A loving space


Passing through
Technically this is a dating website, *but* it also does a full, personalized star chart, personal horoscope & numerology chart (no MBTI). You don't even have to pay for seven days. It's all yours to try: www.alovingspace.com

Just the star chart (Libra) [using my pen name]:


Personal Birth Chart
For Roynne


Roynne's sun sign describes her basic, most inherent personal nature and sense of self, it is how she identifies herself in relation to the world around her.

Some keywords that will help you understand Roynne:


As a Libra Roynne has an inherent interest in other people and in finding ways to work together peacefully, towards shared goals and ideas. She will be very concerned with the emotional nature of her personal environment and will tend to avoid clashes or arguments.

She will have a definite sense of style and how she appears to others is usually very important to her. Likewise she puts a lot of emphasis into the way the people around them dress and look. Roynne won't necessarily pass judgments down or take on a critical attitude - she is much too kind and civil.

Making the people she loves happy is a very important effort for Roynne. She loves to buy her friends and family gifts, clothes, thoughtful little trinkets, she is quick with cards and notes of affection. Her job is to bring beauty and peace into the world and it's a job she embraces with passion.

She puts even more value into what those around her think and eagerly seeks out advice and input for her own concerns and problems. Roynne is driven to consider as many approaches as possible and in this is found her sign's tendency towards being indecisive.

It's not that Roynne really has any trouble knowing what she wants to do, rather, it is that she does not want to overlook another possibility, another angle. Once input starts pouring in another tendency of the sign arises -she does not want to hurt anyone's feelings by picking one friend's answer over another's.

On the negative side the intense emphasis on how Roynne thinks life should be -pleasant, loving, harmonious - can create a tendency to see what she wants to see. Faults are overlooked, problems swept under the rug and any kind of turmoil can be deftly ignored or rationalized away. Above all Roynne is an intellectual and lives a good portion of her life in her thoughts -those thoughts come in very handy when avoiding something she does not want to deal with.

She may also have a surprisingly dramatic temper when her efforts to balance and make peace or her rationalizing, justifying and ignoring fail to do the job. Libras can get angry, VERY angry. And, because this is the simmering, seething, building way - too - long kind of anger it also tends to shut down Roynne's feelings.

In a relationship:

Roynne is built to handle relationships beautifully, after all it is one of her sign's greatest strengths - working intimately with others. She will be intensely romantic, giving, loving, and nurturing.

Romantic evenings are sensuous affairs with good food, good music and good company. She loves being out and about with her partner - oftentimes with more of her friends along for fun. She primps and takes care of a lover making sure she feels needed and vitally important.

Roynne will probably not be the jealous or possessive type and generally doesn't bristle at how many friends a partner has - in fact - she is far more likely to jump in and befriend them on her own.
Sun in 5th house

Roynne expresses self through creative outlets. An imaginative person with a strong drive for romance, love and intimacy. Artistic talents catalyze personal growth. Usually enjoys taking risks.
Moon in Aquarius

The Moon Sign helps you understand how a person will react in an emotional situation. It defines the manner in which she deals with her instincts, her self-protective nature and how she both nurtures and is nurtured.

Roynne possesses the eclectic emotional body of an Aquarius Moon. She will have unusual attachments and even more unusual ways of expressing her feelings. She runs hot or cold with little - if any - in between.

Roynne will be drawn to causes and world concerns. She will tend to feel more comfortable attaching her emotional needs to her altruistic concerns.

Her reactions are spontaneous and usually surprising. The minute you think you have her feelings figured out she will change. She absolutely requires a very confident long-term partner, one who is comfortable with Roynne's ever changing whims.

She cannot be pushed, confined or forced into an emotional partnership. Give them freedom.

When worried Roynne turns off the personal emotional switch and turns on her sense of emotional connection to the world|universe.
Moon in 9th house

Roynne expresses her feelings and emotional nature in grand, sweeping terms. She loves a little drama - or a lot of it. Is drawn to unusual experiences and finds travel (literal or through daydreams) very comforting. Religion or spirituality often becomes an outlet for her emotional needs.
-117 Square
Moon-Mercury negative

Roynne may find it difficult to express what she is feeling. Tends to withhold emotional information from others. Often feels she is misunderstood and may resort to silence speaking only when inner tensions have built up to an intolerable level.
Mercury in Scorpio

Roynne leaves nothing unturned when searching for answers or pondering questions. A natural detective with a quest for The Truth she will be profoundly hard to trick or fool.

Intrigued by anything that feels mysterious and driven to explore the unknown. She will treasure an intellectual challenge if she can pursue it in her own quiet, intense way.

Roynne will be a VERY intense listener and seldom a chatterbox. Often seen as shy but usually far from it she simply prefers to observe rather than become instantly involved.

Tends to love secrets (if she can uncover them) but abhors surprises.
Mercury in 5th house

Roynne has a creative and oftentimes artistic way of expressing herself. Enjoys artistic pursuits. May spend a lot of time thinking about love, romance and all her possibilities. Inventive and resourceful.
231 Conjunction
Mercury-Venus positive

Ideas, thoughts and feelings flow easily through Roynne's words. Expressive and often poetic she will possess the ability to find a positive outcome in any given situation.
Venus in Scorpio

Roynne desires deep, passionate connections. She seeks secure bonds built on truth. Once committed she is an intense, provocative lover unafraid to explore her own sexual urges and fantasies.

Roynne is drawn to someone she senses is powerful|mysterious or is attracted to someone she can control.

When in love she can be prone to jealousy and possessiveness.
Venus in 5th house

Loves love and everything it has to offer. Roynne is a true romantic with creative ways to express her feelings and interests. May be impulsive in giving her heart and often leaps before looking. Needs a partner who can keep her stimulated and enchanted. Values feelings, joy, and playfulness.
166 Sextile
Venus-Mars positive

Passionate, sensual, highly proactive when it comes to love and romance. She is seldom shy about her needs and enjoys a physically active partnership. May possess powerful artistic talents including those connected with performing.
Mars in Virgo

This is the sign of the consummate workaholic. Roynne is driven to achieve and accomplish goals that are practical, worthwhile and can bring in positive, obvious results.

She will tend to be very uncomfortable pursuing any physical matter that does not seem to make sense. Frivolous goals are seen as great wastes of precious energy - energy that could be put to more useful endeavors.

Does not delegate physical tasks well - if at all. VERY self-reliant and self-motivated.
Mars in 4th house

Roynne is driven to create a stable home environment. She tends to keep her temper|passion confined to her home and the people in her intimate, personal environment. Is comfortable when her home-base feels protected and safe.
Jupiter in Virgo

Roynne believes that the route to success and the expansion|growth of her life is found down a path of commitment, dedication and hard-work. Can be self-sacrificing to a fault. She may possess dramatic compassion and is generally profoundly humble in regards to her own strength and abilities. Can be TOO self-sacrificing at times. Does not accept help or support easily.
Jupiter in 4th house

Invests resources and energy into her home. Is probably seen as the prominent figure in her family. Enjoys being supportive of those she loves.
132 Conjunction
Jupiter-Pluto positive

Roynne has enormous personal resources at her disposal and is capable of achieving powerful goals. Apt to be a fearless in business or spiritual matters. Is not afraid to acknowledge and apply discovered truths. Magnetic, captivating and intense.
Saturn in Aries

Roynne has difficulty getting started with her goals and objectives. Tends to either lack physical stamina - feeling she is held back or refuses to acknowledge her own physical limits and burns out.

Must learn how to properly channel her drives, ambitions, passion and physical energy. By applying self-control, discipline, intent and commitment Roynne can become a powerful achiever.
Saturn in 11th house

Roynne has a great capacity for getting things done that have a humanitarian or global purpose. Profound planner with the inherent ability to delegate and turn complex ideologies into practical possibilities. Tends to remain aloof but dedicated to her friends.
Uranus in Libra

Roynne belongs to a peer group that is deeply concerned with replacing old outworn ideals in the areas of justice and fairness. The collective art consciousness shifts and new ways to express creativity are born.
Uranus in 5th house

Roynne may fall in love impulsively and dramatically. Enjoys a varied and unique romantic life. Has powerful and eclectic ideas and talents. Enjoys expressing herself in a very unorthodox manner. Colorful, electric and sometimes unpredictable.
Neptune in 6th house

Roynne may be considerably empathic and could have strong healing skills. Usually drawn to the fields of health or animal welfare. Animals, in general, are areas of comfort and love for Roynne. She may tend to experience unusual illnesses and physical problems that are often hard to diagnose. Strange reactions and allergies to medicines and foods are also possible.
Pluto in 4th house

There were some powerful structures in Roynne's early home life. One or both parents may have wielded excessive control or other issues/incidents involved with the home were controlling or rigid. She is probably intensely secretive about her early childhood and her private life.



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Aww got left out by a year xD..Hmm, I will try to see if I can find another one...did manage to pul off some info though other was inaccurate due to the fact that I had to put another birth year.


Raccoon Love's sun sign describes his basic, most inherent personal nature and sense of self, it is how he identifies himself in relation to the world around him.

Some keywords that will help you understand Raccoon Love:


Raccoon Love is a Sagittarius Sun. Broad minded in one way or another his main quest in life is to understand and comprehend the bigger picture. Raccoon Love will have a sense of humor and it will be highly developed. It may be self-deprecating, it may be sharply sarcastic, it may be dry and witty, it may be over the top slapstick. It's one of Raccoon Love's gifts and he wields it as a powerful tool and an even more powerful weapon of self-defense.

He will enjoy doing things. Life is short, too short to worry about inconsequential details and far too short to be wasted with inactivity - unless, of course, he happens to enjoy a given 'inactivity' like watching a sporting event or some epic movie.

Raccoon Love will enjoy 'knowing things' and may easily step around the actual process of learning what he wants to know. Sometimes a Sagittarian's approach is 98% bluff with just a small handful of fact backing it all up. Sometimes he steps down easily when confronted with a truth, more often than not however, he will fight until he is cornered and then inject the perfect touch of humility and humor. A child-like grin, an innocent shrug of the shoulders and wide, earnest eyes are amazing tools that create instant forgiveness - most of the time.

He may be a button pusher of unparalleled talent. He loves getting a reaction and the more powerful the better. He can throw glib comments out into the mix that have an unerring way of hitting home. Hence the Sagittarian's symbol of the Archer complete with bow and arrow.

If you do not want to hear something the chances are good that Raccoon Love will feel compelled to tell it to you. It is what Sagittarius does. He enlightens us and enrages us and we enjoy it all through and through.

He also comes with an inherent forgiveness-factor. Few people can remain forever angry at a Sagittarian's antics and escapades. There is just something too endearing under the noisy, sometimes pontificating, often sharp witted exterior. It's easy to forgive and move onward where Raccoon Love is involved.

In a partnership:

Raccoon Love has a big, effervescent relationship personality. He loves love with the same intensity he loves every other aspect of life. Words of love and attachment flow easily. Raccoon Love tends to be VERY selective when it comes to what he needs from a partner and what he is attracted to - particularly in the way of appearances - but once captivated he falls in love quickly.

Big ideals accompany a relationship. Raccoon Love likes to see the bigger picture even when intimacy is involved. Life is an adventure that should be shared. This can cause problems when one half of the partnership does not share quite the same vision.

Sagittarians are not always the most reliable of romantic partners, sometimes he cannot live up to his promises simply because the initial promise was made too quickly or was impractical. He may have wandering interests in all areas of life - love and romance included. That does NOT mean every Sagittarius is bound to a life of infidelity and fickleness - that would be a silly statement. He does, however, need a long leash when it comes to keeping his heart and mind filled with possibilities while remaining deeply committed to and attached to his partner.

Sun-Moon positive

Raccoon Love embodies a sense of completeness or wholeness that is usually impossible to overlook. He radiates confidence, feels comfortable in his body and in his sense of self. Will tend to be emotionally stable and has reservoirs of personal strength to tap into during times of need.

Communications come easily to Raccoon Love especially when it involves expressing his own ideals, needs, desires and ambitions. Others tend to find him sincere when speaking his mind. A dynamic conversationalist with a gift of words - even if he becomes a little self-focused from time to time.

Mercury in Sagittarius

Raccoon Love is talkative and chatty and loves a good debate. Far sighted and generously creative he prefers talking about Potentials, Tomorrows and the Future, rather than more trivial matters that are caught up in the here and now.

Can be deeply fair minded or stunningly self-righteous.

Always full of ideas, bits and pieces of wisdom and often takes the role of devil's advocate simply to enjoy the bickering that ensues.

He may promise more than he can carry through with. Make sure plans are realistic.

Absolutely needs intellectual stimulation.

Mercury in 3rd house

Raccoon Love is a born communicator and is comfortable sharing his ideas through words. Probably enjoys reading and writing and may have strong literary talents. May be most comfortable expressing his deepest personal feelings through written forms. Watch for love notes.

Uranus in Capricorn

Raccoon Love belongs to a peer group that facilitates sweeping change in the structure of large businesses, corporations and privately held companies. Land and housing values also see progressive and revealing growth. Material values are adjusted.
Uranus in 4th house

Raccoon Love's home was unusual or unorthodox in some manner. Tends to move a lot - usually through no choice of his own. Mother or important female role models were likely individualistic and idealistic in his nurturing. Tends towards eclectic tastes in decor and home-life.

Neptune in 4th house

Raccoon Love's home life was unusual in some way and it's unlikely that he was raised with the same traditional values of his peers. Sometimes one (or both) parents were artistic and dreamy. One parents spirituality my have been radically different. In general the family roles were loose or uniquely designed. Occasionally this can mean unreliable parenting without strong guidance or stability.
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Don't believe in astrology, but I love to play :m096:

Used a fake name/email (obviously):


Willthisworktemporarily's sun sign describes her basic, most inherent personal nature and sense of self, it is how she identifies herself in relation to the world around her.

Some keywords that will help you understand Willthisworktemporarily:


Willthisworktemporarily is a Sagittarius Sun. Broad minded in one way or another her main quest in life is to understand and comprehend the bigger picture. Willthisworktemporarily will have a sense of humor and it will be highly developed. It may be self-deprecating, it may be sharply sarcastic, it may be dry and witty, it may be over the top slapstick. It's one of Willthisworktemporarily's gifts and she wields it as a powerful tool and an even more powerful weapon of self-defense.

She will enjoy doing things. Life is short, too short to worry about inconsequential details and far too short to be wasted with inactivity - unless, of course, she happens to enjoy a given 'inactivity' like watching a sporting event or some epic movie.

Willthisworktemporarily will enjoy 'knowing things' and may easily step around the actual process of learning what she wants to know. Sometimes a Sagittarian's approach is 98% bluff with just a small handful of fact backing it all up. Sometimes she steps down easily when confronted with a truth, more often than not however, she will fight until she is cornered and then inject the perfect touch of humility and humor. A child-like grin, an innocent shrug of the shoulders and wide, earnest eyes are amazing tools that create instant forgiveness - most of the time.

She may be a button pusher of unparalleled talent. She loves getting a reaction and the more powerful the better. She can throw glib comments out into the mix that have an unerring way of hitting home. Hence the Sagittarian's symbol of the Archer complete with bow and arrow.

If you do not want to hear something the chances are good that Willthisworktemporarily will feel compelled to tell it to you. It is what Sagittarius does. She enlightens us and enrages us and we enjoy it all through and through.

She also comes with an inherent forgiveness-factor. Few people can remain forever angry at a Sagittarian's antics and escapades. There is just something too endearing under the noisy, sometimes pontificating, often sharp witted exterior. It's easy to forgive and move onward where Willthisworktemporarily is involved.

In a partnership:

Willthisworktemporarily has a big, effervescent relationship personality. She loves love with the same intensity she loves every other aspect of life. Words of love and attachment flow easily. Willthisworktemporarily tends to be VERY selective when it comes to what she needs from a partner and what she is attracted to - particularly in the way of appearances - but once captivated she falls in love quickly.

Big ideals accompany a relationship. Willthisworktemporarily likes to see the bigger picture even when intimacy is involved. Life is an adventure that should be shared. This can cause problems when one half of the partnership does not share quite the same vision.

Sagittarians are not always the most reliable of romantic partners, sometimes she cannot live up to her promises simply because the initial promise was made too quickly or was impractical. She may have wandering interests in all areas of life - love and romance included. That does NOT mean every Sagittarius is bound to a life of infidelity and fickleness - that would be a silly statement. She does, however, need a long leash when it comes to keeping her heart and mind filled with possibilities while remaining deeply committed to and attached to her partner.

Sun in 5th house

Willthisworktemporarily expresses self through creative outlets. An imaginative person with a strong drive for romance, love and intimacy. Artistic talents catalyze personal growth. Usually enjoys taking risks.

330 Conjunction
Sun-Moon positive

Willthisworktemporarily embodies a sense of completeness or wholeness that is usually impossible to overlook. She radiates confidence, feels comfortable in her body and in her sense of self. Will tend to be emotionally stable and has reservoirs of personal strength to tap into during times of need.

145 Conjunction
Sun-Neptune positive

Willthisworktemporarily possesses a magnetic, intriguing, oftentimes enchanting personal aura. The people in her life tend to see Willthisworktemporarily as Willthisworktemporarily wants to be seen. May be a powerful spiritual role model when the rest of her personalities supports it.

Moon in Sagittarius

The Moon Sign helps you understand how a person will react in an emotional situation. It defines the manner in which she deals with her instincts, her self-protective nature and how she both nurtures and is nurtured.

Willthisworktemporarily's emotions are expansive, larger than life and they find voice in her words and conversations with surprising ease. Everything that moves into the world of her feelings takes on an omnipotent state. She won't second guess her attractions or her desires and is willing to share them with you.

Not always stable in her attachments she can be disarmingly fickle in romance and love. Up one day, down the next, here today, gone tomorrow.

Willthisworktemporarily will adore feeling connected to something "bigger". Spirituality is often a component that seeps into her moods and emotions.

Sagittarius Moon is the sign least likely to become bogged down in emotional worries or doubts.

Moon in 5th house

Willthisworktemporarily's emotional body finds expression and comfort through her creative outlets. She may be a natural artist who channels her feelings into the treasures she creates. Often takes emotional risks.

118 Conjunction
Moon-Mercury positive

Willthisworktemporarily can talk about her feelings easily. Gifted at putting words to moods and intuitions. Her logic and intellect are helpful in handling emotionally difficult situations. She is an eager and responsive listener. Tends to deal with worries in a rational, orderly way. Understands others deepest motivations.

135 Sextile
Moon-Jupiter positive

Willthisworktemporarily tends to have very strong, expansive feelings and is not afraid to express them. Poetic, fair and protective when emotionally attached. She will have a very natural aura of strength that attracts those who feel weak or in need. Generous and compassionate - sometimes to a fault.

251 Sextile
Moon-Saturn positive

Willthisworktemporarily is emotionally stable and very serious about what she invests her feelings into. She needs little in the way of pampering and nurturing and respects emotional strength in a partner. Will tend to control romantic situations.

Mercury in Sagittarius

Willthisworktemporarily is talkative and chatty and loves a good debate. Far sighted and generously creative she prefers talking about Potentials, Tomorrows and the Future, rather than more trivial matters that are caught up in the here and now.

Can be deeply fair minded or stunningly self-righteous.

Always full of ideas, bits and pieces of wisdom and often takes the role of devil's advocate simply to enjoy the bickering that ensues.

She may promise more than she can carry through with. Make sure plans are realistic.

Absolutely needs intellectual stimulation.

Mercury in 4th house

Willthisworktemporarily feels most comfortable talking with family and intimate friends. Shares personal information reluctantly to strangers or casual acquaintances. Will tend to be a very private individual.

156 Conjunction
Mercury-Uranus positive

Innovative, unusual and unique problem solving abilities. Radically different thought processes. Unpredictable in how she approaches a problem. Gregarious and friendly but in an impersonal way. Likes to feel her ideas make a difference. Enjoys communications with like minded others.

Venus in Scorpio

Willthisworktemporarily desires deep, passionate connections. She seeks secure bonds built on truth. Once committed she is an intense, provocative lover unafraid to explore her own sexual urges and fantasies.

Willthisworktemporarily is drawn to someone she senses is powerful|mysterious or is attracted to someone she can control.

When in love she can be prone to jealousy and possessiveness.

Venus in 4th house

A secure, loving home is important to Willthisworktemporarily. She seeks partners that can fit into the long-term picture rather than short, romantic alliances. She will tend to bring her love interests "home" where she is most comfortable. Likes quiet, romantic evenings surrounded by things she loves.

Mars in Capricorn

Willthisworktemporarily is not easily motivated to pursue a goal or objective and sets very rigid requirements about how her energy is invested.

Can be materialistically motivated and needs to feel that a goal has a solid, powerful practical application to her life.

This Mars is capable of stunning achievements and can climb the corporate ladder with single minded purposefulness. Seldom content in a situation unless she is doing the driving.

Every action will have a purpose. Every reaction will be carefully plotted out and planned. Rarely happy with surprise|sudden changes in plans. She will prefer well charted courses of action.

Mars in 6th house

Willthisworktemporarily is driven to make her routines work. Needs a sense of purpose before investing her physical energy. Extremely goal oriented. Can work well with others at objectives that require shared physical requirements. Is usually passionate about nature and animals and can be proactively involved with both.

Jupiter in Libra

Willthisworktemporarily believes that her personal growth and success are intricately tied to the people around her. Has a strong sense of fairness and equality. Actively strives to create balance. She is able to weigh possibilities, see the many different facets of a problem and is comfortable utilizing input and suggestions in ways that expand her personal world.

Jupiter in 3rd house

Enjoys conversations, enjoys thinking, enjoys talking about her thoughts. A natural mediator, comfortable chatting to anyone she encounters. Moves about a lot in her day to day life.

407 Conjunction
Jupiter-Saturn positive

Excessive tendencies are kept in check and become powerful tools for growth and personal expansion. Leadership qualities combined with focused work ethics. Capable of stunning personal achievements.

Saturn in Libra

Willthisworktemporarily is strongly interested in fairness, equality, balance and justice. May have very rigid ideals and opinions in regards to those matters. Usually has some profound artistic talent but seldom realizes its true strength. Has difficulty understanding|accepting the impact she has on others. May be extremely self-denying in the area of romance and passion. She may feel she doesn't "deserve" a wonderful partner or may hold such high standards that no partner could ever measure up. Needs to learn when to help a situation and when to step back and let a situation unfold on its own. Can make a powerful, fair partner and a gifted artist with highly honed skills once she learns to lighten up and release the need to control all aspects of a relationship or her art.

Saturn in 3rd house

Willthisworktemporarily learns the hard way and takes the most difficult path when assimilating new information. Prefers a logical, analytical mental approach. May have writing skills but will tend to be very grounded and earthy when applying them. While she may indulge in small talk and chatter it will never be a comfort zone for them. Prefers conversations that have meaning and purpose.

Uranus in Scorpio

Willthisworktemporarily belongs to a peer group that catalyzes societal change through the drastic input of sometimes volatile individuals and extremely focused group affairs. How the world deals with sexuality also experiences sweeping change. New diseases can surface which, in turn, breeds advancements in the field of medicine and health.

Uranus in 4th house

Willthisworktemporarily's home was unusual or unorthodox in some manner. Tends to move a lot - usually through no choice of her own. Mother or important female role models were likely individualistic and idealistic in her nurturing. Tends towards eclectic tastes in decor and home-life.

Neptune in 5th house

Willthisworktemporarily is deeply creative, probably a profound romantic and has immense potential in the fields of art. Love is never just love for Willthisworktemporarily, it must be an experience of a higher dimension. She may find it difficult to choose the right partner and can be taken advantage of repeatedly. Conversely she may be the one who takes advantage in a relationship. Tends to have a romantic fantasy image of the perfect partner and can be disappointed when the 'real person' appears.

Pluto in 3rd house

Willthisworktemporarily possesses penetrating insight, a talent for research and investigative work that requires complex thought and logic. She may appear soft-spoken, occasionally even shy. This outer appearance conceals her ever questioning and highly structured mind. She is not afraid to speak the truth when necessary. Seldom goes in for idle chatter.
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This is great, thanks Arby.
I noticed that some of my planets and signs were placed in different houses than they are by other systems; I've encountered this with a few other chart systems as well. I faded out the possibly inaccurate ones, although the first couple describe me to a tee.


Soulful's sun sign describes her basic, most inherent personal nature and sense of self, it is how she identifies herself in relation to the world around her.

Some keywords that will help you understand Soulful:

*Goal oriented
*Sharp tempered

Aries treasure a challenge and Soulful will be no different. She adores being first, thrives when noticed and whether wearing the quiet, shy Lamb mask or the self-assured and passionate Ram mask there is a soul born to win, to conquer, to achieve somewhere inside.

As hinted at above there are two distinctly different faces of Aries and Soulful will be one or the other or a mixture of each. First is the typical Ram persona. Self-assured, vibrant, highly competitive, eager to play the game and even more eager to win. This side of Aries is a leader, a trail blazer, ready to explore the unknown, to conquer that which has never been conquered.

The Ram has a temper. It can flash to life quite suddenly and quite dramatically usually when she feels personally threatened or when someone she loves feels threatened. Even the quiet Lamb Aries has been known to explode on occasion.

And an Aries temper can be quite a spectacle. It's loud. It is usually accompanied by a lot of movement, sometimes in the form of arm waving, fist pounding displays but sometimes through a slammed door or a thrown object. Aries loves movement, after all, and she finds no outlet in simmering, silent anger or controlled arguments that feel more like a debate than a fight.

The other side of Aries - The Lamb - is everything its opposite is not. Unassuming, sometimes painfully shy, more content in following the flock than leading it. Lambs are gentle creatures that possess a surprising heart and soul of iron and can, when needed, summon magnificent stores of willpower and commitment.

This Aries is more playful than competitive but even she doesn't like to lose. She can seem modest but still thrive on the undivided attention of those she loves and trusts. And Lambs also possess the ability to ignite into an angry display of temper from time to time.

Soulful is bright, creative, full of the Aries energy and conviction. Perhaps Lamb like, perhaps Ram like but someone that will leave a deep impression on those she meets.

Sun in 9th house

Soulful expresses self through knowledge, adventures, and far reaching ideals. Extended learning is important to them. May be restless as she searches for a bigger truth. Usually loves travel especially to exotic locations. Searches for a sense of life purpose through higher wisdom and different cultures. Deeply spiritual tendencies.

379 Conjunction
Sun-Mercury positive

Communications come easily to Soulful especially when it involves expressing her own ideals, needs, desires and ambitions. Others tend to find her sincere when speaking her mind. A dynamic conversationalist with a gift of words - even if she becomes a little self-focused from time to time.

103 Trine
Sun-Neptune positive

Soulful possesses a magnetic, intriguing, oftentimes enchanting personal aura. The people in her life tend to see Soulful as Soulful wants to be seen. May be a powerful spiritual role model when the rest of her personalities supports it.

-327 Opposition
Sun-Pluto negative

Soulful may battle control issues and usually has problems with self-image and self-esteem. Prefers to remain in control of her personal environment and can be difficult to appease. May be irrationally fearless or profoundly fearful.

Moon in Sagittarius

The Moon Sign helps you understand how a person will react in an emotional situation. It defines the manner in which she deals with her instincts, her self-protective nature and how she both nurtures and is nurtured.

Soulful's emotions are expansive, larger than life and they find voice in her words and conversations with surprising ease. Everything that moves into the world of her feelings takes on an omnipotent state. She won't second guess her attractions or her desires and is willing to share them with you.

Not always stable in her attachments she can be disarmingly fickle in romance and love. Up one day, down the next, here today, gone tomorrow.

Soulful will adore feeling connected to something "bigger". Spirituality is often a component that seeps into her moods and emotions.

Sagittarius Moon is the sign least likely to become bogged down in emotional worries or doubts.

Moon in 4th house

Home and the past are emotional comforts to Soulful and she will tend to have strong attachments to her family and family-like friends. When upset or angry she will feel the need to cocoon within the safety of her private world. Shares easily with family but reluctant to do so with less personal friends and others.

Mercury in Taurus

Soulful is careful and patient when forming ideas or talking things over.

Creative and artistic in a very earthy, usually practical way. Will love color, textures and art forms with substance.

It can seem to take Soulful a long time to come to a decision and there will be no rushing her. She is not inclined to pursue long phone conversations unless there is something very important to talk over or there is a real connection to be nurtured.

Can be very stubborn and hold strong opinions, neither of which are likely to change.

Mercury in 9th house

Soulful enjoys learning new things especially when those things involve philosophical understanding or spiritual material. Always thinking about the future. Stimulated by the possibilities of "what can be". Can be a touch arrogant regarding her intelligence.

-156 Opposition
Mercury-Pluto negative

Soulful will tend to focus her intellectual attention on the worst possible scenario and can lose sight of the positive. Intense and highly secretive about her deepest thoughts. Cannot be lied to.

Venus in Aries

Soulful has a strong desire nature and enjoys feeling involved and impassioned. Loves being noticed - both for her own style and for the partner who is attached to her arm.

She enjoys showing off her lover, her romance, her partnership. She needs someone who inspires her, excites her, and offers just enough of a competitive spark to keep her interested without having every effort turn into a war of the wills.

Soulful will not be shy in her pursuit of a potential love interest and can be quite aggressive in getting something - or someone she desires.

Enjoys high quality, stylish material possessions.

Venus in 8th house

Soulful values bonded relationships that offer personal power, passion and honesty. She will be a covert rather than overt seeker of love and possesses a remarkably deep sensuality that certain types are drawn to. Intense, loyal and sometimes possessive when in love. She has high expectations centered on loyalty and faith.

Mars in Scorpio

Soulful is passion personified with a tremendous storehouse of energy, physical power and personal strength. This is not obvious, honed-body, hard muscled strength - it's something deeper and more powerful.

She is driven by feelings, fears, needs and desires. Personal safety and whatever that entails to Soulful will be the first and most obvious motivator.

Emotions do not waiver in Soulful, ever. She can be possessive, jealous and, at times, vindictive. On the opposite side she can learn to be driven and impassioned by higher principles and ideals that transcend primal instincts and reactions.

Once attached to a goal she cannot be moved away from it. Relentless.

Mars in 4th house

Soulful is driven to create a stable home environment. She tends to keep her temper|passion confined to her home and the people in her intimate, personal environment. Is comfortable when her home-base feels protected and safe.

Jupiter in Capricorn

Soulful believes that self-discipline, focus, determination and hard work are the tools that help her grow and improve her world. A born executive or leader with a highly critical nature. She is a demanding leader|guide|employer with high standards set both for herself and those around her. Capable of profound achievement.

Jupiter in 5th house

Soulful's creative essence is dramatic. Loves color, art, affairs of the heart. A dramatic and expressive lover. May take daring risks and can be a born gambler in one form or another.

Saturn in Scorpio

Soulful may find expressing her sexual nature and her passions difficult and often withholds or represses them. Often denies herself deep emotional bonding and sensual freedom. Has a driving need to know the truth but tends to fear what the truth will reveal. Has complex ways of keeping her world safe. The sign of Scorpio is strongly linked to fears and Soulful may invest considerable energy into boxing up and rationalizing her own fears.

Saturn in 3rd house

Soulful learns the hard way and takes the most difficult path when assimilating new information. Prefers a logical, analytical mental approach. May have writing skills but will tend to be very grounded and earthy when applying them. While she may indulge in small talk and chatter it will never be a comfort zone for them. Prefers conversations that have meaning and purpose.

Uranus in Sagittarius

Soulful belongs to a peer group where change and innovations create deeper and broader social awareness. Educational arenas experience upheavals and subsequent growth. Religious ideals - and religious leaders - also come under this groups intense and questioning scrutiny.

Uranus in 4th house

Soulful's home was unusual or unorthodox in some manner. Tends to move a lot - usually through no choice of her own. Mother or important female role models were likely individualistic and idealistic in her nurturing. Tends towards eclectic tastes in decor and home-life.

Neptune in 5th house

Soulful is deeply creative, probably a profound romantic and has immense potential in the fields of art. Love is never just love for Soulful, it must be an experience of a higher dimension. She may find it difficult to choose the right partner and can be taken advantage of repeatedly. Conversely she may be the one who takes advantage in a relationship. Tends to have a romantic fantasy image of the perfect partner and can be disappointed when the 'real person' appears.

Pluto in 3rd house

Soulful possesses penetrating insight, a talent for research and investigative work that requires complex thought and logic. She may appear soft-spoken, occasionally even shy. This outer appearance conceals her ever questioning and highly structured mind. She is not afraid to speak the truth when necessary. Seldom goes in for idle chatter.