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  • I hope gloom is some new fangled video game and not the emotion--you fucking emo pussy. (no that wasn't my anonymous confession, haven't done one. rather it is an attempt at humor)

    *whimpers and corners*

    you like zombie a lot, huh. :|
    Really bionic because i thought he was british for the longest fucking time.
    Haha, well I have never been to one so I might be wrong about how I think I would feel. Honestly I wish I were not ENFP...but that's how it is. So you just move from person to person and learn about them under a time limit?
    I saw something about speed dating on the news...right away I thought there is no way I could handle that I'd probably start crying. But It must be beneficial cause it's really popular right?
    I'd give you a hug or something but, well. Anyway. I wanted to thank you for what you posted about me. I am sorry but I am not tech savvy or I would take you up on IM--or whatever. Have you thought that it is your birthday that is bringing about this sense of unhappiness?
    :D I am hooked now after watching the first 6 episodes. Especially since the wife beater got eaten. I like the cliff hangers, but the the plight of the characters almost brings me to tears at times. Like you're seriously gonna pick axe a live human in the head while he watches & begs you to stop, dude!? They stopped him, but... how can someone be that insensitive??
    Okay, I started watching the Walking Dead, and all the gore reminded me of you. If you haven't, you should check it out. I'm not in love with the writing, and the characters annoy me, but... dripping zombie guts, nomsayin?'
    Lol, I like how you say confront me if you want to be friends.

    Do I seem like the type to growl and demand friendship? ;P
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