You Know You're An INFJ When....

You know you're an INFJ when a feeling hits you, and your brain finds a phrase that you've previously said when you expressed that feeling... and it's the entirely wrong phrase... because you're basing your expressions on the emotional intentions of yourself and of the person you're talking to.

Someone says, "I like your shirt!" You reply with "You too!" because their intention feels like when someone says "You are awesome for choosing the message on that shirt".... and then you realize you should have said "thanks".

Someone says, "What's up?" You reply with "Awesome!" because their emotional intent is the same as when someone says "How are you?"
You know you're an INFJ when a feeling hits you, and your brain finds a phrase that you've previously said when you expressed that feeling... and it's the entirely wrong phrase... because you're basing your expressions on the emotional intentions of yourself and of the person you're talking to.

Someone says, "I like your shirt!" You reply with "You too!" because their intention feels like when someone says "You are awesome for choosing the message on that shirt".... and then you realize you should have said "thanks".

Someone says, "What's up?" You reply with "Awesome!" because their emotional intent is the same as when someone says "How are you?"

Or someone says "What's up?" and you sit there, stumped at what to say and just let out a meaningful *grunt*. Or that same greeting actually causes anger since you know they don't really care and don't want to know, especially when it's said as they walk by and don't have time to spend listening to a real answer.

Maybe that's just the antisocial in me coming out...
you know you're an INFJ. . when the one you loves wants to walk away . . you put them in the deep freeze of your heart as soon as the words come out.
I always say, "You too!" Last time was to a ticket person at the movie theater who said, "Enjoy your show!"
Or that same greeting actually causes anger since you know they don't really care and don't want to know, especially when it's said as they walk by and don't have time to spend listening to a real answer.
I don't get angry I just stand there dumbfounded, looking like idiot. Suppose that's better than what I used to do. In the past when someone asked me how I was, I would actually try to tell them. Got some pretty weird looks when my answer was longer than two syllables.
I don't get angry I just stand there dumbfounded, looking like idiot. Suppose that's better than what I used to do. In the past when someone asked me how I was, I would actually try to tell them. Got some pretty weird looks when my answer was longer than two syllables.

Been there, done that too :)
Been there, done that too :)
I hate that.
I wouldn't ask that question if i was not willing to listen what they have to say.
So neither should they ask me that if they are not willing to listen.

It is as simple as that.
A couple signs:

When you have moments while driving where you totally leave planet earth, even while blasting music to help you to concentrate on present reality.

When you were 7 years old and wished you were 30 and married with children with the ideal career.

When you get a vibe off of someone that they are good, evil, or neutral, without any effort.

When your papers are written in flowy/flowery poetic language.

When life is the pits, you withdraw from the world into your own imagined world, which seems much better.

Even though you are generally well-liked by your peers, you never really felt like you fit in with them.

You wish people would think about how their actions influence others around them.

Often times, you wonder what would happen if you altered just one little event in your life and how it would impact the future.

You're a systems thinker. (Yay Ni-Ti loop!)

Some people and tests mistake you for an INTJ because you're a bookworm.

Theory is so fascinating... you want to learn it all and hug knowledge!

You've had a habit of putting a crush on a pedestal.

Omg.. story of my college life. All but about one of my college friends are like this...
You analyze your mistakes to no end and wonder if you had done/known x if it would have effected y. Everyday, for months, until you realise you will never know anyway.
Yup, lots of things I identify with in this thread.
You analyze your mistakes to no end and wonder if you had done/known x if it would have effected y. Everyday, for months, until you realise you will never know anyway.
Finally, I decided I won't do this anymore. Just make a mental note to check/do X next time. It's not effective but neither is languishing about it, really.
You know you're an INFJ when a feeling hits you, and your brain finds a phrase that you've previously said when you expressed that feeling... and it's the entirely wrong phrase... because you're basing your expressions on the emotional intentions of yourself and of the person you're talking to.

Someone says, "I like your shirt!" You reply with "You too!" because their intention feels like when someone says "You are awesome for choosing the message on that shirt".... and then you realize you should have said "thanks".

Someone says, "What's up?" You reply with "Awesome!" because their emotional intent is the same as when someone says "How are you?"

I remember when I was younger I did some work experience at the same place my dad works at and I met my dads boss who'd I'd met some time before (really nice guy in his forties about 5ft 2") while I was just popping in to say hi to my dad:

Boss: Hi [DX], how are you? wow you've really grown. : )
Me: Thanks, so have you : )
Dad: *standing behind his desk out of view of the boss facepalms*
Me: *freezes after realising what I just said
Boss: *smile cracked a little*

He kinda paused for a second but carried on being nice not taking it personally, he knew I didn't mean it but I was like "oh shit!, I can't believe I just did that!!!"

Which leads me on to a common one:

You know you're an INFJ when you're really hard on yourself if you make a social mistake and ESPECIALLY if you made it whilst talking to someone who's feeling really hurt emotionally and you care for them.

I know that translates to maybe one or two more types but it seems pretty prominent for INFJ's and it would make sense given the type description and what INFJ's tend to pride themselves on.
I'm kind of new to this 'perceiving myself as INFJ' but there's one thing that just popped into my mind:

When one of your friends is teasing another friend :mhula: and they go a little too far and you just KNOW an apology from the offending party:m107:would do wonders. But you can't decide whether to reprimand them:m051: because you don't want to change the focus onto what they did wrong:m075:, since the victim is the one who needs attention:m192:!

Complete with animated monkeys for your reading distraction.
I remember when I was younger I did some work experience at the same place my dad works at and I met my dads boss who'd I'd met some time before (really nice guy in his forties about 5ft 2") while I was just popping in to say hi to my dad:

Boss: Hi [DX], how are you? wow you've really grown. : )
Me: Thanks, so have you : )
Dad: *standing behind his desk out of view of the boss facepalms*
Me: *freezes after realising what I just said
Boss: *smile cracked a little*

He kinda paused for a second but carried on being nice not taking it personally, he knew I didn't mean it but I was like "oh shit!, I can't believe I just did that!!!"

Which leads me on to a common one:

You know you're an INFJ when you're really hard on yourself if you make a social mistake and ESPECIALLY if you made it whilst talking to someone who's feeling really hurt emotionally and you care for them.

I know that translates to maybe one or two more types but it seems pretty prominent for INFJ's and it would make sense given the type description and what INFJ's tend to pride themselves on.
Yup, and I have to pry the crowbar out of my own hands to stop myself from beating myself up about it. But in the moment, sometimes it can be really funny if you roll with it. Once he sees that you didn't intend it how it came out, you can...

...what am I thinking. I'm not in the situation. Of course it's going to be easy to think of cool, witty ways of turning it around, which will completely elude me when I'm actually there. ;.;
.. when you suddenly stop in the middle of the sentence because in your mind you already finished it and moved to the next topic.
New one:

You get pissed off at needing to go to a doctor because you know exactly what's wrong with you, what it's causing, why it's there, the symptoms, the root cause and the result of all of it. And you know the doctor is going to go through the whole song and dance when you go for the visit, despite what it is you tell him, then get stuck on some minor detail or side-effect that has nothing to do with the actual cause of the problem. Yet you need a doctor to put it in medical lingo to write you a prescription.
.. when you suddenly stop in the middle of the sentence because in your mind you already finished it and moved to the next topic.
Oh my word! This happens to me all the time. It's so bad that those close to me have gotten in the habit of finishing my sentences for me. Which of course is really annoying, when I'm simply pausing to retrieve just the right word. And even more irritating when they finish the sentence wrong!
.. when you suddenly stop in the middle of the sentence because in your mind you already finished it and moved to the next topic.

This would be why I had so much difficulty initially communicating with my ISFP friend because in my mind the rest of the sentence was clearly implied. :P