William Shatner & Leonard Nimoy


Most people associate him with his character on Star Trek. But i'm watching an interview show he hosts on the Biography Channel called Shatner's Raw Nerve. And it gives me a completely different picture of him compared to his work as an actor on tv. I really like his interview style.

Leonard Nimoy is also in the clip. How would you type them?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwjIQuGGV7M"]YouTube- ‪Leonard Nimoy on Shatner's Raw Nerve‬‎[/ame]
I would type them both as Legendarily Awesome.
Shatner's an ESFP. Nimoy is an NT---I read his second biography, I am Spock, sequel to I am not Spock---probably an ENTP.
Necromancing this thread. I just watched For the Love of Spock and my search for Leonard Nimoy's "type" let me here.

I don't doubt Shatner as being an ESFP, but I'm not certain and Leonard. At the end of the documentary several fellow actors were asked to describe him in one word and several said love.

I was touched by the relationship he had with his children. He threw himself into work so he didn't spend much time with them when they were young, and if you want to know more, then watch it on Netflix. :p

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I think Leonard Nimoy was for sure an F type which is what made him so good at playing a T type character.

Also, For The Love of Spock is a great movie!
skip to 1:00
I watched a doc called For Love of Spock.
Very interesting. It showed Nemoy as an incredibly focused man in regard to providing for his family. Actors had a different life back then.

On a side note I remember Star Trek was the only program I as a child was allowed to stay up and watch.
I watched a doc called For Love of Spock.
Very interesting. It showed Nemoy as an incredibly focused man in regard to providing for his family. Actors had a different life back then.
Yeah, that's the one. It's funny how I equate it to a non - fiction film instead of just calling it a documentary. :p