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  • I like enneagram 9s. Not sure what I am. It was either a 6, a 5 or a 4 or some variant thereof. I may find out sometime, but MBTI is enough for me to get my head around for now. I'm either an INFJ or an INFP in denial. ;)

    Do you like the colour orange, orangutans or?
    I take great pleasure in combining random words to confuse people, because their response is then of true value. It's like they find meaning in the nothingness, and all the sudden new ideas are created.

    The last questions you gave to me, I just forgot to cut them out when I posted my comment. Spontaneous questions breed spontaneous conversations. Either way I'd like to wait until I've seen the far side of the moon.
    I love the world. I regret that there are aspects of it which we must label pretentious. I marvel at the idea that we could categorize things yet still refrain from it.

    I feel the guilt when I know it will come from the outset.
    I live when I can die and forget that I ever did live.
    At times it's important to overstep the boundaries of living, dying and absolute truths, and rather just focus on what needs no definition.

    Have you ever thought you really had anything figured out?
    Do you feel the pressure, the guilt, the shame? What's the difference between living and dying?
    I am 50% secretive.
    I consider myself to be a pretty open person, but only when asked direct questions. Otherwise I have trouble starting a new topic.
    Well, um, your stifledness is rubbing off on me! I suppose I'll take my own past advice and just type whatever. Apples. Bonana King. Fractal. Good morning Mr. Magpie... how are we today...

    Sometimes we don't know what to say, but it's precisely when we start trying to find something to say that we perpetuate our own suffering. We never find what we are looking for. I'm getting more into the groove of not worrying about anything. Oh, how I like that mode of existence.

    Anyway, you were on the TC once - I remember your FACE!
    "I am sorry to have wearied you with so long a letter but I did not have time to write you a short one."
    Trick question. They're really saying "is it okay if I ignore you're current problems and we cut to what I want to talk about?"

    Though if you're trying to stay on top in the realm of philosophy, you should know the philosophers are playing an entirely different game...
    Real men exist. They get drunk and have fist fights every night. DON'T SCREW WITH MY FANTASY!

    I'm going to change my type to LITN/OITAF
    Lauren Is Totally Narcissistic/Oranguh Is Totally A Fanboy :p
    I didn't request you because friendships on this forum don't amuse me. They are not fun they are simply a way to showoff how many friends you have compared to someone else. I was your friend already anyway. A simple thing saying "You are now his friend" Is just stupid. I love you.
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