Why do we appear different types to others? | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

Why do we appear different types to others?

I am very ENFJ/ENTJ in work type settings. In social settings I can be a bit INTJ. And apparently I come off as ISTJ or ISFJ online. But I am not exactly sure why.
I act typically different according where I'm, what I do.
Typically online I'm much more childish, I wouldn't act like here normally. ( Way too embarrassing... >///> )

But ever so charming. :D
When I'm first meeting someone, or when I know someone REALLY well, I probably come across as more extroverted. I can by very social for short periods of time. I just can't keep it up.
I think all types get this really. It's probably just you changing to suit your mood and environment. Adapting to survive? (i.e. at work I'm an ESFP or ENFJ haha)
I think the best answer is that most ppl r dum. All of ur typing licenses should be revoked.

OMMGGG u r sooo rite!
Most of the time we're able to understand others, and it's less likely for others to understand us.

Personality Type Paradoxes - An I/ENFP example
These natural changes and growth in adults account for the apparent paradoxes we sometimes observe in people of all types. Development of the NeTe face of INFPs accounts for the "coolness" and "detachment" we sometimes observe in them. INFP mid-life changes, such as an increasing desire to organize and take charge of one's life or to stop being used as a doormat by others, are consistent with this developing outer NT. Some INFPs have become quite proficient in masking their "true feelings" with their NT face. This same facility in their ENFP cousins has them able to mimic ENTJ stereotypical behavior. They can assume control, take charge of a situation, make the hard decisions, and move on with their job. They can have masterly control over lawyer-speak, slicing careful nuances in meaning and logic. Even though they prefer Feeling over Thinking, they can become and are competent attorneys.The NeTe face on ENFPs and INFPs also explains why these two types are among the top four types having home pages on the Internet (From data on Doug Ingram's Personality Index page. The other two top four types are INTJ and INTP). While NFPs are people-oriented folks, many are drawn to latest technology and technological gadgetry of all sorts - which I ascribe to their extraverted NT face.
I relate to this a lot, especially in a work setting. I've often wondered why this is..

I would also agree with the article in that actual type is hidden and difficult to discern behind a mask-like persona that we show the world. It makes perfect sense for why people of the same type seem to have such drastically different personalities at the same time... that's why I think all this, "Type Me" business on the forum is pretty counterproductive... my 2cents.
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