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  • Ah, yeah, you can ask me or the group in general a question and get feedback if you like. :)
    same here! started posting on the forums a lot more lately mainly to express myself in writing. Really do feel like we are veterans on the forums! I miss some of the people that used to troll and frequent and debate and argue over silly things!!
    I have been writing a lot and doing some inner work. Seems that I go through these phases often and lately I just been in the mood to write, read and create some art. Been allowing myself to just relax as well. It has been fun doing all this :)

    What is something fun and enjoyable you have done recently?
    Good question, well I guess that usually when I'm annoyed I get tensed up and feel like I have some obligation or role in fixing what annoys me, but in realizing that some things are out of my control, I can be annoyed with something/someone out of my control, and recognize that I don't need to feel upset or uncomfortable.
    Yeah, for me it's eating enough that's been a problem. WhatI eat has always been pretty healthy, but the amount never seemed to be enough. My goal is gaining strength moreso, and put on a little bit of weight. I don't need to get bulky; to do so would probably be way too drastic for my body type anyways.

    One of my coworkers said that a largely increased appetite means over-doing it and I should try to take in more protein rather than eating more, so I wanted to be on the safe side and get other opinions/research.
    Not much longer than the track since its live lol.

    I loaded up some beats and sounds, matched their speed, made it downbeat, threw on some effects to dirty it up and let stuff play while I twiddled with knobs and brought different parts in.

    Was maybe 15 minutes to set it all up I guess.
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