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  • I unfortunately started studying Japanese late in my college career, so I've only taken two semesters and I only know a little. But I enjoy speaking Japanese more than any other language I've taken. I studied Latin for a long time but never to speak it, and I studied French in middle/high school and by the time I entered college I was semi-fluent, but now I've forgotten most of the vocabulary (vocab has always been my weakest area). Do you speak any foreign languages?

    I always really enjoy talking to artistic people, probably because I am not artistically talented at all. The only thing I am capable of is poetry, and I really enjoy writing it. However, I'm not sure how many other people appreciate my poetry! It does seem like rhyming poetry is less popular than it used to be. I do only write very rarely, however, as I am not often in the right state to do so. It's not exactly easy to describe. I would love to read some of your works, if ever you wished to share. Experiencing someone's art can tell you a great deal about the person, and maybe that's why I like it and artists so much.
    One of the reasons I went to my college was because it got even more snow than my home does (I really love snow). I went to a liberal arts school, and I guess in the end I really ended up embracing that idea because I took a lot of different classes; basically anything that interested me. I majored in religious studies, math, and physics, and I took a lot of languages courses. I really love languages, and my tentative plan right now is to apply to teach English in Japan for a year or more, and then come back to the US to do linguistics/computational linguistics in grad school.

    One of my best friends in college was an INFP who majored in English/creative writing, and I've really been encouraging him this past year to work on the book he's currently writing. Have you written any stories/books? Do you have any kind of career plans in mind at the moment (in the field of writing or otherwise)?
    I assume my friends are still in Australia, but I haven't talked to them in a while. And I'm enjoying the summer quite a bit. I've just graduated college, and I'm just taking my time and relaxing for a while before figuring out what to do from here. It's been pretty cool so far, which is good, but I have my AC just in case. I generally like snow much more than hot summer days.
    You're welcome! It's a really good song; I've listened to it several times since. I've had two friends who have lived in Australia, but I still don't know much about it. It's winter there now, correct?
    Hey I didn't realize you were so pretty when we were PMing that one night. I just wanted to apologize, if I would have known I would have been much more articulate and calculated. I just didn't realize... I hope you understand.
    'Time' is amazing. I last heard the track by itself in 2010, at a time when I was wistful and sad-- it's extremely visceral yet it seems a bit hopeful. Music can effect how I feel so much-- I almost never listen to random playlists, doesn't produce the experience I enjoy. Inception's cinematography is fascinating and extremely well done--strongly recommend it : ) I'm amazed how candid people can be here as well, I'm careful about revealing personal information on the internet, seems like common sense. (lots of lurkers here too [and sometimes people's reflections on their lives come across as narcissistic to me]). At our music club (what are you listening to thread;) Endersgone and I try to find music that we both like, I think you'll like the album 'Lost Eden' by Asura the whole thing is on Youtube-- extremely captivating music. I've never been to Australia, have you been to the Great Barrier Reef?
    I enjoy Hans Zimmer's soundtrack for Angels and Demons, I've never seen Mission Impossible 2-- but this is the track that apparently plays when the protagonist receives an injection which saves his life. Really like this one! I like moody/unsettling/'dark' music, art, movies--- but I don't like how people on the forum describe dark/troubling emotional experiences seemingly all the time, I wish the people here were happier. The Thin Red Line has scenes of American troops massacring Vietnamese villagers, dying birds, great destruction. I had a very dark experience last time I watched it. *This* track is very uplifting though, I like listening to it when I'm in a good mood, it makes me feel even better : )

    No, not studying at the moment. I Was getting my theology degree for fun, but im on my own with my daighter and she's at an age that requires a lot of time and attention. I'll get back to college soon!
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