Almost a 6th sense...


I've noticed this about 3 years ago (I'm 18), basically I can just always tell when someone has more than friendly feelings for someone else. Sometimes people come to me to me asking for advice, trying to keep it secretive who they like, but I already know. Sometimes others may tease them asking who they like and i just sit back and grin because it's easy enough to figure out. I often surprise, and sometimes even scare my friends, when I let them know that I know who they like. They'll ask things like "who told you?" or "I haven't told anyone, how do you know?" But no one told me but their actions

A few general observations:
- Its seems to be EASIER if they are trying to hide it
- Sometimes it takes weeks for me to realize it but sometimes only minutes of being around the person and the one he/she likes
- I have a harder time telling when the person they like is me (probably just pessimism or in some cases optimism)
- My "suspicions" are almost never wrong and they range from beyond just my circle of friends to people I might barely know
- I figure it out by observing their actions: noticing body language, the way they talk about the person, or how they go out of their way to be near them. The sum of these out-of-place actions lead usually leads to one possible motive: Attraction.

I seem to have almost a 6th sense for telling when one person likes another. Is this a trait common in INFJ's? Can we all do it? Can other types?
I've noticed this about 3 years ago (I'm 18), basically I can just always tell when someone has more than friendly feelings for someone else. Sometimes people come to me to me asking for advice, trying to keep it secretive who they like, but I already know. Sometimes others may tease them asking who they like and i just sit back and grin because it's easy enough to figure out. I often surprise, and sometimes even scare my friends, when I let them know that I know who they like. They'll ask things like "who told you?" or "I haven't told anyone, how do you know?" But no one told me but their actions

A few general observations:
- Its seems to be EASIER if they are trying to hide it
- Sometimes it takes weeks for me to realize it but sometimes only minutes of being around the person and the one he/she likes
- I have a harder time telling when the person they like is me (probably just pessimism or in some cases optimism)
- My "suspicions" are almost never wrong and they range from beyond just my circle of friends to people I might barely know
- I figure it out by observing their actions: noticing body language, the way they talk about the person, or how they go out of their way to be near them. The sum of these out-of-place actions lead usually leads to one possible motive: Attraction.

I seem to have almost a 6th sense for telling when one person likes another. Is this a trait common in INFJ's? Can we all do it? Can other types?

I don't know about other INFJ's but I usually put alot of faith into what my 6th sense tells me about the intentions of others and more with relationships. I can tell by hidden unconciousness on others what you're trying to convey with body language and the way you express yourself. However, I try to maintain these observations just to myself because nobody likes to know that you know what they're thinking but once I find out that my intuition was correct I give myself a pat on the shoulder and say " I knew it".
I generally do the same (keep it to myself and then give the pat on the back later) but if they bring the subject up with me I'll be honest about what I know.
I've noticed this about 3 years ago (I'm 18), basically I can just always tell when someone has more than friendly feelings for someone else. Sometimes people come to me to me asking for advice, trying to keep it secretive who they like, but I already know. Sometimes others may tease them asking who they like and i just sit back and grin because it's easy enough to figure out. I often surprise, and sometimes even scare my friends, when I let them know that I know who they like. They'll ask things like "who told you?" or "I haven't told anyone, how do you know?" But no one told me but their actions

A few general observations:
- Its seems to be EASIER if they are trying to hide it
- Sometimes it takes weeks for me to realize it but sometimes only minutes of being around the person and the one he/she likes
- I have a harder time telling when the person they like is me (probably just pessimism or in some cases optimism)
- My "suspicions" are almost never wrong and they range from beyond just my circle of friends to people I might barely know
- I figure it out by observing their actions: noticing body language, the way they talk about the person, or how they go out of their way to be near them. The sum of these out-of-place actions lead usually leads to one possible motive: Attraction.

I seem to have almost a 6th sense for telling when one person likes another. Is this a trait common in INFJ's? Can we all do it? Can other types?

I can relate, but I'd like to add, that it has nothing to do with deliberate 'people watching.' I'm not sitting there, analyzing people's behavior. It's more like I can just see it from out of the corner of my eye. You just know, even if you don't know that person at all.

Mind, I too second-guess attraction to my person. It's less about self-esteem, and more about a fear of being 'arrogant' or 'smug' and only seeing what I want to see. I grapple constantly between humbleness and overt smugness. Especially when it comes to my intuition. It's like I'm scared that I'm using my 'powers' for selfish reasons (although that's probably the most obnoxious and dramatic way I could put it).
I pretty much pick up on all sorts of relationships between people without being told.
I find I'm pretty intuned to stuff like that.
I don't know about other INFJ's but I usually put alot of faith into what my 6th sense tells me about the intentions of others and more with relationships. I can tell by hidden unconciousness on others what you're trying to convey with body language and the way you express yourself. However, I try to maintain these observations just to myself because nobody likes to know that you know what they're thinking but once I find out that my intuition was correct I give myself a pat on the shoulder and say " I knew it".

That's good advice. I wish I could keep my mouth shut sometimes.
A few general observations:
- Its seems to be EASIER if they are trying to hide it
- I figure it out by observing their actions: noticing body language, the way they talk about the person, or how they go out of their way to be near them. The sum of these out-of-place actions lead usually leads to one possible motive: Attraction.

Can we all do it? Can other types?

I figure out attraction through non-verbal communication as well.

I had a suspicion that 2 of my friends were attracted to eachother (1 has a girlfriend in Canada; who I have never suspected to be the cheating type). When we were having a group discussion, if the bloke and I were arguing she would not agree with any of my points, but emphasise his without hesitation. She would often laugh at a lot of things he said even if they weren't funny and dismiss her own abilities and intelligence in front of him.

I wasn't quite convinced this was enough evidence, so I started to lightly flirt with her. I got some weird looks back from her (slightly confused, annoyed, happy) as well as a couple of glances from the guy. This coupled with their open body language with eachother as well as the bloke showing what I saw to be shame at times when conversation would dull has helped put a pretty good idea in my head.

The fun part is in theorising, I hope they aren't together because the bloke and his girlfriend have been going out for 4 years now :( (Although chances are she's doing the same thing overseas hahaha)
I definately have a 6th sense. About soo many things, I can usually tell what kind of person you are from just one or two meetings, I can tell how somebody's feeling, I can tell if they're lying....I have no idea how it works, but it's just part of who I am.

I'm also not sure if it's enhanced because I'm an INFJ, a Pisces and a Dog in Chinese horoscopes...all of these three completely different things are very similar...sometimes I wonder if I had ANY choice but to be the way I am :p
I'm usually pretty good at this! I'm not entirely sure how I know it, but I usually do. Stangely enough when someone likes me, I can almost never tell. Or maybe I refuse to see it.