Alvin Greene

enfp can be shy

people vs the bad people?
Average folk winning Senate Primary elections

[ame=""] [/ame]
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I didn't get to watch but a few minutes of the video, but I like this guy.
Who? Win what?

Link please.
[YOUTUBE]<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
I secretly hope he will win....maybe south carolina will declare war on the rest of the country.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. He seems to be not of the establishment, and in that regard, I hope he wins.

As far as his pornography charge, when did pornography become illegal? If that is some anachronistic law of the South, then I could care less if he is guilty of it.

I detected some hate from the anchor, specifically on the manner in which Alvin Greene answered the questions.

What do you mean by S. Carolina declaring war on the rest of the country?
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. He seems to be not of the establishment, and in that regard, I hope he wins.

As far as his pornography charge, when did pornography become illegal? If that is some anachronistic law of the South, then I could care less if he is guilty of it.

I detected some hate from the anchor, specifically on the manner in which Alvin Greene answered the questions.

What do you mean by S. Carolina declaring war on the rest of the country?

S. Carolina was the first country to cecede from the union before the Civil War. I believe that slant hopes they will cecede again.
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He claims to not know of any bigger force supporting him, which means either he's lying, or he's being fooled. As much as I appreciate an underdog like him right into mainstream politics, that's just not how it works. It's rather scary to have (obvious) puppets in power, even though almost all politicians are.

(someone could join my thread to this one)
I looked up 'alvin greene' and didnt get linked to your thread :( sorry budd

MERGE INDIGOSENSOR, SATYA, that one mod with the complicated name , THELASTMOCHICAN, SHAI GAR, ARBYGIL

I think I'm missing a few but one of them will merge it now, I am sure.
He seems to be one of the least open, introspective, or intuitive people I've ever heard. He gives no specifics, just claiming that he deserves the position due to his "hard work" of an undisclosed nature. He keeps saying that we wants to stay focused on the issues, but in none of the clips I've seen has he given any indications of what his policies would be. There was a soundbite about unemployment, but I've heard nothing indicating that he understands it cause or how to fix it. I know military types tend to be STJ, but he seems ridiculously so. Why would anyone vote for this guy? If this is average, much less the kind of leader we choose, I feel sorry for society. (On the other hand, it does seem odd that it would be considered a crime for him to share some porn with a 19 year old.)
Who? Win what?

Exactly. An unemployed man with a felony charge has $10K to file a candidacy for senate, but can't afford a lawyer for his trial? Something fishy is going on.

During his Olbermann interview he made Palin sound like a professor.