[INFJ] A Study of Your Personal Values and Your Workplace’s Expressed Value Set


Hello Everyone,

I am working on a psychology project examining peoples personality, personal values both in and out of the workplace and how these factors are predictive of various work-relevant outcomes. Naturally, I thought this community may be interested in participating and would be a valuable point of view to include and consider. I pretested the survey for length, if you have just 9 minutes to spare, are currently working in any capacity, are 18 years old or older, and can communicate fluently in the written form of the English language you could really help me out by participating. I will be granting participants access to their personal results through a password-protected system and intend to publicise the results on here if anything interesting comes of it. If you are willing to help a young student out, I would really appreciate your time and effort.

Thanks again,
