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    I can't give you any advice, but I'm actually sorry to hear that :/
    I really hope the situation you're in gets solved. I really wouldn't know what to do in your position, but I'm sure you don't deserve such a treatment.
    I'd confront him though.
    Good luck!
    Hee, its all good now. They let people back into the city but everyone is wearing surgical masks like there's a Sars epidemic. My house smells like a fire place and L.A hasn't smelled like this since the riots. Life has gotten VERY surreal lately. Two local firefighters died though which is really sad.
    To answer your question about being shunned. I'm accusted to be treat poorly for being different. Weather its furryness, vision, my tattoo and piercings, being an introvert. Its been a semi re-coring part of my life.
    Nu-uh MUCH closer. The next city over was evacuated and its sprinkling ashes here. They are doing their best to keep it from the houses and my Grief Support group was canceled because its being used as emergency shelter for people. Good times.
    *hugs* I am not on fire! But I've had like a million asthma attacks because the air is so crap and I'm forced to stay inside until the smoke clears a bit. I'm sooooooooo Bored. I'm sad I gave all my liquor away.
    Back to 7. I had an unexplained death a while ago. The crab molted successfully but apparently didn't have the strength to dig himself and his shell back to the surface. I found him shell-less on the surface. His shell was buried right below him. It was a pity, but it happens.

    I want more, but since money is tight I just troll craigslist for free or cheap crabs being given away.
    Glad tu hear that all seems well in the crab comminity. How many do you have, btw?
    h, yes, carpets...I remember them well. They don't last long with power wheelchairs, so had hardwood put in throughout years ago. No steam cleaning--you must be dying without the A/C!
    We're trying to get ready for the construction to start next Monday. Since they're removing a whole room, we've bwwn disassembling things and moving them out to the garagw. It's a little muts and will gwt worse during the construction, but it'll be worth it.

    How's by you?
    heh, thanks for the dear so and so thing :D funny how it can feel good to insult people you haven't seen for nearly five years
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