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Saru Inc
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  • It is rather limiting.

    But idc about avatars tbh, it's more about the posts than anything.

    The only thing that really turns me off, is the arrogance that some of the posters share
    I did not vote for him. I voted for ralf nader. Reason being is I knew obama was going to win, and I didn't want to justify doing it. After he has been in power for a while now though I don't have as sour of an opinion of him. He hasn't done all that much to piss me off. It's more what he hasn't done that I dissaprove of.


    No, I just went away for a while is all. I saw your doggy thread, I thought it was hilarious. Nevermind INFJ's, sometimes they're too caught up in their values and pretenses that they can't see past their own noses.
    thanks for your feedback. sometimes i am overwhelmed by my emotions however i have been aware of this in the past and continue to work on it.
    ENFP's are one of my favourites actually.

    Also, they're know to be the 'shy Extroverts' as far as things go, so that might explain a lot of your 'shyness'.
    The fact that you don't intrinsically get it actually backs up why you have upset so many people. You are unable to see how you sound to others, and how cold and superior you sound. You have stated your opinion in a "this is how it is and that's how it is" manner, with something that is controversial, and have not budged on your opinion at all. Hence people got upset over it. Even if you did not intend to come across that way, that's what happened, and the fact that most responded in a negative way validates the actions.

    Again your intention doesn't change this. The group responded to it in a collective way, and therefore the groups opinion that you deserved a negative rep is validated.
    Yet you yourself don't see how humans can't be. I am in between and I can safely say you are being very rigid and have quite a weak and unexplainable base for your opinion (thats not to say others dont either though).
    I found your entire argument justifying that all other creates to be lesser to us to be pompous. The fact that we use animals for duties we ourselves are incapable of doing shows we are not the apex. All we have is that we needn't adapt to our environment, but rather adapt the environment to our pleasing; which is showing to have dire repercussions. Agent Smith's(the matrix) lecture on what humans really are has a sad ring of truth to it if you had to ask me. And by that measure, we are lesser to the animal kingdom.

    Also just posting you're when blatantly wrong was not in good taste.
    I actually asked everyone in family that question (about the puppy)

    My mom says she'd do it
    My dad says he wouldn't
    Enoch says he wouldn't
    Gershom says he would in a heartbeat
    My cousins philip and Harry say they wouldn't...interesting
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