5 Widely Believed Dating Myths

I agree with number 1 and 3.

Edit: I re-read over number 3. I retract my above statement, so it's just number 1 now.
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*goes off to get into gaming and online dating*
Meanwhile, they probably cry into their pillows at night after an argument with their girlfriend.
I don't like crying boys ;_;, crying boys make me cry too!

NO crying boys //cuddles chaz even more

Also: I am a gamer, and I have dated people I met online and played games with. I never lied about my age or looks. ;D
I'm a gamer and I've had more interest expressed in me from people online then off, actually I've only ever been involved with people I met online first o.O I've found that it's far easier for me to make connections and keep them with people online first and then meet them in the real world then it is to make friends with people in the real world to begin with.
I don't think I'm a lonely virgin, either.

3. My boyfriend is more emotional than I am.
1. I think the fault lies with the people and not with the concept. If you are living with someone and it's not working out and you choose to go and marry them anyway then that makes you a weak willed idiot. These people are likely to botch it up even if they didn't move in first.
5. Definitely true from what I've seen. My pack of gamers have especially active sex/dating/married lives. Then again, my pack of gamers is rather high functioning and adults. I'm the pariah in the group, as I am not... but then again I'm not much of a gamer any more. I wouldn't be surprised if this had something to do with serotonin levels from 'winning' at these games increasing sexual libido combined with a sense of unity from sharing the experiences that involve overcoming obstacles. This can be a great way to bond, seeing as the mind can't really tell the difference between reality and fantasy on an emotional level... and tends to look at the gaming experiences as low to mid level stressors.

4. Meeting people online allows for less pressure and more common interests. This is kind of a no brainer.

3. Obviously, this depends on the individual, but I think there is a lot more pressure on guys to make everything work these days. Women have the right to complain when it's not right, but aren't really held accountable for making it right... so when women aren't happy, men equate that with not getting sex, and therefore women not happy = lots of pressure for guys, which can make guys quite nuts... especially younger guys who haven't figured out how to keep a woman happy, but have very strong sex drives.

2. I think the concept of feminism has really changed when applied to the real world. As far as I can tell, feminists are simply women who aren't afraid to live as they want. The old feminist agendas don't seem to be as important or even relevant to most women, so long as some man isn't trying to hold them down. That said, a happy woman is a sexual woman. Again, no brainer.

1. The way this is worded is pretty simple. Couples who live together with the expectation of permanent commitment (engaged or married) are going to develop their relationship expectations around that commitment. Couples who live together based on convenience are going to develop their relationship expectations based on how it makes them feel at the moment. Yet another no brainer because couples who approach their relationships based on commitment (whether or not they live together) are going to do better than couples who base their relationships on convenience (statistically speaking).
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I'm a gamer and I've had more interest expressed in me from people online then off, actually I've only ever been involved with people I met online first o.O I've found that it's far easier for me to make connections and keep them with people online first and then meet them in the real world then it is to make friends with people in the real world to begin with.
I don't think I'm a lonely virgin, either.

3. My boyfriend is more emotional than I am.
1. I think the fault lies with the people and not with the concept. If you are living with someone and it's not working out and you choose to go and marry them anyway then that makes you a weak willed idiot. These people are likely to botch it up even if they didn't move in first.
Aww, snuggle.
3. Obviously, this depends on the individual, but I think there is a lot more pressure on guys to make everything work these days. Women have the right to complain when it's not right, but aren't really held accountable for making it right... so when women aren't happy, men equate that with not getting sex, and therefore women not happy = lots of pressure for guys, which can make guys quite nuts... especially younger guys who haven't figured out how to keep a woman happy, but have very strong sex drives.
Any woman who uses sex as a bargaining tool is a women to STAY AWAY FROM. Shes bad news. Sex is suppose to be a thing of affection and caring, not bait or a trap or a trick. It shouldn't be "turned off and on" depending on how "well" your partner does.
Also, I believe fully in making a relationship work through my efforts, not making it all about the guy obeying me, he is not a dog.
Any woman who uses sex as a bargaining tool is a women to STAY AWAY FROM. Shes bad news. Sex is suppose to be a thing of affection and caring, not bait or a trap or a trick. It shouldn't be "turned off and on" depending on how "well" your partner does.
Also, I believe fully in making a relationship work through my efforts, not making it all about the guy obeying me, he is not a dog.

That's it! I will be coming to you for relationship advice form now on. lol
Anyone who looks down on online dating is a retard. Online dating is the most logical conclusion to what technology has to offer us. I dont mean online relationship, I mean actually using the internet and even dating sites as an online "advertisement" for your existence because believe it or not, you have to actually put effort into not trying to find the person you want to spend some time with. IE putting a presence out there, you cant believe that you cant find your soul mate or whatever that you have to be found... yeah well, having no presence out there at all is how you end up alone and miserable.

Online dating works the same way as online shopping, which makes billions in sales. You have a virtual advertisement for you as a potential relationship partner. accessible 24/7, anywhere in the world. That kind of power should be used, not ignored. Ignoring its potential is because of being ignorant to the facts of its existence and what it offers.

I would suggest to anyone who is interested.
pof.com (plenty of fish) its 100% Free and has TONS of people. I met my most current gf there and I am not afraid to admit it, shes an ENFJ we sync incredibly, shes good for me and vice versa. We are happy to be together. Nothing but that matters.
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Any woman who uses sex as a bargaining tool is a women to STAY AWAY FROM. Shes bad news. Sex is suppose to be a thing of affection and caring, not bait or a trap or a trick. It shouldn't be "turned off and on" depending on how "well" your partner does.
Also, I believe fully in making a relationship work through my efforts, not making it all about the guy obeying me, he is not a dog.

Um... can I buy a segue for $500, Pat?
Didn't we get over most of these awhile ago?

Actually, that last one concerning cohabitation hits pretty hard, though I think there's a line there. I cohabited with an old girlfriend for two+ years before we finally, recently, separated. It was either that or "getting married". I don't think I'd ever, actually, be able to consider a partner seriously without some form of cohabitation once things got really serious. I suppose that I've learned a lot of lessons to mitigate the "break up or get married" issue.