Recent content by gps | INFJ Forum

Recent content by gps

  1. G

    INTP: the Ideal Type?

    But then you'd need an INTP to finger that all out for you ... wouldn't you? How about INTP also testing as enneagram 5w4, socionics LII, Cancer-Monkey, Week of the Empath? It's all kinda word salad in the end, isn't it? It's wonderful having nice things atrributed to me categorically vis-a-vis...
  2. G

    Optimal Distinctiveness

    I am as I seem to whomever I seem for as long as I seem. Identity is everybit as useful (EG useless) as the `average preferences' of the MBTI given instantaneous preferences. If I eschew fixedness -- of function or identity -- then I must eschew `identity' as if the ink blots every really ARE...
  3. G

    Which MBTI type are you drawn to? Jung Explorer Test Actualized type: INTJ (who you are)...
  4. G

    What is God?

    Correction ... God AS. God as a projection screen. God as an ink blot. God as big fluffy clouds upon which we may apperceive any suchness we'd like. God as a megaphone for the clerical version of `Simon Says' ... God says DO THIS ... now DO THAT! God as `the man behind the curtain' ... the...
  5. G

    Your Thoughts on Class Warfare

    I'm not sure its about `the' current system qua system so much as the widespread experiencing of discontentment, dissatisfaction, and injustice. I don't think it's about `capital' per se. It seems a lot of those depicted as the 99% are those with strapping debt from college loans and no...
  6. G

    What are the limits of "freedom of religion"?

    I'll field that one, if you don't mind. Religion -- or religious belief, might be a better term -- is the unreasonable clap trap that is pumped into a person BEFORE the age of reason which results in them behaving unreasonably once they DO reach the age of reason. Of course `culture' and...
  7. G

    Your Thoughts on Class Warfare

    `Class warfare' is a term meaningful in England where the press uses it. In the US the press seems reticent to use the term ... as if not talking about it could prevent the same real-world results avoided by an ostrich with its head in the sand. George Orwell's Animal Farm did a pretty...
  8. G

    Oldham's Personality Styles

    For those more book-minded the types were introduced by Oldham and Louis B. Morris via Personality Self Portrait The types emerged from de-pathologizing the Personality Disorders found in the DSM III-R The latest edition of the book is New Personality Self-Portrait I've had copies of both and...
  9. G

    What are the limits of "freedom of religion"?

    The line between Thought and action, emotion and action, belief and action. What people actually DO should be regulated by secular law. The line should be drawn between Overt Behavior and covert thought-emotion-belief ... otherwise religion becomes an excuse for psychotics and neurotics. Deeds...
  10. G

    Are Men in Danger?
  11. G

    What would you like to tell the child you once were?

    There, there now ... it's just your Wounded Inner Adult manifesting the fucked up patterns your bio mommie and sperm donor modeled for you. Get over it!
  12. G


    Trolling? Do you mean like snipping part of a complete paragraph out of one of my quotes and presenting it as if complete? That sort of trolling? Once again, How sweet that you pull this prank in a thread on `unfairness'. Any other bit of unfairness you'd care to use to try to prove my...
  13. G


    Think Rorschach Test. Now take a long look in the mirror. Please notice WHO apperceived the theme `to have such a total default problem with enforcing fairness through laws' Now mention one individual you can't project YOUR theme onto. Please do. Just one. I never met laws. What are they...
  14. G


    A common thing for INFJs? Do mean when they are not actually promoting unfairness under the guise of enforcing rules,`for the greater good', or some other pretense or all-important ends allowing them to self-justify their means? I certainly detest being subjected to unfairness and tend to not...
  15. G

    My Theory of All That Is

    I have a theory that all that is qua IS results from reification, apperception, and seeming `things' into being qua being. If one ignores the Map-Territory distinction one can end up in phenomenological hell unable to discern one's mental models and maps from what exists as mass and/or energy...