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  • You're welcome. :3 Lol, I forgot that's what the thread was about, sorry. X3 I was repping your awesome myths. :3
    I wish I had more to say. You are an enigma in many ways. I shall keep my eye on you sir.
    Dangnabbit. It wouldn't let me put anything in the rep comment box. Thank you for your thoughtful opinion of me. I'm not sure about being wise....I feel the Fool lately.
    *tickle attacks*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111 NO MERCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^0^
    *hands you a mop*
    ROFL! Actually, she talked to me about that character from Monster Ranchers too! :) This is some serious deja vu. :D
    Yeah, I seem to wake up early. Always a little panic going on.

    Thanks for asking. How about you.
    Weekly quest? I've heard about the other quests, but this is my first time knowing that. What's the quest like?

    Botting seems to be almost like a necessity. I think the coders have even found a way to set priests to walk together and buff the other bots?
    I also botted my priest for like, 2 months. It.....wasn't exactly fast, for some reason (hybrid build). I retired from the official server, 2 months after that.
    It is, it is; but the rate,'ll be too draining to get to rebirth 2nd Job, much less the 3rd job. D:

    I guess bots are a given? XD;
    What are your characters? Mine was..all priests. At least the main ones.
    Oooh, ambitious! I'm more in an opposite state, at present. I'm excited to finish my undergrad and work for some time, then I'd consider doing masters and perhaps phd. PMing should work, though I don't believe I've done it before lol!
    Hey there! Your posts are interesting. I also creeped your profile and noticed that you minored in religious studies. That's my minor as well. I was wondering if you use MSN or AIM; I'd be interested to chat with you more if you're amenable to that.
    Thank you :) It's actually quite a coincidence - an old friend of mine posted the exact same picture when I first joined. Great minds think alike :p Thank you for the memory.
    Yup, you understand where I'm coming from - to be informative and/or to present the other side of an argument, unfortunately people aren't always open minded... and I can be stubborn.

    "Then you have to ask if one is expressing their feelings about their thoughts, or expressing their thoughts about their feelings. I find emotions to be the foundation upon which thoughts are built upon."

    Interesting way to put it... something new for me to think about :nod:
    Ah, I see... so more neutral than robotic? Damn I thought I was talking to a Terminator or a definite TJ : P

    It's wise to be neutral, I often jump to play devils advocate... and I'm not always getting the response/discussion I desire from doing so.
    You could say that, most of your post just seem, well... it's kind of like I'm reading a computer readout of what the "proper solution" might be for a particular situation/circumstance. There's just very little emotion, maybe it's there and just not expressed in your writing?

    Note: I'm certainly no MBTI expert, nor do I think said system is flawless.
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