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  • choice of either vB or C++
    then i'll have the obligatory MySQL and PHP, maybe other scripting languages
    and Mal's like "What does that even mean?!"
    cool. IT here. studying, at least. Will have to take one or two coding classes, not much though
    hey! so sorry about last night, my computer overheated and died and then i couldnt get it back on...i think it might be getting sick. Hope all goes ok in work today. :)
    The aggressive women thread is going just as oddly as my arguments in the sex and self esteem thread. It was wise to just give up >.>
    A medal would be nice, I'm a fan of lost causes apparently >_>. Seriously though, I was genuinely impressed by her demeanor to the whole discussion. She completely lacked the ability to see outside herself and her feelings.
    I'm not as good with acoustic, it's a little more difficult to scale up and down but I do enjoy split chords and that kinda thing. I've never played anything from teh flamenco genre, may have to look into it :)
    I'm biased. But I think flamenco is the most dynamic and fascinating genre. If you aren't careful it can completely take over you life. How do you feel about acoustic?
    So you are obviously good but being sarcastic. I play flamenco but not that great. What do you play? I'm assuming electric.
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