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  • lol, you should see the other thread. I absolutely love organization and structure! :D
    Haha. Yes, it's curious... I've never felt this around other types, but it's as if I want you to say more. As if I actually want the INFJ to express what they're thinking. Which is odd and pretty hypocritical coming from an INTP, but it's there nonetheless. You are interesting individuals...
    For such developed individuals you INFJ's never really know what to say, do you?

    Or is it more of a case of not knowing whether or not to say what comes to mind?
    Holy crap. I don't know what I'd even do in a situation like that. So I was reading the comments on one of the pictures and it said that a woman went missing? Did they ever find her?
    Holy shit, you guys need a comic book written about your town or something. It just up and exploded? Did you witness it?
    Lol, your university's insurance company must thinking of having to deal with your university again. 437 broken windows? That's a lot of windows!
    Damn, I wish my university had that same attitude. Ours it "It's working? Okay I'm going to throw money at it until it breaks, and then throw more money at it until it's slightly worse than it was to begin with. Then we'll raise your tuition."

    They just spent $100 million dollars demolishing and rebuilding the nation's largest non-military cafeteria, when it met and exceeded all codes prior to its demolition. They also spent $4,000 a piece on 100 floor tiles for a dorm that was recently renovated. It's so stupid it just makes sense I guess.
    Aww, poor elevator. Did the people "higher up" realize it was time for some elevator renovations?
    Haha, holly crap! Were they in it when it happened? I hope they were, that would be epic.
    Haha, sounds pretty similar to what goes on around here. I didn't work Halloween last year but apparently there were a few incidents of someone puking on the desk, streaking, and someone who thought they were in Ohio. Good times, good times.
    Damn! I should have. I saw it flying around about an hour ago so I called someone over to cover the desk for me, and I started looking for it through the maze of a dorm I'm working in. We had to police out once but they couldn't find it, then I saw it in a stair well, chased it through the batcave (ironically it's a labyrinth in the basement we call the batcave) and finally scared it into a closet. I wish I had pictures! It's amazing how tiny they actually are when they aren't flying.

    Yeah, night shifts and welcome week=lots of EMS calls. Have you ever worked Halloween on the night shift? It's almost like you're dreaming the entire time because nothing any of the students are doing or wearing seems like it should be happening. I think it's the one night where it's required to be drunk to understand what's going on.
    So because I'm pumped on adrenaline right now I feel like I have to tell someone this; tonight has been the most interesting night of work I've ever had. I just chased a bat around an old-style dorm building up and down stairs, through hallways, prison torture rooms (okay, that's an exaggeration but this place does look like Hogwarts) to finally catch a bat in a closet for the police to handle. It was intense.
    ... And the yellow and blue tights! Don't forget those!

    And the oodles of chest hair!

    And the Canadianism! Canadians are just dead sexy, eh? :p
    By the way, we decided if you were a Superhero, you'd totally be Wolverine. I imagine one day you'll hit your limit and randomly sprout adamantium claws with the urge to tear everything to shreds...

    Okay, maybe you're more Charles Xavier :p
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