An example to all nations


Right the First Time!

New Zealand Ranked Most Peaceful Country in Index

By Peter S. Green
June 2 (Bloomberg) -- New Zealand, the Pacific island nation of 4.2 million people and 40 million sheep, is the planet
War creates Peace... for without War, we never truly understand Peace...
Bosnia is safer than the USA? HAHAHAHAHA!

Also, yeah, that's why New Zealand is the Greatest Country on Earth.
Do we need to truly understand something to know that it's desirable?

the duality of men, it is innate in mankind to fight amongst ourselves...

ever seen kids at play? when one kid has something another wants, there is a fight that follows... same with survival, the 'better you then me' mentality...

how can you know well-fed if you've never experienced hunger?

war/violence/fighting is also the natural order of things... may the strongest survive...

yea, peace is bliss... but how can you truly experience peace if you've never been to war?

can't have one without the other:

Peace - War
Right - Wrong
Good - Bad
Life - Death

the list goes on... so its a census, which means it happens every so often... who's to say it won't be totally reversed next time around..?

i'm not attacking anyone, i'm just stating that there is a duality to mankind, is all...
Hmmmm I wanted to make a snarky comment about sheep....but opted not to. It would'nt be a very nice thing to imply about New Zealand.
the duality of men, it is innate in mankind to fight amongst ourselves...

Where did this absolute truth come from? I would say the opposite, it is innate in man to cooperate.

ever seen kids at play? when one kid has something another wants, there is a fight that follows... same with survival, the 'better you then me' mentality...

They are people in the rawest form, a lot of kids DO share, especially when shown by example. We have a conciousness, we're self-aware, we're in control of our actions and can see the consequences of them if we care to look. Violence is a choice and we are perfectly capable to say no to it.

how can you know well-fed if you've never experienced hunger?

What do you mean "know"? War as a concept can exist but that doesn't mean it has to exist in reality. I don't have to experience starvation to know that it's undesirable, hunger is enough.

war/violence/fighting is also the natural order of things... may the strongest survive...

Survival in humans is greatly increased by cooperation amongest themselves. Their is no benefit for a gene to form a species that wants to destroy itself. Even if it was 'natural' we do many 'unnatural' things as a part of civilisation, because we unlike animals can see benefits beyond just following our instincts.

yea, peace is bliss... but how can you truly experience peace if you've never been to war?

Peace is just a state of being, you may not be as grateful for that peace but it is still a more desirable state than war.

can't have one without the other:

Peace - War

The concept of war can exist, it doesn't mean the actual state of war must exist in reality.
Hmmmm I wanted to make a snarky comment about sheep....but opted not to. It would'nt be a very nice thing to imply about New Zealand.

Go for it! We're more than used to it.

Uh, sorry about that, I'm feeling a bit patriotic today. But really, it comes as no surprise to me. When you consider the fact that a murder is often the main story in the national news, and whenever we get asked to go to war we either decline or send a small token force of engineers or a large force of peacekeepers, it's no surprise that NZ comes first.
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i'd really love to visit new zealand, perhaps even live there in the future?
I KNEW it! 19th on that list. Damnit! Ahh well, at least we're beaten by only good countries and Qatar...
“Rates of homicide and violent crime remain high,” the authors said, and a “very high” proportion of the Russian population is in jail, “second only to the U.S. in the 144 countries surveyed.”

This quote only proves my point about jails. Hurray for New Zealand!!
I was either thinking of settling down in Iceland or New Zealand..
I'm headin to NZ.