enigma Armed and Fabulous! MBTI infj Enneagram 1w9 Jan 31, 2009 #1 http://www.basicjokes.com/djoke.php?id=3288
Lurker Has nothing to destroy Retired Staff MBTI ♥ Enneagram ♥ Feb 1, 2009 #2 3 & 4 stumped me, I knew there was something more to them but couldn't work out what! Grr! I scored: 8 Engineer.
3 & 4 stumped me, I knew there was something more to them but couldn't work out what! Grr! I scored: 8 Engineer.
M mayflow Banned MBTI INFP Feb 1, 2009 #3 Mensa member. I missed number 3. "Wind up" was the trick that tricked me. *flogs self on blonde head - hey this is fun! *
Mensa member. I missed number 3. "Wind up" was the trick that tricked me. *flogs self on blonde head - hey this is fun! *