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  • Is okay, beer drinking nose picker...stay away from your roomies stash LOL

    I feel the need to wander off...been trying to supress it but it is growing stronger and stronger..
    thought you'd like this:
    No, I didn't wait for long actually, but maybe that's because I went there really early in the morning. :p

    lol, I sense sarcasm.....or you're one of the rare ones who get excited for school. Which is it?
    Eh drunk foruming is like drunk texting, can be embarrassing the next morning, but it's always funny when it happens. :D

    Absolutely nothing! To be honest, I haven't had any concrete plans since the begining of my summer vacation. It's been all up in the air. Today however, I think I am going to library return some books and then go renew my driving license. Although, I just want to sit home a daydream all day. :p

    What about you? When are you going to be on vacation?
    Oh boy lol I am pretty sure there is a way to delete it, maybe somewhere in "Edit" or "Settings". Honestly though, it wasn't that bad at all. It was funny, but nothing to be ashamed of.. :)

    Edit: I see that you deleted it already. lol
    LOL, maybe you can find a way now that you're sober? :p

    what prompted the drunken night anyways?

    i think.

    isn't that the same as msn?
    i'm going ouuuuttttt for drinks, dinner and a movie with my sister and her friend soon :D you ?
    Haha, it does sound terribly cute.

    The same. I guess I've always had a thirst for brains, the only difference is that I was very much alive before. :p
    Chocolate chip cookies? Now I can rest at ease. :p

    Does that mean I get to be a zombie too now? :D
    Thanks. I wrote it last night. The words wouldn't leave me alone. It started as a blog post and evolved into what I posted.
    It is a very nice picture of you Zombie Nosepicker. You look like you have a brain and are using it. Besides, you don't look like the baby you are and without the hat, you can see your handsome face.
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