Any evidence for conspiracy theories??


Community Member
I am seeing this illuminati/nwo stuff everywhere? Is there any evidence for it?

In my experience, explanations tend to be more boring...:m083:
I am seeing this illuminati/nwo stuff everywhere? Is there any evidence for it?
In my experience, explanations tend to be more boring...:m083:
Obviously yes if you are seeing it.
Obviously yes if you are seeing it.
Lol nice. I see people asserting it everywhere, I don't see the evidence that leads people to the conclusion that a secret society or conspiracy is responsible for anything.
Lol nice. I see people asserting it everywhere, I don't see the evidence that leads people to the conclusion that a secret society or conspiracy is responsible for anything.

Its not a secret society, they are pretty open with it.
I cant tell you anymore than this.
Could you maybe hint at some things? Increasing the probability that I'll make the connections on my own?
Could you maybe hint at some things? Increasing the probability that I'll make the connections on my own?

The info is out there for the taking. Whatever youve heard just google it and then check it out at the appropriate sources.
Well poo.
Glenn Beck seems to make some interesting points, but most of the evidence on youtube and google just seems to be quotes of people saying "new world order" over and over.
Yay Earth will be saved! It's good to know that we're all safe.
The only conspiracy theory that I slightly buy into is the 9/11 theory.

I've read a shit ton of material on 9/11, both for papers and for my own peace of mind. We aren't being told everything, that certain. First of all, ask any demolition specialist, they will tell you that a plane cannot take down a building like that. You'd need a ton of TNT on every other floor. It was not jet fuel. Jet fuel doesn't explode again and again, it burns. And it doesn't melt steel. Not to mention the eye witnesses and survivors who saw and heard bombs go off in the basements of both buildings. Or it's a little strange that on the eleventh, all guards and sniffer dogs were not sent to the buildings for the first time in the history of the towers. Oh, or that we stop terrorist hijackings and attacks virtually every day, yet somehow that particular one slipped by us and inspired the war that Bush said he would "do anything" to get into. How how in the ruins of the towers, nothing was salvageable, all was burnt beyond recognition...except for the perfectly clean passport of a Muslim "terrorist" set neatly on top of the rubble. Anyway...I digress. I don't think Bush was involved. I think he was a puppet. He wasn't smart enough to do anything like that. I don't want to believe our government did it, and I'm not going to say they did, but they sure as hell aren't telling us the real details. A plane does not vaporize after it hits a building (there was no plane found at the Pentagon, yet they claimed the plane crashed and vaporized in the heat T_T).

We're making billions and billions from the "War on Terror." U.S. citizens just don't realize that they're on the defense, not us.
There are many secret societies. "Secret" usually doesn't mean that the existence of the society is secret, but that the identities of its members are.

The masonic cult, for example is very visible, because it constructs temples, however, it is by definition a secret society, because the membership is not public. Verifying the existence of a secret society that does not have distinct buildings, or insignia is obviously somewhat difficult. It is even more difficult to verify the existence of secret societies that are not open to people joining, except by invitation.
There are many secret societies. "Secret" usually doesn't mean that the existence of the society is secret, but that the identities of its members are.

The masonic cult, for example is very visible, because it constructs temples, however, it is by definition a secret society, because the membership is not public. Verifying the existence of a secret society that does not have distinct buildings, or insignia is obviously somewhat difficult. It is even more difficult to verify the existence of secret societies that are not open to people joining, except by invitation.

Quite a few of my Uncles were members of Masonic Temples.
My Father became a member when he was young due to pressure from family. He said the initiation process was hell to go through.
In my lifetime he never was an active member, but would never talk about it either.
Even late in life when he was in his 80's, I would ask him about it and he would never say a thing. "Can't talk about it" would be the only response.
I admire him I guess for taking an oath of silence and staying true to it.
I wonder how important you'd have to be to get into such a society? Idk where to put my application in or who to give it to in order to join such a society.
I wonder how important you'd have to be to get into such a society? Idk where to put my application in or who to give it to in order to join such a society.

Purchase one of the federal reserve banks around the world, a major oil-field.
The best conspiracy theory answer I have heard yet (to any question):

"... it must be Ancient Aliens." :D
The term 'new world order' has been used a number of different ways and you can easily hear many politicians on both sides of the pond, on youtube, using this term eg:


Often it is used to mean a new financial order such as the one established at Bretton Woods:

or the Washington Consensus:

The question some people are asking is whether or not the new world order or 'novus ordo seclorum' ('new order of the ages' written on the back of the dollar bill) has other dimensions to it.

For example the clip above shows a president of the United States of America talking about a 'new world order'. He makes it sound like something good....something related to global stability and justice. What gets some people hot under the collar is knowing things such as that president was a member of the secret society 'the skull and Bones' when he was at yale university.

Once you know that many of the top members of government and the secret service have also been members of that or similar secret societies it makes some people uncomfortable.

The reason why should be obvious to anyone who believes in democracy. If we are going to have a free and open society in which we all play a part in the decision making process then how is that going to be achieved when powerful people are having secret meetings that we aren't invited to?

Other exclusive and elitist groups include:

There's tons of these clubs and 'think tanks' which are basically forums for the rich and powerful to meet at and to decide how they are going to rule over us.

Talking about the dollar bill (which 'conspiracy theorists' love to talk about) there is the 'great seal' which is a masonic symbol of the eye on the pyramid. Here is a picture of the British Secret Services symbol which also contains a masonic triangle with an eye at the top (google MI5 and click on images)

There is the 'World Economic Forum' held every year where the elites and the governments which are their front men/women meet to discuss economic matters. In response to this people from around the world who believe in democracy and who are concerned at how the corporations and financial elite have taken over governments gather every year for the 'World Social Forum':

We all know about how kings, queens, emporers,empresses and the preisthood and knights or nobility have ruled over people in the past. Then new merchant classes grew which challenged the power of the aristocracy creating new elites of wealth, yet no one calls this understanding of history a 'conspiracy theory'.
It is a conspiracy though amongst the elite to rule over the mass of the public. The US colonialists developed a conspiracy to oppose the imposition of taxes by the British government which had got itself in debt to international bankers through many expensive wars.

So just as conspiracies have existed throughout history so do they exist now.

So regardless of who you think the elite are whether you think they're freemasonic, roman catholic, jewish, anglo-saxon, reptillian, alien or illuminati, the fact remains that there are elites and that these elites believe in their right to rule over us.

We need to decide whether we want to be ruled over, undestanding that elites always seek greater and greater controls unless pressured to stop or whether we believe the balance of power needs to be tipped back in the other direction.

We are currently seeing the costs of living increase, unemployment increase, businesses fail and homes repossessed because the government has chosen to 'bail out' banks with public money making us pay for this by forcing 'austerity measures' on us. This process where the individual bankers running these failed banks grow rich whilst passing losses onto the public is called 'neoliberalism':

It works by the elites getting rich at the expense of the taxpaying public. The rich take advantage of offshore and onshore tax havens to avoid paying tax themselves.

An example of an elite benefitting this way is through war. President Eisenhower warned the American public in his leaving speech about a group he called the 'military industrial complex' and how they were taking over control of the US. My next post has a clip of the speech.

You could call me a 'conspiracy theorist' for talking about the military industrial complex but to do so you'll have to call Eisenhower one as well.

So who did he mean when he talked about the 'military industrial complex'? I think he meant a corporate/financial elite who profiteer from war. As Eisenhower says in his speech the US turned its industry towards manufacturing weaponry during the second world war and many people made vast fortunes during this time. These people or families actually benefit when their country goes to war.

A modern example would be Vice president Dick Cheney who was chairman of Haliburton corporation which made huge profits from the Gulf War. The president at that time was George Bush who came from an oil family. Iraq happened to be sitting on one of the worlds biggest reservoirs of oil!

Everytime a missile or bomb is fired or a bomb is dropped that costs you the taxpayer money, but the industrialist who manufactured that hardwear makes a profit. The bankers who finance the government with interest laden loans to buy all that military hardware also profit. The politicians are lobbied by these rich interests so their political careers benefit and they can always be sure of getting a job with the corporations after their time in office.

Much of US history has been a tug and pull of power between the people and the corporations/banks. Legislation passed by corrupt politicians has tipped this balance of power in favour of the corporations. For example corporations were granted 'personhood', as if they are actual living breathing people, which grants them protections under the constititution. Different governments such as the Reagan and Bush governments have given tax breaks to the rich and have also seen the national debt increase.

Everytime the elites foul up the economy they say to the world 'we need a new world order'. What they really mean when they say this is 'we want to centralise power even more and have designed some new institutions which we will use to govern you with ever increasing powers, which will grant us greater wealth and power while you have less and less wealth and power'

They will use this current economic crisis as a way to try and increase their control over people and people must use this as an opportunity to challenge the lie that central control by elites brings greater stability and peace and to increase people power while curbing the power of the bankers/corporations.

That's before anyone even needs to mention the freemasons or aliens/inter-dimensional entities...although they always seem to crop up if you scratch beneath the surface. You can look at the problem on any level you like, but the problem is one of the balance of wealth and power and that problem is tangible and can be observed day to day and discearned behind the stories in the news.