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  • Don't beat yourself up about it lol. It had very kind words and intention. And that's worth seeing the red, in my eyes.

    The only rep comment someone has given me that ever made me cry, was a mean and hurtful thing and it was a green bar...which made me that much more upset. haha
    Thank you, and you feel better :hug:

    PS- You must really are going to miss me if you derepped me ;) lol.

    It's ok.
    Haha, a friend of mine supposedly has a baby-face (I don't think so, but eh) and it's most uncomfortable for him when the younger sister of his buddy or something develops a crush on him. Awkward situation is.. funny for me. :p
    Hey, hope you're well. Did you get a chance to start reading? Love to know what you think so far
    I feel for you about getting sick.... it sucks so much!!! I drink gatorade, and chicken soup with vegetables when sick, do you have Tiger Balm. (or Vix vapour rub [Tiger Balm is better]) at your local drugstore? I put some on the chest, the collar bone, mixed with Vaseline (it can burn) below the nostrils, [always right before going to bed.] sometimes I'll sit in the bathroom and turn the water to super hot and sit in a bathrobe inhaling the steam. Hope this helps : )
    Anyway O.O what classes will you be taking in a couple weeks?

    damn I can really get off topic sometimes.
    Fuck you :D I actually did google it btw. The correct term is spinning class :nerd:

    Good luck trying to stroke up a conversation while you're sweating your ass off.
    I bought a bike a few days ago... just some random info I felt like sharing. I'ma ride to work now and save gas... But really, tell me, whatza cycling class!
    oh, only on 8th grade? :D *have cheated every now and then -since- 5th grade* On what subject? How did you feel after that?

    Brown rice is admittedly wonderful! They made good salads, methinks.
    How do you do your egg whites? Did you fry it? Eat it raw? Mix it with something else?

    Do you prefer leafy veggies or other types of vegetables?

    tsk, dearest Endersgone, it's not BORING. O_O;

    And about philosophy; got any favorite? Why?

    And I'll try doing random "N" statement about me; using the four (Greek?) Elements, I think mentally / emotionally I'm water. BUT if we're talking about -all- elements; strangely the result goes...awry. Because parts of my mind work under different elements and held by different elements. And if you asked "how did you know that?" it's because I somewhat handled it myself. :|
    I'm sorry, I feel stupid. What's a cycling class? Is that where you go on the bike machine? If so, why would there be a class for it?
    So, I'm starting to feel well. I can't tell if it's because of the fish oil I'm taking or what. It could be, but I also think it might be because of this church service I went to last night. This older guy was talking to me and opening up to me in how he came to the Lord. It felt so good to be around such loving people. I hope to get to know more people as I attend again. It really is a big struggle to put myself out there, but this really is a good place to help me with that.
    "I think I'm an F... but I don't really know, I'm certainly no good at math : P"
    "Also, if you do end up peeing youself... you'll probably give quite a few art students an interesting story to share :heh:"
    Lol n_n
    (I'm also mostly worried about harassment and sweaty nerds fapping in the corner.)
    Wow, thank you for sharing all that :hug: I think I can relate to you about the rebuilding, and losing sight of who you are. I have also questioned my F/Tness in the past as well. There is no rush, I think. Brick by brick. ~_~
    Yeah those days were pretty fun. TBH I really don't remember us playing 007 together.. or the N64 version anyway. Are you talking about the xbox version? I think I do remember now. Man, the hours we spent on that thing. :D "...Oh is it night time already? ...I'm hungry..." And then we would fight over the last of the pizza bagel bites :D Man I'm starting to laugh cuz I remember just how immature we were. I'd say we've all come a long way.

    Lol and I'll probably pee myself on the job if I do get it. It's not that I'm not nervous about it, but I think it'd be an interesting enough experience for me to want to try anyway.
    'I imagine he was okay though right? Heh, I've been shot by one of those things more times then I can count...'----- this puts my mind at ease :). He does mention curare and poisons in his *really* creepy message but I don't think my close friend wants to kill me, but these friends are strange anxiety-inducing people. My close friend's fiance gave me a tiny folded green enchilida shopping list surrepticiously, then all this talk about blowguns? I drew really negative conclusions to these bizarre things, from now on I'm just going to be of the opinion that I *really* don't know what's going on. Weird things activate my Ne, I too often come up with dark meanings/patterns. I hate it when weird things happen!
    Well... I personally don't dig Carl Jung anymore. I've read some of his books and got bored because he had little practicality. It's interesting if you're looking to test your own morals. But I think if you're looking for reason and rationality, as it seems you are, someone realistic like Karl Popper, Joseph Campbell, Alan Watts, or Friedrich A. Hayek is great. I'd check them out!
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