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  • Hi -
    I thought by posting an answer to your last visitor message on my page that it would show up here too. Seems I need a tutorial on how this forum works! I am glad I came over here to check, or you would have thought I'd snubbed your message.
    Your pick of Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum as the Gemini Twins is spot on. I think you are right, and I never even thought of that one.
    I always thought the Rabbit might be the Virgo, since he is so concerned about being late, and Virgos tend to be punctual and very into proper protocol, but I am not sure.
    I don't even know who Alice Liddell is. Is she the one the Alice character is named after?
    My dear young fangirl: The first quote was sarcastic. As in, the author meant sarcasm.
    Thanks for the message about Alice in Wonderland. Our cat Tilde says "meow" to your Dinah. To answer your question about my Avatar, I chose the Cheshire Cat just because I love cats and wanted a cat Avatar. Having been a psychiatric social worker, and being appalled at the way just about every original thought is now being labeled as mental illness, I loved the caption under that particular Cheshire cat picture about "We're All Mad Here". My favorite character in Alice and Wonderland is probably the caterpillar. "Who are YOU?" Love it. You are no doubt familiar with the idea that the main characters in that book represent the zodiac signs. I have wondered which is which. The Red Queen is most likely Scorpio, but beyond that I am stumped. Any ideas?
    Well, Delta of Venus is strange. If you don't know anything about the reasons behind writing that book than you'll wonder if she is insane :D but when you look at the book from the perspective of her private life, the incest relationship that she had and the reasons for writing that book, Delta of Venus is fun, provocative book of erotic stories.

    I've read Henry and June, now I want to see the movie, and in the meantime I found some other of her books that I want to read. I'm generally having a hard time finding her other diaries translated or in English in pdf.
    Thanks for saying you like my Avatar. The whole Alice in Wonderland story seems tailor made for an INFJ to me. Which character would you be?
    Thank you!!!

    I also like what you have done with the place. Beautiful theme. =)
    Yes, that is my Carly. She is 2.5 yrs old and she is super cute if I do say so myself! ;) And thank you very much!
    I much agree. read part about weather in our PM and read between the lines and you'll probably get your answer
    oh i definitely think they do. I just thought Res was asking personally. and, since i haven't dated, i said no. But i think they do.
    neither have i. but some tell me i know enough spanish to fake it. and yes, i believe that's the case. and i laughed at that last line :).
    . . . :)
    in case you're still on, i just felt like saying this. I'll reply to your PM shortly (i guess i have a thing about getting back promptly) but anyway: you do know it's not that hard to get across that border, right? ;) (not in the tech sense, but in real life)
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