Angel Type Test


Permanent Fixture


The Seraph

Seraphim, meaning "Burning Ones" in hebrew, are the highest class of angel in the christian paradigm, the ninth out of nine classes, the top of the third sphere. While they are descended from earlier semitic pagan deities or their messengers, they have been adapted to monotheism quite some time ago. A Seraph is righteous in everything he does, his divine status allows him to transcend stoic notions of good and evil, so everything he does is always justified and pure. Seraphs have been depicted in many forms, ranging from burning charriots to fiery, many headed bulls or lions with wings, to six winged humanoids and even serpents. Seraphs are authority figures, on a cosmic scale.
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Actually there are ten levels, and the Seraphim are only level 5...

Rank Angel Notes
1 Chayot Ha Kodesh
2 Ophanim
3 Erelim See Isaiah 33:7
4 Hashmallim See Ezekiel 1:4
5 Seraphim See Isaiah 6
6 Malakhim Messengers, angels
7 Elohim "Godly beings"
8 Bene Elohim "Sons of Godly beings"
9 Cherubim See Talmud Hagigah 13b
10 Ishim "manlike beings", see Daniel (10:5)
Actually there are ten levels, and the Seraphim are only level 5...

Rank Angel Notes
1 Chayot Ha Kodesh
2 Ophanim
3 Erelim See Isaiah 33:7
4 Hashmallim See Ezekiel 1:4
5 Seraphim See Isaiah 6
6 Malakhim Messengers, angels
7 Elohim "Godly beings"
8 Bene Elohim "Sons of Godly beings"
9 Cherubim See Talmud Hagigah 13b
10 Ishim "manlike beings", see Daniel (10:5)

You dare question the expert knowledge of Wikipedia & OKCUPID test makers?
Wikipedia is the new power god, all your words melt in the face of Wiki; Our LORD.

Actually wikipedia is correct seraphims are the highest in "Christian angelic hierarchy". Your list comes from Kabbalist text.

Meaning the test maker is probably not familiar with Kabbalism or common Hebrew text.
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Your result for What kind of angel are you? ...
The Archangel


Messenger of the Divine

Archangels are found in christianity, judaism and even zoroastrianism. Usually they are seen as warriors against evil and protectors of humans, as well as administrators of justice. Some famous Archangels are: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, and Ithuriel. Sometimes however, they have been said to be cold and uncaring, empty images of virtues that have long since died. But to many, they are champions of good and powerful allies.
You dare question the expert knowledge of Wikipedia & OKCUPID test makers?
Wikipedia is the new power god, all your words melt in the face of Wiki; Our LORD.

Actually wikipedia is correct seraphims are the highest in "Christian angelic hierarchy". Your list comes from Kabbalist text.

Meaning the test maker is probably not familiar with Kabbalism or common Hebrew text.
And since the Christians get their mythology from Jewish Sources, my list is correct, and yours is not.

Jesus was a Jew.
And since the Christians get their mythology from Jewish Sources, my list is correct, and yours is not.

Jesus was a Jew.

Arguably a Karaite Jew.
Actually there are ten levels, and the Seraphim are only level 5...

Rank Angel Notes
1 Chayot Ha Kodesh
2 Ophanim
3 Erelim See Isaiah 33:7
4 Hashmallim See Ezekiel 1:4
5 Seraphim See Isaiah 6
6 Malakhim Messengers, angels
7 Elohim "Godly beings"
8 Bene Elohim "Sons of Godly beings"
9 Cherubim See Talmud Hagigah 13b
10 Ishim "manlike beings", see Daniel (10:5)

This looks REALLY interesting... I have so much learning to do!
Nope. Jesus was directly quoted as saying "I come not to replace The Law, but to make it stronger binding."

Matthew 5:17-48

17"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
18I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.
19Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
20For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
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And since the Christians get their mythology from Jewish Sources, my list is correct, and yours is not.

Jesus was a Jew.

As each person's or group's perspective is their own. Ideas and stories may sound and seem similar but they can be different.
As you can ask many Christians, they would regard some demonic stories within the Kabbalist scriptures as non-Christian.

Unless you regard the oldest texts as universal truth, for which I do not agree. I do not think any one religion is absolute but perhaps only a small view of the infinite views to a concept as "god".
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Nope. Jesus was directly quoted as saying "I come not to replace The Law, but to make it stronger binding."

Is this directed to Jesus being a Karaite?

Can you elaborate?
As each person's or group's perspective is their own. Ideas and stories may sound and seem similar but they can be different.
As you can ask many Christians, they would regard some demonic stories within the Kabbalist scriptures as non-Christian.

Unless you regard the oldest texts as universal truth, for which I do not agree. I do not think any one religion is absolute but perhaps only a small view of the infinite views to a concept as "god".
Doesn't matter. If their god is truly the god of Abraham, then the Jewish scriptures which make up the old testament (though perverted, misquoted and mistranslated) is the basis for theology.

Some bullshit made up by a poet in the middle ages, does not supersede the visions of Elijah, Enoch and Isaiah.

Is this directed to Jesus being a Karaite?

Can you elaborate?
Nope, not directed at that.
Doesn't matter. If their god is truly the god of Abraham, then the Jewish scriptures which make up the old testament (though perverted, misquoted and mistranslated) is the basis for theology.

Some bullshit made up by a poet in the middle ages, does not supersede the visions of Elijah, Enoch and Isaiah.

Nope, not directed at that.

I changed my statement so your statement no longer applies, rofflelulz.
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The Deva

Enlightened one

Origilally a Sanscrit word for "Divine Being", Deva is a term used for minor deities or greater spirits of the hindu religion. Even greater deities are sometimes called Devas. They also appear in zoroastrianism. Devas are transcendant and enlightened beings, but are known to have a taste for mischief as well, and they are enemies of the demonic Asuras. Some examples of Devas are: Indra, Savitr, Dishas, and Prithvi.


The Deva

Enlightened one

Origilally a Sanscrit word for "Divine Being", Deva is a term used for minor deities or greater spirits of the hindu religion. Even greater deities are sometimes called Devas. They also appear in zoroastrianism. Devas are transcendant and enlightened beings, but are known to have a taste for mischief as well, and they are enemies of the demonic Asuras. Some examples of Devas are: Indra, Savitr, Dishas, and Prithvi.

OOoooh that's a cool one!

The Shedu

Holy Sphinx

Shedu were benevolent guardian spirits of the desert, holy places, and even houses. They are depicted on giant stone monoliths, as well as clay tablets and are generally regarded as akkadian, although they have also been found in sumeria and other parts of persia. The Shedu predates christianity and even judaism, although judeo- christian texts have sometimes referred to winged, human- headed bulls as divine messengers. The cultures that believed in the Shedu were polytheistic, and the shedu were regarded a messengers of the gods. Male Shedu were called "Alad" or "Urmalullu" and female Shedu were called "Lamassu."
And here is a song just for you:


The Shedu

Holy Sphinx

Shedu were benevolent guardian spirits of the desert, holy places, and even houses. They are depicted on giant stone monoliths, as well as clay tablets and are generally regarded as akkadian, although they have also been found in sumeria and other parts of persia. The Shedu predates christianity and even judaism, although judeo- christian texts have sometimes referred to winged, human- headed bulls as divine messengers. The cultures that believed in the Shedu were polytheistic, and the shedu were regarded a messengers of the gods. Male Shedu were called "Alad" or "Urmalullu" and female Shedu were called "Lamassu."
And here is a song just for you:

Oh oh oh! This test has some neat results!
The Tunnel Angel

Go Towards the Light!

The term "Tunnel Angel" denotes a special kind of angel, namely, those who guide the souls of the deceased into the Great Beyond. While their existence is contoversial, as well as the question of what purpose they really serve, many people who have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs) have seen them. Usually there is also a tunnel with a light on the other end, and the deceased is faced with a choice to either go to the light or to stay behind. Who knows what either of those choices actually results in. A popular theory is that the tunnel leads to paradise.


Holy Elite

Seraphim, meaning "Burning Ones" in hebrew, are the highest class of angel in the christian paradigm, the ninth out of nine classes, the top of the third sphere. While they are descended from earlier semitic pagan deities or their messengers, they have been adapted to monotheism quite some time ago. A Seraph is righteous in everything he does, his divine status allows him to transcend stoic notions of good and evil, so everything he does is always justified and pure. Seraphs have been depicted in many forms, ranging from burning charriots to fiery, many headed bulls or lions with wings, to six winged humanoids and even serpents. Seraphs are authority figures, on a cosmic scale.
And here is a song just for you:


Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • You scored 63% on Seraph, higher than 99% of your peers.

  • You scored 44% on Shedu, higher than 55% of your peers.

  • You scored 7% on Fallen_Angel, higher than 26% of your peers.

  • You scored 14% on Archangel, higher than 15% of your peers.

  • You scored 37% on Tunnel_Angel, higher than 37% of your peers.

  • You scored 22% on Deva, higher than 13% of your peers.
You dare question the expert knowledge of Wikipedia & OKCUPID test makers?
Wikipedia is the new power god, all your words melt in the face of Wiki; Our LORD.

Actually wikipedia is correct seraphims are the highest in "Christian angelic hierarchy". Your list comes from Kabbalist text.

Meaning the test maker is probably not familiar with Kabbalism or common Hebrew text.
/win :)