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  • I have been somewhat absent from the forums for quite a while. It's a combination of being too busy to spend time online and the threads being too repetitious.

    Anyhow, forum friend, what's up?
    No I haven't. The other day I watched 10 minutes of a Power Rangers episode just to see how it changed. I must say I was a little disappointed they don't turn into a big robot anymore. lol.
    I am well. I just bought some plants a bit ago for a terrarium.
    I love gardening so am extremely excited. I am going to place
    it on my desk. I am also going to buy two more containers
    with which to make more. I am not quite sure what I am doing
    but I am looking forward to learning. I also bought a basil
    plant. I love basil! And fresh basil is sooo expensive. My
    plant cost me less than a package of fresh basil. I find this
    so strange! I am getting ready to go back to work soon.
    Luckily I work with two others that I enjoy the company
    of tonight.

    How are you lately??!
    hey you :) *hugs* Good to see you back. I'm here as usually just living and breathing. How's everything?
    Oh Well! I am so sorry to hear of Mommy and Nephew. I can understand your difficulty. I hope your pain eases in time. It is a very difficult thing to go through. And thanks for the compliment on my Avatar. I have been lucky enough to catch some sweet sunsets lately. Thank you so much for your well wishes too! I hope you're doing well also! How have things been for you lately? I have been trying to find work and taking care of my little boy. It sure is a lot of work having a little one lol. Things are looking up! This is the add for my blog I did not know if I ever gave it to you. I spend a lot of time over here http://efrommsphotoblog.wordpress.com/ come over some time and say hello! I have a lot of pics up.
    It's been a pleasant morning. Petting Marcus and drinking my smoothie.

    How have you been?
    Actually right now things are great. Me and my Dad have been listening to music on the couch playing guitars tonight with my 8 month old. He sure loves music lol. How are you doing?
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