Raccoon Love | Page 18 | INFJ Forum
Raccoon Love
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  • ow, so nice of you to drop by
    I'm doing ok. Had a bit of a heartbreak but I'm almost over it and so now I can start preparing my trip to Peru next month

    how are you doing Raccoon? Any improvement in your social live? I really understand what you are going through but it will get better if you believe in yourself!
    Im happy to find people here that is interested of it
    lol, I was just reading your message on MF's wall. Seems like you're becoming quite the enneagram enthusiast yourself :p
    haha, never! I don't believe it for a second. You are an absolute angel and I love you.

    Fe gone wild! lol, but I mean it. :smile:
    When I was but a small child, I was attacked by a raccoon.
    I am now absolutely terrified by the beastly creatures.
    I really appreciate the kind words Racco, I'm hoping fate will eventually push me and my soul mate together. Just never know when that will happen and when those depressing moments come I just soldier on through em!

    Anytime compadre, yer a very kind young gentleman. So from one gentleman to another :tea: cheers!
    Hungry and still a little tired, though those are easily solved. Feeling loneliness creeping in pretty heavy, happens from time to time...been awhile since I was in a relationship and I tend to deal with this feeling rather well, but it just keeps on cropping up more and more lately.

    I'm glad you are feeling well :D and I hope your day is/continues to be very positive!
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