think if you find the right therapist you'll find what you need, but it could take some searching.