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  • Bad boys are insecure and usually immature, but they are confident. As stupid as they are, they are not scared like little girls by anyone. That makes the difference.
    Oro is a weapon and the way of the oro is to kill, despite such pretty talk. I much prefer the pretty talk, that I do.
    You totally just pulled an orojutsu on me! I see you are a master at the technique, orosai.
    Aye, I know that feel....

    Hmm no women on the horizon this time around. I've been focused a lot on work and personal goals - I barely see my own friends anymore! :o
    But my blog is also no more, so there's that.
    Heh, thanks ~ Same to you ;]

    The glasses suit you quite well, much better than most actually ~~
    the mods gave me my signature as a joke,
    but after seeing it I kept it because when I
    am happy I am happy like a child. Eternally
    so and naive.
    Lol never had shrooms. Actually I think I'm allergic to mushrooms in general lol... Is the high different?
    we invaded this island like a virus or a race of giant killer rats, crushing everything we found to make the foundations of pretty white architectures.
    Lol really? That's awesome. You can always look up recipes online! There's one for tea that just takes too much time really lol but there's a bunch of others too.
    Everything I say is carefully manicured to produce a certain type of reaction in people because infj word wizard also who cares

    have you been taking care of yourself. you better have, otherwise i'm going to stab you in the dick with a dump truck.
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