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Saru Inc
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  • Sure lol :)

    Send it to me, and I will read it to relieve the torture of the O chem test I have tonight. I think i'm 98.5% ready hehe.
    Haha I have no hair there :)

    It's a shame that things can't change color when one does whipe their hair
    So that's ok if you were passively trying to call me a rat bastard for what I said. I didn't even read your kind post in response to what you also think is suspicious.
    hee, changed your avatar again; it's a nice and pretty flower, but why does it looks kinda sad? *random*
    Oh I have Fe, and I use it a fair bit. It's not unusual for INTP's to have it, though having such a developed one apparently makes me more likely to be an ENTP. I can't see it to be true, perhaps when I'm really comfortable and with a few people I trust, but other than that, I have no social life, two friends who I only see at work and no people skills. It just doesn't seem like how an ENTP would end up.
    Just chillain like a villain. I tried to think of a bad joke but that's all that came to mind. What's your yes, noes?
    Uhm... I think you'll find he's human. He's as disgusting as the rest of his race I'm afraid.

    How are you?


    You're sweet.

    I'm sad because I feel inferior, lonely and a bit whiny. Nothing major or life threatening.

    Jester? Hm, I doubt any clown could ever cheer me up.
    Sorry. <3

    I've been so busy and weary lately, not to mention juggling the usual depression.

    I'll try to reply at a better rate, promise.

    Yeah, I had the psp version of the force unleashed and loved it.:}
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