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Any gamers here?

Been gaming since the NES and I currently play on the 360, PS2, and more recently the PSP. What I love about the PS2 is that it had insanely good third-party support and it's become the DVD of the gaming world, with a huge library of titles for ~$5 each now that the next gen is so prevalent. You can get 12 nostalgic PS2 games for the price of one new 360 game, great for gaming on a budget.
I'm big on fighting games with my buddies(Street Fighter+Soul Calibur mostly, though getting into BlazBlue), as well as FPS's like Halo, CoD, etc. For that single player itch, I love RPGs. I've logged in far more hours than is healthy for me in TES:Oblivion, and I can't wait for Skyrim to come out this fall.
For handhelds, pokemon has held a special place in my heart over the years, and I recently got an old used PSP just for a new Monster Hunter game (though in my defense, I've been waiting for a new one on a system I own since the first one in '04), and it is just as satisfying in the newer ones to down a giant beast after 20-40 minutes of combat.
I am playing PC, no consoles. Mostly I am picky when it comes to computer games and have high standards for them. Especially story.
I think the game I enjoyed the most was Command&Conquer (3) and Legacy of Kain:Defiance.

The highest rating goes to Half-Life series (just love the overall atmosphere of Eastern Europe (Half-Life 2).
I do game. Started on the PC some 10 years ago or so.
Then had an Xbox 360.
And now i have found my way back to the PC.


Yeah, i was the prodigal son and i found my way back home =p =)
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Wow, I love white wolf and especially the Masquerade. I thought noone knew those these days :)

I remember them!

I play mostly indie games and RPGs, RTS games, and the rare FPS craving. Sometimes an MMO, but only a trial really. They can never keep my attention, because I played through all the content in the ones I enjoyed. When I do play an MMO I roleplay. I ADORED SWG roleplay because of the player cities and housing. Absolutely amazing. Can't wait for SWTOR!

Oh, and I play console games maybe twice a year? lol, I just don't like the console feel as much as the pc.
Wow, I love white wolf and especially the Masquerade. I thought noone knew those these days :)

You might be interested in Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines if you haven't heard of it already.

Currently haven't been playing much.

Left 4 Dead 2 and Team Fortress 2 mainly. If I feel like MMORPG I stop by Lord of the Rings Online.

Might start another run of Mass Effect soon.
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You might be interested in Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines if you haven't heard of it already.

Currently haven't been playing much.

Left 4 Dead 2 and Team Fortress 2 mainly. If I feel like MMORPG I stop by Lord of the Rings Online.

Might start another run of Mass Effect soon.

I've been playing some L4D2 too. Just got it less than a week or so ago and I'm still in the honeymoon phase lol. Do you play on the PC?
Still obsessed with the Sims 3 on PC, lol. I love the deep characterization and building/designing/decorating my own houses. Often, I even plan them out on graph paper ahead of time.

Sometimes I'll break out my PS2 and play my old faves like Baldur's Gate, Champions of Norrath, Dynasty Warriors, Sims 2, etc. Or my old GameBoy Advance SP for Pokemon or FF Tactics Advance, etc.

My husband, son and both daughters each have their own XBox so they can play CoD, Halo Reach, etc. online or with each other from their own rooms, lol. Not crazy about first-person shooters, myself. On PC they typically stick to DDO over WoW.

I also still rp in Vampire:The Masquerade (typically Toreador or Brujah) and D&D (3.5; last night just created a character for a new campaign... ogre barbarian, planning to be a berserker with a prestige class in War Hulk...FTW!) We usually play as a family, taking turns as DM, but we also play with groups of friends regularly.

And the old board games, too, like Clue and Life and the various Monopoly games. We are definitely a gamer family.
I've just been addicted to MineCraft lately, but I've always adored video games. Among the more popular old consoles, I have a few of the less-popular ones in my game room: a Saturn, Dreamcast, Virtual Boy, Game Gear, Atari 2600... As far as new gen consoles, I grabbed an Xbox, a PS2, and a 360 as well... but no Wii, Gamecube, or PS3.

I think the games that I go back to the most are ones that are quirky. A Boy and his Blob for the NES (Fuck you, Wii), Super Punchout, Braid, Portal, Space Ace, Battle Monsters, Monopoly for the NES (The BEST version!), Super Metroid, Katamari Damacy, Mirror's Edge, Streets of Rage 2, Bust-A-Groove. Oh, gorgeous!

I've always wanted to play D&D, but I never have :( I like social games that can be played with friends.

Anyone have any suggestions for any online multiplayer games that have that Diablo II addictiveness and ease and action of play? Aside from WoW, I mean. ;)
Wow, I love white wolf and especially the Masquerade. I thought noone knew those these days :)

We've actually been playing Requiem (the new edition red book that was released a few years ago). It is a much better game. Streamlined, smoother, and much more open to interpretation. There is a paradigm shift, as a lot of the same terms mean entirely different things, but I'd highly suggest updgrading to the new WoD systems if you can talk your group into it.

This pleases me.
I make video games for a living. I don't play them much, though.

Except for old school games like Master Of Orion and recent spinoffs like Galactic Civ. 4x strategy FTW.
Board games are boring, can't stand them, never did. I used to play Street Fighter on Arcades, and Tekken on Playstation, but other than those games there's nothing else I would care to play on consoles/arcades. On PC I'll play almost anything, but I prefer RPG, FPS, and MMO.

These are the games I can remember playing since 1991 (I keep a list mind you).

Video Games (PC & PS, from 1991):
Scorched Tanks, 4D Sports Boxing, 3D Pong, Tetris, Snake, Space Invaders, Street Fighter, Winter Olympics, DigDug, Lemmings, Sam, Sam & Max, Wolfenstein 3D, Heretic, Tekken, Full Throttle, Leisure Suit Larry 1, Duke Nukem 3D, Doom, Quake, Doom 2, Diablo, Fifa 1997+, Tomb Raider, Age of Empires, Red Alert, Command and Conquer, Quake 2, James Bond: Golden Eye, Monkey Island 3, Swat 3, Tekken 2, Diablo 2, Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction, Age of Empires 2, Monkey Island 4, Half-Life, Half-Life: Counter-Strike, Half Life: Frontline Force, Half Life: Natural Selection, Silent Hill, Tekken 3, Tekken Tag Tournament, Heroes III of Might and Magic, Aliens Vs. Predator 2, Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2, Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic 1, Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic 2, Rainbow Six, Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear, Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield, Rainbow Six: Lockdown, Rainbow Six: Vegas, Rainbow Six: Vegas 2, Advanced Warfighter, Ghost Recon, Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 1, Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2, Operation Flashpoint 1, Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis, Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, ARMA 2, The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind, Lineage 2, Doom 3, The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, Monkey Island 5, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Everquest 2, Fallout 3, Dragon Age, Aliens Vs. Predator 3, Rift.
I've just been addicted to MineCraft lately, but I've always adored video games. Among the more popular old consoles, I have a few of the less-popular ones in my game room: a Saturn, Dreamcast, Virtual Boy, Game Gear, Atari 2600... As far as new gen consoles, I grabbed an Xbox, a PS2, and a 360 as well... but no Wii, Gamecube, or PS3.

I think the games that I go back to the most are ones that are quirky. A Boy and his Blob for the NES (Fuck you, Wii), Super Punchout, Braid, Portal, Space Ace, Battle Monsters, Monopoly for the NES (The BEST version!), Super Metroid, Katamari Damacy, Mirror's Edge, Streets of Rage 2, Bust-A-Groove. Oh, gorgeous!

I've always wanted to play D&D, but I never have :( I like social games that can be played with friends.

Anyone have any suggestions for any online multiplayer games that have that Diablo II addictiveness and ease and action of play? Aside from WoW, I mean. ;)

I love playing Minecraft. I also have a server if you or anyone else from the INFJ boards (or their friends!) want to play on it. It's hosted by a company, so it's up 24/7.

IP: (no whitelist)
New MineCraft Server Acquired! Locking on!
Minecraft is evil I tell you, evil! I start playing it in the morning and next thing I know the sun's coming back out... every freakin' time I start it up!
The worst part about Minecraft is the fact that trying to explain what you've created to other people is absolutely futile. Even if you actually show them what you made, you're likely to get more than a shrug. It's an incredible amount of effort for no pay off other than your own satisfaction.

It's like digital sandcastles.
I've been playing some L4D2 too. Just got it less than a week or so ago and I'm still in the honeymoon phase lol. Do you play on the PC?

Yep, if you need any help with a campaign or some tips just ask.

Steam ID is same as forum name.
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Hey, you can add me on steam you PC gamers if you want to.
The user is the same as my name here: yndsu
My Steam name is Baird. Add me if you want! :D